1 min readAug 31, 2019


In the words of noted existentialist Emil Cioran birth is a laughable accident, for Schopenhauer life has no meaning, for Sartre there is meaning but that meaning is provided by the family you are born in the school or University you go to and by the environment in which you are raised.

The search for a meaningful life often flows logically from such pessimistic views about life. It is only once you realize the fickle nature of life do you come to understand it better.

Life is what you make of it. Fate has its role , a very big role if you go by the ethics of Adam Smith, but at the end of the day one must not get overwhelmed by these questions. As Heidegger puts it that it is important to raise such questions but one should not distance oneself from the World. Existentialism doesn’t encourage nihilism infact it helps in dealing with nihilism.

Life is inherently meaningless, and that’s where such schools of thought help you make sense of this meaninglessness.

They provide you with an holistic point of view of life, a view that only helps you understand and cherish the gift of life that is bequeathed upon us by FATE.