Monitoring and Error Tracking in Laravel

Mohammad Roshandelpoor
7 min readApr 13, 2024

As a developer, ensuring the stability and reliability of your Laravel applications is of utmost importance. No matter how well you code, errors and bugs are inevitable. That’s where application monitoring and error tracking come into play. By effectively monitoring your application and tracking errors, you can identify and resolve issues before they impact the end users. In this comprehensive guide, I will walk you through the process of using Sentry, a powerful error-tracking and monitoring tool, in Laravel.

The Importance of Application Monitoring and Error Tracking in Laravel

When it comes to developing Laravel applications, it is crucial to have a robust application monitoring and error-tracking strategy in place. By monitoring your application, you can gain insights into its performance, detect bottlenecks, and optimize its overall efficiency. Error tracking, on the other hand, allows you to identify and resolve issues that may arise during the application’s lifecycle. This proactive approach not only helps in maintaining the stability of your application but also enhances the user experience.

Overview of Sentry and Its Features

Sentry is a widely used open-source error tracking and monitoring tool that provides comprehensive insights into the health and performance of your Laravel applications. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Sentry allows you to track errors in real-time, receive instant notifications, and gain valuable insights into the root causes of issues. Some of the key features offered by Sentry include error grouping, issue resolution workflow, performance monitoring, and customizable dashboards. By leveraging these features, you can efficiently monitor and track errors in your Laravel applications.

Setting up Sentry in Laravel

Now that you understand the importance of application monitoring and error tracking, let’s dive into setting up Sentry in your Laravel application. The first step is to create a Sentry account and obtain your unique API key. Once you have the API key, you can install the Sentry Laravel package using Composer. After installation, you will need to configure the package by adding your API key to the .env file. Additionally, you can customize various settings according to your requirements, such as the release tracking and user context. Once the setup is complete, you are ready to start monitoring and tracking errors in your Laravel application with Sentry.

// Add the Sentry SDK to your Laravel project via Composer
composer require sentry/sentry-laravel

// After installation, update your .env file with your Sentry DSN

Configuring Error Reporting and Monitoring in Laravel with Sentry

With Sentry successfully integrated into your Laravel application, it’s time to configure error reporting and monitoring. Sentry provides a seamless integration with Laravel’s error-handling mechanism, allowing you to capture and report errors automatically. You can configure the level of detail you want to capture, such as stack traces and request information. Additionally, Sentry provides options to filter out specific errors or exclude certain URLs from being monitored. By fine-tuning these configurations, you can ensure that only relevant errors are tracked, minimizing noise and false positives.

// Publish the Sentry configuration file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sentry\Laravel\ServiceProvider"

// Update your app/Exceptions/Handler.php to report exceptions to Sentry
use Sentry\State\Scope;

public function report(Throwable $exception)
if (app()->bound('sentry') && $this->shouldReport($exception)) {
app('sentry')->configureScope(function (Scope $scope) {
// You can set user context here if desired
// $scope->setUser(['email' => auth()->user()->email]);



Using Sentry for Real-Time Error Tracking and Notifications

One of the standout features of Sentry is its ability to track errors in real time and provide instant notifications. Whenever an error occurs in your Laravel application, Sentry captures and categorizes it based on various factors such as error type, frequency, and user impact. You can view these errors in the Sentry dashboard, where they are grouped and organized for easy analysis. Sentry also provides various notification channels, such as email, Slack, and PagerDuty, allowing you to receive instant alerts whenever a new error is detected. This real-time error tracking and notification system ensures that you are always aware of any issues in your Laravel application.

Utilizing Sentry’s Error Grouping and Issue Resolution Features

As your Laravel application grows, the number of errors can quickly become overwhelming. This is where Sentry’s error grouping and issue resolution features come into play. Sentry automatically groups similar errors, allowing you to identify patterns and prioritize the most critical issues. You can assign errors to specific team members, add comments, and track the progress of issue resolution. Additionally, Sentry provides a powerful search functionality that allows you to filter and search for specific errors based on various criteria. These features enable effective collaboration and streamline the process of resolving errors in your Laravel application.

try {
// Attempt to authenticate the user
$user = Auth::attempt($credentials);

if (!$user) {
// Throw an exception for invalid credentials
throw new AuthenticationException("Invalid Credentials");

// Check if the user's account is locked out
if ($user->isLockedOut()) {
// Throw an exception for locked out accounts
throw new AuthenticationException("Account Locked Out");

// User authentication successful
return $user;
} catch (AuthenticationException $e) {
// Log the authentication error to Sentry

// Handle the error based on its type
switch ($e->getMessage()) {
case "Invalid Credentials":
// Display an error message to the user
return redirect()
->with('error', 'Invalid email or password.');
case "Account Locked Out":
// Display a different error message for locked out accounts
return redirect()
->with('error', 'Your account is temporarily
locked out.
Please try again later.');
// Handle any other authentication errors
return redirect()
->with('error', 'An unexpected error occurred.
Please try again later.');

Integrating Performance Monitoring with Sentry in Laravel

Apart from error tracking, Sentry also offers performance monitoring capabilities for your Laravel applications. By integrating performance monitoring, you can gain insights into the overall performance of your application, identify slow requests, and optimize database queries. Sentry captures performance data, such as response times, memory usage, and CPU usage, allowing you to pinpoint performance bottlenecks and optimize your code accordingly. With this holistic approach to monitoring, you can ensure that your Laravel application not only functions correctly, but also performs optimally.

Advanced Features and Customization Options in Sentry for Laravel

Sentry offers a wide range of advanced features and customization options to cater to your specific requirements in Laravel. You can configure custom error reporting rules, set up custom event listeners, and customize the dashboard to display the metrics that matter the most to you. Sentry also provides integrations with popular tools and services, such as GitHub, Jira, and Slack, allowing you to streamline your development workflow. By exploring these advanced features and customization options, you can leverage the full potential of Sentry and enhance your application monitoring and error-tracking capabilities in Laravel.

Best Practices for Application Monitoring and Error Tracking with Sentry in Laravel

To maximize the effectiveness of application monitoring and error tracking with Sentry in Laravel, it is essential to follow some best practices. Firstly, it is crucial to prioritize and resolve critical errors promptly to minimize their impact on your users. Regularly reviewing and analyzing error data can help identify recurring issues and improve the overall stability of your application. Additionally, leveraging the collaboration features of Sentry, such as assigning errors to team members and adding comments, can enhance the efficiency of issue resolution. Lastly, regularly updating and maintaining your Laravel application, along with keeping Sentry up to date, ensures compatibility and the availability of the latest features and bug fixes.

// Sample function in your Laravel controller handling checkout process
public function checkout(Request $request)
try {
// Process the checkout logic
$order = $this->processCheckout($request);

// Send order confirmation email to the user
->send(new OrderConfirmationMail($order));

// Return success response
return response()
->json(['message' => 'Order placed successfully']);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Log the error to Sentry

// Send error notification to the development team

// Return error response
return response()->json(['error' => 'An unexpected error occurred.
Please try again later.'], 500);

// Function to notify developers about errors
private function notifyDevelopers($exception)
// Get the Sentry event ID to reference in notifications
$eventId = app('sentry')->getLastEventId();

// Send a notification to developers via email or Slack
Notification::route('mail', '')
->notify(new ErrorNotification($exception, $eventId));

// Sample artisan command for periodic error review
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)


In conclusion, mastering application monitoring and error tracking in Laravel is essential for ensuring the stability and reliability of your applications. By utilizing Sentry, a powerful error-tracking and monitoring tool, you can effectively monitor your application and track errors in real time. With features such as error grouping, issue resolution workflow, and performance monitoring, Sentry provides comprehensive insights into the health and performance of your Laravel applications. By following best practices and leveraging the advanced features and customization options offered by Sentry, you can enhance your application monitoring and error-tracking capabilities, providing an exceptional user experience. So, get started with Sentry in Laravel and take your application monitoring and error tracking to the next level!

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Mohammad Roshandelpoor

Software Engineer | Laravel | PHP | Nuxt | Vue | with over 10 years of experience, have a deep understanding of software architecture