Understanding the Different Types of Indexes in MySQL

Mohammad Roshandelpoor
6 min readMar 7, 2024


MySQL indexes are integral to enhancing database performance, enabling the rapid search and retrieval of records from tables. They function by building a data structure that allows for quick lookups, thus avoiding the need for full table scans, which can be time-consuming, especially within large databases. Such optimization is crucial, as, without indexes, every query would necessitate scanning the entire table to find relevant rows, significantly impeding the efficiency of the database.

These indexes, which are not visible to end users, can be comprised of single or multiple columns and vary in type, including B-Tree, Hash, Full-Text, and Spatial indexes. They are often created explicitly with the CREATE INDEX statement or implicitly during table creation or alteration, providing a scaffolding that supports the rapid execution of SQL queries and data management operations.

Simple Index

A simple index in MySQL is an essential tool for optimizing database queries by allowing faster access to data through a structured path. Here’s how they function and impact database operations:

  • Optimization of Data Retrieval: By creating an index on frequently searched columns, a simple index can significantly speed up the process of finding specific data values within those columns.
  • Handling of Duplicate Values: Unlike unique indexes, a simple index does not enforce uniqueness, allowing for duplicate values to exist within the indexed column. This makes it suitable for columns where uniqueness is not a requirement.
  • Impact on Database Operations:
    - Query Speed:
    Simple indexes enhance the speed of data queries by quickly identifying rows with specific column values, which is especially beneficial when the dataset is large.
    - Modification Overhead: While they improve read operations, simple indexes can slow down write operations such as insertions, deletions, and updates, as the index itself must be modified to reflect the changes.
  • Use Cases and Limitations:
    - Effective for Large Queries:
    They are less beneficial for small tables or when queries process a large portion of the rows, where reading sequentially might be more efficient than using an index.
    - Versatility in Operations: Simple indexes assist in various database operations, from finding minimum or maximum values to aiding in sorting and grouping, and sometimes even allowing the database to skip consulting the data rows entirely (covering index).

By understanding the characteristics and appropriate use of simple indexes, database administrators can make informed decisions about when and where to implement them to optimize performance without compromising the efficiency of write operations.

Unique Index

  • Ensuring Data Uniqueness:
    A unique index in MySQL plays a pivotal role in maintaining data integrity by ensuring that all values in the indexed column(s) are distinct.
    - With the command CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table_name (index_column1, index_column2,...), a unique index is established, creating an entry for each distinct value found in the indexed columns.
    - In the event of attempting to insert or update a duplicate value in a column with a unique index, MySQL will reject the change and return an error, thereby preserving the uniqueness of the data.
  • Operational Flexibility:
    MySQL provides the flexibility of having more than one unique index per table, which allows for multiple columns to be independently ensured for uniqueness.
    - Even though NULL values are generally considered non-distinct in many databases, MySQL treats NULL values as distinct, allowing multiple NULLs within a unique index column.
    - Unique indexes can be implicitly created when a UNIQUE constraint is specified in the table, with MySQL automatically generating a unique index in the background.
  • Management and Maintenance:
    Administrators have the option to drop a unique index that becomes unnecessary using the ALTER TABLE statement combined with DROP INDEX, followed by the index name.
    - It’s important to note that while a unique index and a primary key both enforce uniqueness, the primary key specifically disallows NULL values and serves as a unique identifier for table rows.

Primary Key Index

  • Unique Identifier: Each record in a MySQL table is typically assigned a primary key, which uniquely identifies the record. This primary

Fulltext Index

Full-text Indexes in MySQL serve a vital role in enabling efficient text-based searches, specifically tailored for MyISAM and InnoDB table types. They are particularly adept at handling VARCHAR, CHAR, and TEXT columns, providing a robust mechanism for rapid retrieval of distinct words within a field. The creation and management of these indexes are straightforward:

  • Creation and Implementation:
    Full-text indexes can be established during the initial table creation with the CREATE TABLE the statement or added later using ALTER TABLE or CREATE INDEX commands.
    - The search functionality is executed through the MATCH() ... AGAINST() syntax, which allows for a seamless full-text search experience.
  • Index Structure and Search Types:
    InnoDB full-text indexes utilize an inverted index design, which includes a list of words and, for each word, a corresponding list of documents containing that word.
    - There are three primary search types available:
    — Natural Language Search: This mode interprets the search string as a human language phrase, returning the most relevant results.
    — Boolean Search: Allows for advanced searches using boolean operators like +, -, and others.
    — Query Expansion Search: It enhances a natural language search by adding the most relevant words from initial search results to the search string for a secondary search.
  • Operational Dynamics and Monitoring:
    The index management includes auxiliary and common index tables; the former stores tokenized words with position information, while the latter is shared across all full-text indexes within a table.
    - Special INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are available to monitor the text-processing aspects, ensuring transparency and control over the full-text indexing process.
    - MySQL ensures that updates and insertions to full-text indexed columns are processed at transaction commit time, which means full-text searches only see committed data, maintaining data integrity.

Descending Index

Descending indexes in MySQL are designed to enhance query performance by storing key values in reverse order. This feature, introduced in MySQL 8.0, brings several benefits and operational considerations:

  • Efficiency in Data Retrieval:
    Descending indexes are optimized for forward scanning, which is inherently more efficient than scanning in reverse.
    - They allow the optimizer to utilize multi-column indexes effectively, even when columns are indexed in a mix of ascending and descending orders.
  • Support and Limitations:
    Supported exclusively by the InnoDB storage engine, descending indexes come with certain restrictions, such as the absence of change buffering for secondary indexes that include descending key columns.
    - These indexes cater to all data types that support ascending indexes and apply to both ordinary and generated columns — VIRTUAL and STORED alike.
  • Operational Impact:
    Descending indexes are leveraged by the optimizer for ORDER BY clauses, which can circumvent the need for costly filesort operations.
    - While beneficial for range scan access methods, not every range scan method uses descending key parts.
    - They are not applicable for MIN()/MAX() optimizations in queries without GROUP BY clauses, nor are they compatible with HASH, FULLTEXT, or SPATIAL indexes.

Descending indexes mark a significant advancement in MySQL, particularly for queries that prioritize the retrieval of the most recently added data, thus streamlining performance. However, it’s important to note that before MySQL 8.0, while the DESC keyword was recognized in index definitions, it was not functionally supported, and all indexes were created in ascending order. The introduction of descending indexes in MySQL 8.0 now empowers InnoDB to store entries in descending order when requested by a query, offering a tangible performance boost by eliminating unnecessary sorting.


Throughout this exploration of MySQL indexes, we have delved into the different types and their unique roles, from the swift data retrieval offered by simple indexes to the data integrity assured by unique indexes. The discussion underscored indexes' profound impact on database performance, whether through the meticulous organization of full-text searches or the optimization afforded by descending indexes. Moreover, we have illuminated the operational nuances and maintenance considerations, all aimed at empowering users with the knowledge to employ indexes effectively in their database environments.

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Mohammad Roshandelpoor

Software Engineer | Laravel | PHP | Nuxt | Vue | with over 10 years of experience, have a deep understanding of software architecture