How to Generate Access Keys in AWS

Mohasina Clt
6 min readDec 18, 2023


Welcome to the gateway of AWS empowerment! In the vast realm of Amazon Web Services (AWS), the magic of programmatic access keys opens a world of possibilities. This blog post is your guiding star through the intricacies of generating access keys, illuminating the path to seamless automation, script mastery, and dynamic interaction with AWS services. Join us on this enlightening journey as we demystify the process, providing you with the tools to navigate AWS programmatically. It’s time to unlock the full potential of AWS — let’s embark on this transformative adventure together.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Access Keys
  2. Accessing IAM in AWS Console
  3. Navigate to User Details
  4. Generate Access Key
  5. Creating Access Key Pair
  6. Understanding Access Key Pairs
  7. Secure Storage and Handling
  8. Integration with AWS CLI and SDKs
  9. Importance of Access Key Pairs

Introduction to Access Keys:

In the dynamic landscape of Amazon Web Services (AWS), the concept of access keys emerges as a pivotal enabler of programmatic access, revolutionizing the way users interact with AWS services. This section aims to unravel the essence of access keys, shedding light on their role and significance in the AWS ecosystem.

. Understanding the Role of Access Keys in Programmatic Access

Access keys serve as the digital credentials that open the door to programmatic interaction with AWS resources. They act as a pair — an Access Key ID and a Secret Access Key — providing a secure and authenticated channel for applications, scripts, and tools to communicate with AWS services. This section delves into the intricacies of how access keys facilitate seamless programmatic access, becoming the linchpin for automation and dynamic resource management.

. The Significance of Programmatic Access in AWS

Programmatic access stands as a cornerstone in the AWS framework, introducing a paradigm shift in how users orchestrate and manage their cloud resources. This segment explores the profound impact of programmatic access, unveiling its transformative potential for streamlined workflows, automated processes, and the efficient utilization of AWS services. As we navigate through the significance of programmatic access, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of its role in shaping a dynamic and responsive AWS environment.

Join us on this exploration of access keys, where we unravel their intricacies and illuminate the path to harnessing the full power of programmatic access in the AWS realm.

1. Accessing IAM in AWS Console

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Sign in with your AWS account credentials.
  3. In the console, locate and select “IAM” (Identity and Access Management) from the services menu.

2. Navigate to User Details

  1. In the IAM dashboard, select “Users” from the left navigation pane.
  2. Choose the IAM user for which you want to generate access keys.

3. Generate Access Keys

  1. Within the selected IAM user’s details page, navigate to the “Security credentials” tab.

2. In the “Access keys” section, click on the “Create access key” button.

3. Then select the Command Line Interface (CLI) and tick the confirmation for proceed to create an access key.

  • Then confirm and click “Next.”

4. Creating Access Key Pair:

  • Click on the “Create access key” button.
  • A pop-up window will appear, presenting the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. Note that the Secret Access Key is only displayed once, so ensure you capture it securely.

5. Understanding Access Key Pairs

  1. Access Key Pairs: Think of access keys as a pair of digital keys — one called the Access Key ID and the other the Secret Access Key.
  2. Access Key ID — The Identifier: The Access Key ID is like a user’s name. It identifies your IAM user when they interact with AWS services. It’s public, similar to sharing your name.
  3. Secret Access Key — The Secret Code: The Secret Access Key is a confidential code known only to your IAM user and AWS. It’s like a secret password that your user uses to securely communicate with AWS services, ensuring the information remains private.

In essence, these keys work together to ensure secure and authorized communication between your IAM user and AWS, much like using a username and password for online accounts. They’re the essential tools your IAM user needs to navigate and interact with the AWS environment programmatically.

6. Secure Storage and Handling:

  1. Secure Storage After Generation: After you’ve generated your access key pair, it’s crucial to store it securely. Imagine it as safeguarding a valuable possession.
  2. Utmost Confidentiality for Secret Access Key: The Secret Access Key is a secret code, much like a password. Treat it with the highest level of confidentiality, just like guarding your most sensitive information.
  3. AWS Doesn’t Keep Secrets: AWS doesn’t keep a copy of your Secret Access Key after creation. Therefore, it’s your responsibility to ensure its safekeeping.

In summary, treat your access keys like precious keys to a secure vault. Keep them confidential and safe, as their security is in your hands.

7. Integration with AWS CLI and SDKs

  1. AWS CLI Configuration:
  • For AWS CLI Users: Set up the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) on your computer.
  • Open your terminal or command prompt.
  • Use the command aws configure and input the generated Access Key ID and Secret Access Key when prompted.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to set your default region and preferred output format.

2. SDK Integration:

  • For Developers: Integrate the access keys into AWS Software Development Kits (SDKs) based on your preferred programming language.
  • Use the provided Access Key ID and Secret Access Key as credentials in your code.
  • Each SDK has its own methods for incorporating these keys; consult the SDK documentation for your language of choice.

In essence, configuring the AWS CLI allows you to interact with AWS services via the command line, while integrating access keys into SDKs empowers your applications to communicate with AWS programmatically using your IAM user’s credentials. These steps ensure a seamless bridge between your local environment and the vast capabilities of AWS.

8. Importance of Access Key Pairs:

Access key pairs are the linchpin for programmatic access, allowing secure communication between your applications and AWS services. They play a vital role in authentication and authorization, ensuring that only authorized entities can interact with your AWS resources.

By understanding the process of generating access keys and their importance, you’ve now equipped your IAM user with the tools for seamless programmatic integration. Happy coding and automating in the dynamic world of Amazon Web Services!


In conclusion, mastering the generation of access keys in AWS is a fundamental skill for secure and efficient cloud management. By following the simple steps outlined here, you’ve gained the ability to create, test, and manage access keys with confidence. As you implement these best practices, your AWS experience will be both secure and streamlined.

Let’s connect on LinkedIn. Happy coding, automating, and exploring the boundless possibilities within Amazon Web Services!!!!



Mohasina Clt

🌟 🎓📊➡️💻 Freelance cloud consultant, educator @ Insight for Innovation, & Medium writer. Let's empower, inspire, & innovate! ✨🚀📝