Proof suite: blockchain-powered marketplace for masses..

Mohammad Muneeb
5 min readNov 1, 2017


In the financial markets, the uncertainty level enhances the risk that is linked with the investment. Systems that allow the market members to financially stick their predictions on the future consequences as the type of the insurance for those members who depend on the certainty exist nowadays in the form of the options and the futures markets. These options and the futures markets are naturally complex and are usually comprising of the centralized marketplaces, registered brokers, the trusted market contributors, varieties of the process ambiguity and several governing oversight bodies. AMP (Assurance Marketplace Protocol) procedures also change how the investors measure the risk, by the objective of eliminating the requirement of oversight through the current traditional regulators and the rating agencies to help in determining the health and validity of the investment opportunities. Moreover, AMP markets encourage international competition for avoiding protective policies, the investment opportunities and accelerating the capability of local groups to gather favourable terms in the funding initiatives organized toward their specific sustainability and growth.

Through realizing the advancement and importance of the blockchain technology in the financial markets the basic technology of the blockchain must be capable of measuring the demand in order to encounter and fulfil the demands of the market participants. With the growth of the AMP markets and the acceptance of the crypto-fiat increase purchases, however, this process takes time but for increasing the profit handle the scalability the early process is essential and significant. Lower entry barriers, the need for active platforms, requirement of more cryptocurrency-pegged and fiat tokens, requirement of automated verification that reduce verification time and more decentralization process all these reasons and aspects are placing the basics for the new iteration of the financial exchanges other than the existing. So, the Proof is introduced that seeks to support and create the procedure and tools, that collaborate and promote the development of financial communities in order to handle these challenges and problems. Proof focus on promoting the creation of further application and infrastructure layer that helps the blockchain technology in promoting the decentralization and transparency permitting the freedom of the capital flows and give protection to the investor for uncertainty risk. The proof is an insurance protection regulated by the computed algorithm that reduces the uncertainty of the investors. The proof is the diverse marketplace of the financial asset that leverages the blockchain to track the ownership data of the market contributors.

In Proof, the market contributors are signified by the blockchain addresses in which the transactions are performed directly between the contributors by leveraging the smart contracts that act as preconditioned, autonomous and escrow accounts. Proof also generates procedures for organizing and creating the smart contracts, making the legal documents for the blockchain-related events, and handling the promotions that are based on blockchain like (ICO) Initial Coin Offerings. As proof is very essential for the market participants because it reduces the uncertainty risk of an investor.

The dashboard of the Proof helps thousands of the users, participating with several blockchain-oriented Proof Suite tools to allow new types of businesses helping proof token holders and its investors. Whereas all asset data are saved on several decentralized blockchains, still there are some centralized areas that the proof will convert into the decentralized processes that help the users to increase the protection of their transaction. The proof converting the centralized area of blockchain to the decentralized blockchain through four processes that are:

Proof processes for decentralized blockchain

Fiat currency holding like Euros and U.S. Dollars by this proof safe the fiat currency of the users from the theft and other factors. Proof work as a form of a trust fund to help the users and protect their currency.

Curation includes investments and the coin offers that are based on the trustworthiness of issuers by this investor will be able to determine the risk associated with the investment and the chances of loss will be reduced.

Reputation and the creditworthiness scores of the token issuers. Through rating on the proof, it helps the investor in their investment and reduces their risk.

They also convert the fiat currency into the cryptocurrency for helping the users. Through this feature of the proof, a user can convert their cryptocurrencies like Ether or bitcoin etc. into Euros and U.S. Dollars. By leveraging the proof dashboard smart contracts of crypto-fiat users will securely convert their cryptocurrencies into Crypto-Euro and Crypto-USD without the use of Proof and other facilities like the Coinbase to assist as exchanges. Through direct transaction by the proof dashboard smart contract, the user can save their time and also enjoy secure transaction.

Implementation of the Smart-Contract of Crypto-Fiat

The large fluctuations in the Ethereum create the problem of uncertainty risk as it is the main exchange in today’s financial market for this investor need the process that solves this issue and made stable storage of value. For solving this problem and for the assistance of the investor proof develop the smart contract that manages, exchange and issue tokens attached with the currency of the Euro and US Dollar. Proof implement the Smart-Contract of Crypto-Fiat by following way:

The primary contract is made with huge amounts of the Ether in its reserve.

By contributing to the proof reserve, the users can directly buy the fiat-pegged tokens through the proof smart contract.

50% of each 1% purchase of the fiat-pegged tokens will be sent to an original reserve of the proof smart contract, while 50% of this 1% will be charged as a smart contract fee for providing the protection against the price volatility to the investor that reduce the uncertainty risk on their investment.

So, to overcome all the challenges that hinder the performance of the blockchain technology and increase the uncertainty risk and all the issues related to the market uncertainty the proof is established. The features of the proof make it very essential for the users because through its essential features it overcomes the problems of blockchain technology and financial market. Proof processes also reduce the investor risk and maximize the profits of the investor.

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Mohammad Muneeb

Crypto currency enthusiastic, Investor #blockchain #Ethereum #Bitcoin