Explore the ECS service, set up the necessary configurations, and launch the container using specific images

Mohammad sazid Khan
2 min readJul 16, 2023


AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a completely overseen compartment coordination administration that permits you to effortlessly run and scale containerized applications. To investigate the ECS administration, set up the vital arrangements, and send off compartments utilizing specific images, you can follow these steps :

Step 1: Create an ECS Cluster

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console and navigate to the ECS service.
  2. Create a new ECS cluster and provide it with a name.

3. Choose whether you want to use EC2 or Fargate as the compute capacity for your cluster.

Step 2: Define a Task Definition

  1. Create a task definition that describes your containerized application.
  2. Specify the Docker image, CPU and memory requirements, environment variables, and network settings for your containers.

Step 3: Create an ECS Service

  1. Create an ECS service using the task definition you defined in the previous step.
  2. Specify the desired number of tasks, the launch type (EC2 or Fargate), and any additional service auto-scaling configurations.

Step 4: Deploy Your Containers

  1. Once the ECS service is created, it will automatically start the specified number of tasks and handle their deployment on the cluster’s container instances.
  2. ECS will ensure that the desired number of tasks are running and replace any failed or stopped tasks.

Step 5: Monitor and Scale

  1. Monitor the performance of your ECS tasks using AWS CloudWatch.
  2. Configure auto-scaling policies in CloudWatch to automatically adjust the number of tasks based on the demand.
  3. You can scale up or down the number of tasks running in your ECS service to handle varying levels of traffic.

By following these steps, you can effectively configure Amazon ECS and launch containers for your application.

