Basic Web development

Mohammed Altaher
2 min readJul 17, 2022


Web development is the work involved in making a website on the internet. A basic website code includes three languages: HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Each plays its own role in website development

Let’s take a calculator as an example,

HTML codes for the structure of the website like creating the buttons, or input boxes and whatnot.

In our case, HTML will create buttons containing the numbers, also, it will display a “0” which will be where the expression displays itself when the user clicks the buttons.

Structure set.

JavaScript codes for the function of the website. e.g. clicking a button to another page, or a link to another tab.

So in our case, after writing the JavaScript codes, we should be able to write mathematical expressions and get the output after pressing “=”. And able to clear the answer when clicking “C”

Functions set.

CSS designs the website and makes it look attractive by adding colors and animations.

In our case, I’ve added a background color, button borders, as well as some animation for when dividing by 0 (which is invalid).

Final result

You’re thinking, “How come it changed so much?”, that’s what CSS does, After creating the buttons with HTML, and giving them their functions with JavaScript, CSS adjusted their positioning, as well as gave them colors, and borders.

To view the full potential of the calculator, its animation, and its functionality, try the calculator using the simulation below!

Try out the Calculator!

Watch the video below to view the process of creating the calculator in time-lapse!



Mohammed Altaher

High-School Junior in the Computing and Artificial Intelligence Sector, specialized in Programming