PHP 8 New Features: A Guide for Developers

Mohammad Roshandelpoor
7 min readSep 21, 2023

PHP 8, the latest version of the popular programming language, has arrived with a host of exciting new features that promise to enhance the development experience for PHP developers. Whether you’re a seasoned PHP developer or just starting out, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the language to ensure you’re leveraging its full potential.

In this comprehensive guide, we will dive deep into the new features of PHP 8 and explore how they can benefit you as a developer. From the introduction of the JIT compiler to improvements in error handling and backward compatibility, PHP 8 brings a wealth of enhancements that will streamline your development process and make your code more efficient.

What’s new in PHP 8?

PHP 8 introduces several groundbreaking features that elevate the language to new heights. One of the most significant additions is the JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler. This compiler dynamically translates parts of PHP code into machine code, resulting in faster execution times and improved performance. With the JIT compiler, PHP can now compete with other languages in terms of speed and efficiency.

Another exciting feature in PHP 8 is the introduction of union types. Union types allow variables and function return types to be more flexible by accepting multiple types. This enables developers to write cleaner and more robust code, as they no longer need to rely on complex type checking and casting.

The JIT Compiler in PHP 8

The JIT (Just-In-Time) compiler in PHP 8 is a game-changer for the language. By dynamically translating parts of PHP code into machine code, the JIT compiler improves the performance of PHP applications. This means that your PHP code can now execute faster, rivaling the performance of other languages.

The JIT compiler works by analyzing the code at runtime and identifying hotspots that would benefit from compilation. It then compiles these hotspots into machine code, optimizing the execution and reducing the overhead of interpretation. This results in significant performance improvements, especially for computationally intensive tasks.

To enable the JIT compiler in PHP 8, you need to configure it in your PHP configuration file. By setting the opcache.jit_buffer_size and opcache.jit directives, you can control the size of the JIT buffer and enable or disable the JIT compiler, respectively. Experimenting with different settings and benchmarking your code will help you find the optimal configuration for your specific use cases.

Union Types in PHP 8

Union types are a powerful addition to PHP 8 that allows variables and function return types to accept multiple types. This means that instead of specifying a single type for a variable or return value, you can now define a union of multiple types. This flexibility makes your code more expressive and eliminates the need for complex type checking and casting.

To define a union type, you use the pipe (|) symbol to separate the types. For example, you can define a variable that accepts either an integer or a string like this: function foo(int|string $var). This allows the variable$var to be either an integer or a string, simplifying the code that operates on it.

Union types also support nullable types, allowing you to specify that a variable can be of a certain type or null. For example, function bar(int|null $var) defines a variable that can be either an integer or null. This is particularly useful for scenarios where a value may be optional or absent.

Named Arguments in PHP 8

Named arguments are a new feature introduced in PHP 8 that allows you to pass arguments to functions or methods by their name, rather than their position. This provides a more intuitive and expressive way of calling functions, especially when dealing with functions that have a large number of parameters or optional arguments.

To use named arguments, you simply specify the argument name followed by a colon (:) and the value. For example, myFunction(arg2: 'value2', arg1: 'value1') calls the function myFunction with the arguments arg1 and arg2 passed by name.

Named arguments also make it easier to understand the intention of the code, as the argument names provide context to the values being passed. This improves code readability and reduces the likelihood of passing arguments in the wrong order.

Match Expressions in PHP 8

Match expressions are a more powerful and concise alternative to the traditional switch statement. They allow you to perform pattern matching on a value and execute code based on the matched pattern. Match expressions are not only more expressive, but they also offer better type safety compared to switch statements.

A match expression consists of a value to match against and a series of patterns with corresponding code blocks. When a match expression is evaluated, PHP checks each pattern sequentially until it finds a match. Once a match is found, the corresponding code block is executed, and the evaluation of the match expression terminates.

Match expressions support various patterns, including literal values, type checks, and conditions. This allows you to handle different cases in a more concise and readable manner. Additionally, match expressions enforce exhaustiveness checking, ensuring that all possible cases are covered.

Nullsafe Operator in PHP 8

The nullsafe operator (?->) is a new addition to PHP 8 that provides a convenient way to access the properties and methods of an object when it may be null. This operator eliminates the need for verbose null checks and reduces the likelihood of null-related errors.

To use the nullsafe operator, simply chain it after an object or method call. If the object is null, the entire expression evaluates to null without throwing an error. For example, $result = $object?->getProperty()?->method() safely accesses the property getProperty() of $object and calls the method method() if the property exists.

The nullsafe operator is particularly useful when dealing with nested objects or when accessing properties or methods on objects returned from function calls. It allows you to gracefully handle situations where an object may be null without resorting to complex null checks.

Attributes in PHP 8

Attributes, also known as annotations in other programming languages, are a new feature in PHP 8 that allows you to add metadata to your code. Attributes provide a way to attach additional information to classes, methods, properties, and other code elements, which can be used by frameworks, libraries, or tools to perform various tasks.

To define an attribute, you use the #[AttributeName] syntax. For example, #[Route('/api/users')] defines an attribute named Route with a parameter /api/users. You can attach attributes to classes, methods, or properties by placing them immediately before the code element declaration.

Attributes can be used for a variety of purposes, such as routing, validation, serialization, dependency injection, and more. They provide a declarative way to add behavior or metadata to your code without cluttering it with additional method calls or configuration.

Error Handling Improvements in PHP 8

PHP 8 introduces several improvements to error handling that make it easier to write robust and reliable code. One of the key improvements is the addition of the Throwable interface, which unifies the handling of exceptions and errors. This allows you to catch both exceptions and errors with a single catch block.

Additionally, PHP 8 introduces a new str_contains() function, which provides a more intuitive way to check if a string contains another string. This function simplifies the code for string manipulation and improves code readability.

Furthermore, PHP 8 introduces the get_debug_type() function, which returns the debug type of a variable. This function provides a more accurate representation of the variable's type, including union types and other PHP 8-specific type features.

Backward Compatibility in PHP 8

While PHP 8 brings exciting new features and improvements, it’s important to consider backward compatibility when upgrading your codebase. PHP 8 introduces several backward-incompatible changes that may require modifications to your existing code.

To ensure a smooth transition to PHP 8, it’s recommended to perform thorough testing and use tools like the PHP Compatibility Analyzer to identify potential issues in your code. Additionally, you can consult the PHP manual and migration guides for detailed information on the changes introduced in PHP 8 and how they may affect your code.

Upgrading to PHP 8

Upgrading to PHP 8 can be an exciting and rewarding experience for developers. However, it’s important to plan the upgrade carefully to minimize any potential disruptions or compatibility issues.

Before upgrading, make sure to thoroughly test your codebase to identify any compatibility issues or deprecated features. It’s also a good idea to consult the official PHP documentation and migration guides for detailed instructions on how to upgrade your code to PHP 8.

Additionally, consider using a version control system to manage the upgrade process, allowing you to easily roll back to a previous version in case of any unforeseen issues. Finally, keep in mind that upgrading to PHP 8 may also require updating your dependencies and ensuring they are compatible with the new version.


PHP 8 brings a plethora of exciting new features and improvements that empower developers to write cleaner, faster, and more expressive code. From the powerful JIT compiler to the flexibility of union types and the convenience of named arguments and match expressions, PHP 8 introduces enhancements that streamline the development process and improve code quality.

However, it’s important to approach the upgrade to PHP 8 with caution. Consider the backward compatibility changes and thoroughly test your code to ensure a smooth transition. By taking the time to understand the new features and plan the upgrade process carefully, you can unlock the full potential of PHP 8 and take your development skills to new heights.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into PHP 8 and explore the exciting new features that await you. Upgrade your development toolkit and embrace the future of PHP programming. Happy coding!

CTA: Upgrade your development skills with PHP 8 and unlock the full potential of the language. Explore the new features and enhancements and take your code to the next level. Upgrade now and embrace the future of PHP programming.

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Mohammad Roshandelpoor

Software Engineer | Laravel | PHP | Nuxt | Vue | with over 10 years of experience, have a deep understanding of software architecture