The Casanova Killer Was More Brutal Than Ted Bundy

Hola BaBa Production 2018
9 min readNov 17, 2020


Photo by fotografierende from Pexels

“If I had to live over again…I wouldn’t. You know?” — Paul John Knowles expresses to a Psychologist.

Before we unveil his dislike towards life, finding out what made him feel so is important. Paul John Knowles is an American serial killer popularly nicknamed “The Casanova Killer.” The nickname of his was mainly because of the good looks, his physical appearance, and handsome personality which attracted the masses. However, his charming demeanor, devilish smirk, and whiskey-colored hair helped mask his violent secrets. Infact, he is considered as one of the most wicked serial killers in human history.

Certain questions related to his criminalities arise:

  • What made him commit serial murders?
  • Did he kill people because of his psychopathic tendencies? or
  • Did he kill people because of his romantic desires?

Another American serial killer, “Ted Bundy” committed vicious crimes. Often referred to as charming and handsome. However, Paul John Knowles is considered more dangerous than Ted Bundy.


The Casanova killer started committing crimes in his early childhood. In one of his petty crimes, his father disowned him, denying his rehabilitation and gave Knowles up for adoption. This made him spend the rest of his childhood days in foster care homes and reformatories.

The fact that his disturbed childhood contributed to making him a “Man of Murders” is debatable. According to studies, a childhood spent in foster care homes increases the child’s probability of committing crimes.

Before his death, Knowles talked to a Psychologist, where he speaks about his disturbing childhood. Some of them include:

  • Being born was the worst thing that ever happened to him.
  • He felt a lot better before his birth than the times he lived.
  • The best thing that ever happened to him was — nothing.
  • He mentions being a criminal since he was a little kid.
  • A lack of affection especially care induced a criminal mindset in him.

Apart from the interview, Knowles left many other informative pieces. Some of them included letters, notes, drawings to his parents, lady love, and attorneys. These informational pieces helped in understanding the psychology behind his criminal mind.

The Casanova Killings

Apart from being labeled as Casanova Killer, he significantly was nicknamed Daryl Golden and Lester Daryl Gates. Knowles terrorized civilians across the country with his inhumane killings since the 1970s. Some of the forms included rape, physical assaults, and murders. Among the techniques involved, strangulation was his most common murder method. However, Knowles shot a few of his victims as well.

Unlike every other criminal, Knowles crime rates was active for a period of four months: July to November 1974, managing to kill people across several states.

Knowles murder killings had no selective groups. His serial murders incorporated every age group, every gender, people from different ethnic groups with diverse characteristics. This man was an opportunity killer with no specific taste and references for killings. He lacked having any modus operandi behind the crimes.

During the summer year of 1974, Knowles drove through Georgia, Florida, Connecticut, Nevada, and Texas, leaving behind series of dead bodies along the way. His murder crimes enlist the death count of 18 people. However, he claimed to have murdered 35 lives.

After escaping from prison in his early days, Knowles ended up committing a murder spree. He killed at least one new victim for every remaining week of his life.

Setting his terrifying acts, once Carswell Carr from Georgia invited Knowles to his house. He ended up killing Carr and strangulated his 15-year-old daughter to death. He subsequently attempted necrophilia with the girl’s corpse; however, his attempt failed.

Another victim was a 65-year-old Alice Curtis, murdered by Knowles through a home invasion. After having killed Curtis, he sacked her house and stole her car. On his way, he was recognized for the crime by Mylette Anderson (aged 7) and Lilian (aged 11). Knowles kidnapped and strangulated the sisters and buried their dead bodies in a nearby swamp.

The day after the sister’s murder, Knowles met Marjorie Howie (aged 49) in Atlantic Beach, Florida. He murdered her by strangulation with his stockings. Subsequently, he killed a 13-year-old hitch-hiking runaway, Ima Jean Sanders. Consecutively, the very next few months, Knowles escaped, wandered, and continued killing.

Charlynn Hicks, a motorcyclist was also kidnapped, raped, and murdered brutally. Similarly, Karen Wine from Connecticut was raped by Knowles along with her 16-year-old daughter. Both of them were later killed by strangulation.

William Bates (aged 32) from Ohio suddenly disappeared from a bar. His dead body was found uncovered lying in the woods. It was obvious Knowles committed the crime.

Another victim was a police officer named Eugene Campbell. On November 17, 1974, Campbell found a stolen car. He traced the vehicle where he found himself face-to-face with Knowles. Campbell tried arresting him; however during his scuffle with him, his gun was lost.

Knowles took the officer hostage along with another man, James Meyer. Shortly thereafter, he tied both of them to a tree and shot them in their heads.

Knowles’ evil crimes continued.

Though many of the victims were put to rest, Knowles derived pleasure through his evil deeds.

The Psychic Advice

By early 1974, Knowles was imprisoned and got into a relationship with Angela Covic, a San Francisco divorcee. Things blossomed between the two, chemistry sparked, and a reliable bond ignited their relationship.

During one of her visits to the prison, Angela was proposed to by Knowles for marriage. Having accepted the proposal, she subsequently fought legal battles for his release. Her efforts resulted in the release of Knowles in May 1974. After his release, he immediately fled to San Franciso to marry Angela.

Being terrified by the Psychics word, Angela called off her wedding. She was warned of Knowles being a violent presence in her life. Whether or not the psychic’s advice had real powers; however, the warning made Angela take a step back.

Unlike most of the heartbreaks, Knowles felt extremely vulnerable. The only difference, his heartbreak fueled in him criminal behaviors.

After getting rejected, the disheartened Knowles claimed killing three people on that particular night. The authenticity of these crimes hasn’t been verified. However, after his return to Florida, he stabbed a bartender in a fight. The murder landed him behind the prison, just two months after his previous release.

However, he found an escape through the prison doors and continued with his murder spree.

The Journalist — Sandy Fawkes

Knowles had a short term relationship with the journalist, Sandy Fawkes. He hinted to her about his previous crimes, murders, and misdeeds. She was then very aware of his identity, behavior, and criminal records.

Sandy decided to end her relationship with him. What’s most striking is Knowles let her walk away and did not retaliate.

Almost immediately, he abducted Susan Mackenzie, the wife of one of Fawkes’s friends. Pointing a gun, he tried raping her. Mackenzie fought, had a narrow escape, and finally fled away. Later, she informed the local police officials about the crime.

The Death — Game Of Hide And Seek

Knowles was constantly in and out of prison for a major part of his life. He ended up in jail every time he committed an offense. Be it rape, murder, or scuffle; he managed to find a narrow escape through the prison cells.

In the subsequent manhunts, Knowles roamed through woods, swampland and avoided the police, the hunting dogs, and the helicopters searching him. Eventually, he was captured by a civilian: A Vietnam veteran armed with a shotgun. He tried escaping and denied confinement.

On December 18, 1974, while being transported in a car by Sheriff Earl Lee and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation Agent Ronnie Angel, Knowles tried escaping from their clutches by wrestling Lee’s firearm away.

This act was carried similarly to that of the police officer Campbell. However, this time destiny has something else planned. Unlike Campbell’s murder, Knowles got killed instantly by Ronnie Angel’s three bullet shots, directed towards his chest.

Paul John Knowles was a young man of 28-years-old, at the time of his death.

In the words of former Police Officer Jimmy Josey to the news reporters:

“The Casanova Killer had no compunction about killing you, makes no difference whether he strangled you, whether he shot you, whether he stabbed you or what. He was a martial arts expert. He was tough. He was mean.”

