Test Driven Development (TDD) in Laravel

Mohammad Roshandelpoor
10 min readFeb 8, 2024


Test-driven development (TDD) is a powerful technique that allows developers to write robust and reliable code. In the Laravel framework, TDD plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and maintainability of applications. By following a systematic process of writing tests before writing the actual code, developers can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their development workflow.

In this article, we will explore the key principles and practices of test-driven development in Laravel. We will cover everything from choosing a testing framework to writing test cases, running tests, and writing the code that makes the tests pass. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid understanding of how to apply TDD to your Laravel projects and elevate your development skills to the next level.

Table of Contents

  1. Choose a Testing Framework
  2. Set Up the Testing Environment
  3. Write Test Cases
  4. Run the Tests
  5. Write the Code
  6. Repeat the Process
  7. Testing API Endpoints
  8. Testing Database Operations
  9. Testing Authentication and Authorization
  10. Testing File Uploads and Processing
  11. Testing Background Jobs
  12. Testing Third-Party Integrations

1. Choose a Testing Framework

Choosing the right testing framework is essential for successful test-driven development in Laravel. While Laravel comes with two built-in testing frameworks, PHPUnit and Laravel Dusk, you can also use other frameworks like Pest, Codeception, or Behat. Consider your project requirements and preferences when selecting a framework.

- Benefits of PHPUnit

PHPUnit is a popular framework for unit testing and integration testing in Laravel. It provides a wide range of assertion methods and testing utilities, making it suitable for testing individual components and interactions between different parts of your application. PHPUnit is highly extensible and integrates seamlessly with Laravel’s testing features.

- Benefits of Laravel Dusk

Laravel Dusk is a browser automation tool for end-to-end testing in Laravel. It allows you to simulate user interactions and test your application’s behavior in a real browser environment. Laravel Dusk provides a simple and expressive API for writing browser tests, making it easier to test complex frontend interactions and workflows.

- Other Testing Frameworks

In addition to PHPUnit and Laravel Dusk, you can explore other testing frameworks like Pest, Codeception, or Behat. These frameworks offer unique features and syntaxes that may better suit your testing needs. Consider factors such as community support, documentation, and ease of use when evaluating these frameworks.

2. Set Up the Testing Environment

Before diving into writing tests, it is crucial to set up the testing environment for your Laravel project. This involves creating a separate database for testing, configuring the .env.testing file, and running migrations and seeders. By isolating the testing environment from the production environment, you can avoid accidental modifications or deletions of data or files.

- Creating a Testing Database

To create a separate database for testing, you can use Laravel’s built-in database migration and seeding features. Run the following command to create a testing database:

php artisan migrate --database=testing

- Configuring the .env.testing File

The .env.testing file is used to configure the testing environment settings for your Laravel project. Make sure to set the DB_CONNECTION, DB_DATABASE, and other relevant database configuration variables to match your testing database.

- Running Migrations and Seeders

To set up the necessary tables and seed the testing database with data, run the following command:

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed --database=testing

3. Write Test Cases

Writing test cases is the core of test-driven development in Laravel. Test cases are sets of instructions that verify if specific features or functionalities of your code work as expected. By writing tests before writing the actual code, you can ensure that your code meets the desired requirements and specifications.

- Anatomy of a Test Case

A typical test case consists of three main parts: the Arrange phase, the Act phase, and the Assert phase. In the Arrange phase, you set up the necessary preconditions and inputs for the test. In the Act phase, you execute the code being tested. In the Assert phase, you verify the expected outcomes and compare them with the actual results.

- Testing CRUD Operations

When writing test cases for Laravel applications, it is common to focus on testing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. For example, you can write tests to ensure that creating a new record, retrieving records, updating records, and deleting records all function correctly.

- Using Laravel’s Testing Utilities

Laravel provides a rich set of testing utilities and assertions that make it easier to write expressive and meaningful tests. These utilities include methods for making HTTP requests, interacting with forms, asserting database records, and asserting JSON responses. Familiarize yourself with these utilities to write more effective and efficient tests.

4. Run the Tests

Running tests is an essential step in the test-driven development process. Laravel provides a convenient command-line tool, PHPUnit, for running your tests. By executing the appropriate PHPUnit command, you can run all your tests or specific groups or classes of tests.

- Running All Tests

To run all your tests, use the following command:

php artisan test

This command will execute all the tests in your Laravel project and provide you with the test results, including the number of tests run, assertions made, and any failures or errors encountered.

- Running Specific Tests

If you want to run specific groups or classes of tests, you can use PHPUnit’s filtering options. For example, to run only the tests in a specific test class, use the following command:

php artisan test --filter=ClassName

Replace ClassName with the name of the test class you want to run. This command will execute only the tests in that class.

- Continuous Integration

In a continuous integration (CI) environment, you can automate the execution of tests whenever there is a code change. Services like GitHub Actions, Travis CI, or CircleCI can be configured to monitor your code repository and run tests automatically after each commit or pull request. This helps ensure that your codebase remains stable and error-free.

5. Write the Code

After writing and running the tests, it’s time to write the code that makes the tests pass. Following the principles of test-driven development, you should only write the code that is necessary to satisfy the tests. This approach ensures that your codebase remains focused and free from unnecessary or untested code.

- Iterative Development

Test-driven development promotes an iterative development process. After writing the code to pass one test, you move on to the next test and repeat the cycle. This iterative approach allows you to build your application incrementally, with each test and code implementation building upon the previous ones.

- Refactoring

As you write the code to make the tests pass, you may identify opportunities for refactoring. Refactoring is the process of improving the design, structure, or performance of your code without changing its external behavior. By continuously refactoring your code, you can improve its readability, maintainability, and performance.

6. Repeat the Process

Test-driven development is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process. After completing the initial set of tests and code implementations, you should continue to write new tests and refine existing tests as your application evolves. This iterative process helps maintain the quality and reliability of your codebase.

- Adding New Features

When adding new features to your Laravel project, start by writing tests for the desired behavior of the new feature. By following the test-driven development process, you can ensure that the new feature is properly tested and integrated into your codebase.

- Modifying Existing Code

When modifying existing code, it is essential to update the corresponding tests to reflect the changes. By running the tests after making modifications, you can quickly identify any regressions or unintended side effects introduced by the changes.

- Test Coverage

Monitoring the test coverage of your Laravel project is crucial for ensuring comprehensive testing. Test coverage measures the percentage of your codebase that is covered by tests. Aim for high test coverage to minimize the risk of undiscovered bugs and improve the overall quality of your application.

7. Testing API Endpoints

In Laravel applications, API endpoints play a vital role in interacting with external systems or providing data to Frontend applications. Testing API endpoints ensures that they respond correctly and handle various scenarios, such as authentication, validation, and error handling.

- Testing API Routes

To test API endpoints in Laravel, you can use Laravel’s built-in testing utilities, such as the get, post, put, and delete methods. These methods allow you to make HTTP requests to your API routes and assert the expected responses.

- Authentication and Authorization

When testing API endpoints that require authentication or authorization, you need to simulate the authentication or authorization process. Laravel provides methods for mocking authenticated users and setting up the necessary permissions or roles for testing authorization.

- Testing Request Validation

Laravel’s request validation feature ensures that incoming requests meet specific validation rules. When testing API endpoints that involve request validation, you should write tests to cover both valid and invalid request scenarios. Assert that the response contains the appropriate validation error messages.

8. Testing Database Operations

Database operations are a critical aspect of most Laravel applications. Testing database operations ensures that your application correctly interacts with the database, including creating, reading, updating, and deleting records.

- Using a Testing Database

When writing tests that involve database operations, it is essential to use a separate testing database. This ensures that your tests do not interfere with your production or development databases. Laravel provides convenient methods for specifying the database connection to use during testing.

- Seeding the Testing Database

To ensure that your testing database contains the necessary data for your tests, you can use Laravel’s database seeding feature. Seeding allows you to populate your database with predefined data before running the tests. This ensures consistent and predictable results during testing.

- Testing Query Scopes

Laravel’s query scopes provide a convenient way to encapsulate reusable query logic. When testing query scopes, you should write tests to cover different scenarios and assert the expected results. This ensures that your query scopes return the correct data based on the specified conditions.

9. Testing Authentication and Authorization

Authentication and authorization are crucial aspects of many Laravel applications. Testing these functionalities ensures that user authentication and authorization work as intended, protecting your application’s resources and data.

- Simulating User Authentication

To test authentication-related functionality, you can simulate user authentication by creating mock user instances or using Laravel’s built-in authentication testing utilities. These utilities allow you to authenticate users for testing specific actions or routes.

- Testing Authorization

Authorization testing involves ensuring that the appropriate permissions or roles are enforced for specific actions or resources. Laravel provides methods for mocking authorization checks and asserting that the correct authorization outcomes are achieved.

- Testing Middleware

Middleware plays a significant role in authenticating and authorizing requests in Laravel applications. When testing middleware, you should write tests to cover different scenarios and assert that the desired middleware behavior is achieved.

10. Testing File Uploads and Processing

File uploads and processing are common features in Laravel applications. Testing file uploads ensures that your application correctly handles file uploads, validates file types and sizes, and processes uploaded files as expected.

- Simulating File Uploads

To test file uploads, you can simulate file uploads by creating mock file instances or using Laravel’s built-in file upload testing utilities. These utilities allow you to simulate file uploads and assert that the uploaded files are processed correctly.

- Validating File Uploads

When testing file uploads, it is essential to validate that the uploaded files meet specific requirements, such as file type and size constraints. Write tests to cover different scenarios and assert that the appropriate validation rules are enforced.

- Testing File Processing

If your application performs additional processing on uploaded files, such as image resizing or conversion, it is crucial to test this functionality. Write tests to cover different processing scenarios and assert that the processed files meet the expected criteria.

11. Testing Background Jobs

Background jobs, such as queue workers or scheduled tasks, are critical components of many Laravel applications. Testing background jobs ensures that they are executed correctly, produce the desired outcomes, and handle failures gracefully.

- Testing Queue Workers

When testing queue workers, you should write tests to cover different job types and assert that the jobs are processed correctly. Use Laravel’s testing utilities to push jobs to the queue and assert the expected results.

- Testing Scheduled Tasks

Scheduled tasks, such as cron jobs, play a vital role in automating recurring tasks in Laravel applications. When testing scheduled tasks, write tests to cover different scheduling scenarios and assert that the tasks are executed at the expected times and produce the desired outcomes.

- Handling Failures and Retries

Background jobs may encounter failures or need to be retried in certain situations. Write tests to cover failure scenarios and assert that the jobs are retried as expected. Ensure that appropriate error handling and logging mechanisms are in place.

12. Testing Third-Party Integrations

Many Laravel applications rely on third-party integrations, such as payment gateways, email services, or external APIs. Testing these integrations ensures that your application interacts correctly with these services and handles various response scenarios.

- Mocking External Services

To test code that interacts with external services, it is often beneficial to mock these services. Mocking allows you to simulate the behavior and responses of the external services, ensuring predictable and controlled testing environments.

- Writing Test Doubles

In some cases, you may need to write custom test doubles, such as fake implementations of external services or API clients. These test doubles can be tailored to meet the specific testing requirements of your application and provide more control over the testing process.

- Testing Response Handling

When testing third-party integrations, it is important to cover different response scenarios, such as successful responses, error responses, and rate limiting. Write tests to simulate these scenarios and assert that your application handles the responses correctly.


In this comprehensive guide, we have explored the key principles and practices of test-driven development in Laravel. We have covered everything from choosing a testing framework to writing test cases, running tests, and testing various aspects of Laravel applications. By following the principles of test-driven development and leveraging Laravel’s testing features, you can ensure the quality, reliability, and maintainability of your Laravel projects. Embrace test-driven development as a core part of your development workflow, and unleash the full potential of Laravel in building robust and scalable applications.

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Mohammad Roshandelpoor

Software Engineer | Laravel | PHP | Nuxt | Vue | with over 10 years of experience, have a deep understanding of software architecture