
Mohammad Arslan
4 min readMay 31, 2019


Hira Javed. The picture was taken at Takht-i-Bahi. Picture credits to the author.

When I registered myself for the Foster fellowship program. I received a message mentioning that my interview will be held in IM Sciences. So, on the interview date, I went to IM Sciences Institute Peshawar. Where I was informed that it was not IM Sciences Institute rather it’s IM Sciences department Univesity of Peshawar. OK! So I rushed towards UOP as I was late.

When I reached there. I found Shahryar (foster fellow) there sitting for the interview. So I joined him and started waiting for the interview. After a while, 3 boys and a girl left the room. But the girl stayed behind and said Assalam-o-Alaikum in such an energetic way that one could tell she really wants to discharge her batteries. Anyhow she invited us into the room.

She was about 5-5 or 5-6 in height, thin, wearing a blue color dress. Open hairs, a bright smile on her face, pink lipstick which was just to fill in the blanks. Because lipstick was less on lips and more on the borders of the lips. From here I learned one thing about this girl she doesn’t care about her looks. She is too comfortable in what she is. And I was impressed because I rarely have seen girls comfortable with who they are. Her dupatta was on her left shoulder trying to survive the great fall and as her dupatta would give up on his life and would slip from her shoulder. Heroin’s hand would come and rescue her.

On first sight, anyone could tell that she was the “Lahore de Kure”. I thought she may be the helper or secretary of the Foster team to assist them. I was expecting more people in the class. When we went inside the class. I found a bunch of empty chairs only. No human soul. Ohkay, Where is everybody? There comes the same girl rescuing her dupatta. Sat in front of us. Introduced us as “Hira Javed”. She told us to introduce ourselves one by one. So we did. She took a laptop and put it on her lap. Now the laptop started escaping her lap. It would slip. And as it would start slowly slipping her lap so does her fingers would move with keyboards. And at the verge of the fall from her lap. Her fingers would leave keyboards and would grab the laptop. They would adjust it again and take their positions back on keyboards.

This happened a few times. And every time the laptop goes at the verge of her lap suspense in the class would increase. We have held our breaths and wouldn’t want to miss this sight of the great fall of laptop. Now this girl who introduced her as Hira who’s dupatta and laptop were trying to escape her realized that it can’t go further like this. So she grabbed a nearby chair who had a writing arm and put her laptop at the top of it. And in this way suspense that lasted for a minute or so had ended.

Selfie with Foster Fellows.

This very same girl took our majority of sessions. I found her very energetic. Never ending energy. I presumed that she must take a good diet that’s maybe the reason. But turn out she didn’t. So I presumed that she was ill and that she has the disease of being super energetic.

And that’s not it. She was fearless. OMG! she really was. How I came to know? Good question. We planned a sudden trip to Torkam Border. We got two cars and a bunch of people. So people were divided and adjusted into two cars. I become the driver of the one car while Nabi other foster fellow become the driver of the other car. Hira joined Nabi.

While going towards Torkham we had a few little races just for the thrill. We didn’t know that we were warming ourselves for the way back. So after visiting Torkham when we left for Peshawar. Race started. Just to let you know Torkham roads are carpeted, two way and zigzag. Throughout the journey, you come across blind turns. The race started and going through the zigzag road would actually make us high.

Fellow riders become so frightened that one of the fellows who worked at Paraplegic center called it’s center and told them to reserve 12 beds. There came a point when the blind turn came and we saw 16 wheeler taking a turn. We were roundabout at least 100KM/hr. We could smell the breaks at this point. And there was a narrow passage beside the 16 wheeler just for one car to pass. Race intensified at this point as both wanted to get first through that passage. I was super high and scared at this point. Other fellows in the car were literally reciting Surahs in loud voice. Somehow luckily I managed to go through that narrow passage. After passing through it. We came side by side to each other. Windows rolled down. I could see the fear in everyone eyes except the Hira. She was sitting as cool as ICE. Like all this time nothing actually happened.

This was the point I came to know she was a brave soul. I always enjoyed her company and positivity. I learned so much from her. I found her emotionally intelligent. She knows the magic words of how to convince someone which actually varies from person to person. There is so much to discover about her and to learn from her.

This girl from which materials may try to escape from her but for humans, it’s totally opposite.



Mohammad Arslan

Filmmaker, freelance Video Editor. I write my thoughts and experiences on Medium.