You’ll Be Amazed At The Stuff You Can Do With Bread Tags

4 min readNov 14, 2020


Illustrations in this story are by the author, Toni Tails

Who doesn’t love a good life hack? It’s especially satisfying to reuse plentiful items that you would otherwise toss in the garbage.

We’ve all saved bread ties — junk drawers across the United States can attest to that. But what about bread tags? These handy, little plastic wonders can do a lot more than keep a vice grip on your bags of raw toast!


Next time you head to the library, grab a bread tag along with your library card. You can use the bread tag to pinch pages together and mark your spot.

The cute little tag peeks out to make finding your place easy on your next visit. Since you still owe $75 for The Joy of Sex that you checked out 4 years ago, this is a good thing. Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.

Sock Grip

Don’t let Sock Gremlins snag your favorite foot mittens, Folks! Secure your socks with these little plastic huggers.

All you have to do is clip the pairs together at the top hem. Your stockings will stay matched and get free snuggles. It’s a win/win situation!

Cord Label

Long ago, anytime we needed a new outlet at my place, it was a game of unplug roulette. Whether it was Nintendo, the Blu-Ray, a blender, or last year’s Christmas lights — no electronic device was safe.

The stress caused a riff in our otherwise harmonious family life. Then we found out we could easily label our cords with bread tags!

I’m happy to report that by providing a label for everything from the toaster to TV — bread tags have saved us thousands of dollars on family therapy.

Tape Peeler

Tape — especially clear tape — loves to trick us. That little end piece plays a stellar game of hide-and-seek.

With bread tags, you’ll win the game every time. Just stick a bread tag on the end of the tape ribbon before letting it go.

Next time that tape tries to get tricky, laugh and show them you are much smarter than you look.

