Mohammed Yaseen
4 min readNov 16, 2023


It was a month before the date of registration of Study jams campaign I was selected as the Cloud Lead in GDSC-GNI.

Then I was introduced and selected as Facilitator of the Study Jams Campaign by the GDSC-GNI lead.

I was excited to experience and explore the eventful learning process but the only fear I had was “will I be able to make 80+ Registrations in my college?”.

Then the registration process started and so did my anxiety to reach minimum criteria to get access of the course.

All the GDSC team in my college started promoting the Google Cloud Study Jams Campaign.

We conducted offline and online events and also made reels to promote,make registrations.

This is a reel made by me(Yaseen) and my team mate(saketh).

It was the last day of registration and and I sat till 11:59pm conducting meets on how to fill the registration forms.Literally one of my friend submitted the form a minute before the end time,then later I got to know the deadline was extended I was never so happy before the moment I got to know that news,I was releived I felt.But the registration process dint end we kept on fighting the same battle till another 2 days and then the form was closed.

According to us the registrations we made were varying from 80–90,but we dint knew that our colleagues/students were so interested that we ended reaching 274 registrations.Yes you read it right 274 out of which 272 enrolled correctly.

A Video made by me to redeem access code.

But the question was “Will these people complete the course?”

Then started the journey of course completion,after serious discussion of cloud core team with our GDSC lead we all came to a conclusion of a great idea in reaching tier 1.


The smart scheme was of dividing all these people in teams.

So,we made 17 teams with 16 participants in each team

These 17 teams had leads whom we chose by conducting a quiz related to basic cloud questions.

This is me explaining concepts of Gen AI

We made a group of these 17 people and contacted them frequently to get daily/hourly progress reports of the 272 people.

And you might be thinking “why would these 17 leads make their team members complete course?”

Tabular column at the 26th day

So,here is the reason they did it because we guaranteed them on giving appreciation prizes for the top 3 teams for early completions.

It dint more than 18 days for us to reach tier 1 and we had our top 3 teams,but reaching their was really hard conducting daily sprint,replying and clarifying all the participants queries.

Happy me and my team….!!! (After 80+ completions)

We were able to do all this only because of Nikita mam’s unconditional guidance,Email support,chat support and cohort 1 facilitator’s fastrack responses and Romin’s lectures.

Lastly my GDSC-GNI Cloud core team and lead(Ibrahim Raza)’s untirable and consistent bolster made it possible.


This campaign helped me in connecting with new minds.

Overall it was a transformative journey for all those who participated.This intensive and structured program has not only expanded participants’ knowledge but also equipped them with valuable practical skills and insights into Google Cloud technology.

Here are some key takeaways:

The hands-on approach taken during this session has empowered participants to develop real-world projects on the Google Cloud platform. These projects serve as concrete examples of how cloud technology can be applied to solve practical problems.

As a fundamental part of the journey, participants have been provided with resources and guidance to prepare for Google Cloud certifications. This prepares them for the next step in their cloud engineering career, giving them a competitive edge in the job market. The collaborative nature of the study jam has fostered a strong sense of community.

Participants have had the opportunity to engage with peers, mentors, and instructors, facilitating knowledge sharing and networking. In conclusion, the 30-Day Curated Study Jam session has not only equipped participants with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of cloud engineering but has also provided them with a strong foundation to embark on a successful career in cloud technology. The connections made, projects completed, and certifications earned are testaments to the dedication and commitment of all involved.

This journey marks a significant step toward realizing the potential of Google Cloud technology and harnessing its power for real-world applications.