Simple Software Engineering Project Ideas for Students

Mohini Saxena
4 min readSep 21, 2023


Are you a student studying software engineering and looking for some exciting project ideas to enhance your skills? Well, you’re in the right place! In this blog, we’ll explore 30 simple yet engaging software engineering project ideas tailored for students. These projects cover a wide range of topics, from web development to mobile apps and more. So, let’s dive in and discover your next coding adventure!

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Top 30 Simple Software Engineering Project Ideas for Students

1. Personal Portfolio Website

Create a stunning website to showcase your skills, projects, and resume. Learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while building your online presence.

2. To-Do List Application

Develop a task management app that allows users to add, edit, and delete tasks. Learn the basics of front-end and back-end development.

3. Weather App

Build an app that fetches weather data from an API and displays it to users. Learn how to work with APIs and handle JSON data.

4. Blog Website

Create a blogging platform where users can write, edit, and publish articles. Explore database systems like MySQL or MongoDB.

5. E-commerce Website

Design a simple online store where users can browse products, add them to a cart, and make purchases. Learn about payment processing.

6. Recipe Finder App

Develop an app that suggests recipes based on ingredients users have. Practice API integration and data filtering.

7. Chat Application

Build a real-time chat app using technologies like WebSockets or Firebase. Learn about user authentication and messaging systems.

8. Expense Tracker

Create a tool to help users manage their finances by tracking income and expenses. Focus on data visualization and budget analysis.

9. Social Media Dashboard

Build a dashboard that aggregates data from various social media platforms. Practice API integration and data visualization.

10. Online Quiz Game

Design a quiz game where users can answer questions on various topics. Learn about timers, scores, and user feedback.

11. Fitness Tracker App

Develop an app that tracks workouts and provides fitness insights. Explore features like calorie counting and progress tracking.

12. Book Recommendation System

Build a system that recommends books based on user preferences. Learn about recommendation algorithms and data mining.

13. Portfolio Tracker

Create a tool for users to monitor their investment portfolios. Practice fetching real-time stock data from APIs.

14. Task Automation Tool

Build a utility that automates repetitive tasks on a computer. Learn about scripting languages like Python.

15. Language Learning App

Develop an app to help users learn a new language. Include features like flashcards, quizzes, and pronunciation guides.

16. Expense Sharing App

Create an app for friends to split expenses and track who owes what. Learn about user accounts and transaction history.

17. Recipe Sharing Platform

Build a platform for users to share and discover recipes. Implement user profiles and search functionality.

18. Music Player

Develop a simple music player app. Explore audio playback and media library management.

19. Calendar App

Design a calendar application for scheduling events and tasks. Learn about date and time handling.

20. Movie Recommendation System

Build a system that suggests movies based on user preferences. Practice collaborative filtering and movie databases.

21. Blog Aggregator

Create a tool that aggregates blog posts from various sources and displays them in one place. Practice web scraping.

22. Travel Planner

Develop an app to help users plan trips by suggesting destinations and itineraries. Explore geolocation and mapping APIs.

23. Inventory Management System

Build a system for tracking inventory in a small business. Learn about databases and barcode scanning.

24. Recipe Generator

Create an app that generates recipes based on available ingredients. Practice algorithm design and meal planning.

25. Resume Builder

Design a tool that helps users create professional resumes. Explore document generation and formatting.

26. Home Automation Control

Develop a system to control smart home devices remotely. Learn about IoT (Internet of Things) and device integration.

27. Language Translation App

Build an app that translates text or speech from one language to another. Explore machine translation APIs.

28. File Encryption Tool

Create a utility for encrypting and decrypting files. Learn about encryption algorithms and data security.

29. Weather Station

Build a weather station using sensors and display data on a website. Learn about hardware integration and data visualization.

30. Blog Comment System

Enhance your blog website with a comment system that allows users to leave feedback on articles. Practice user authentication and database relationships.

These software engineering project ideas provide a fantastic opportunity for students to apply what they’ve learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios. Remember that the key to successful projects is not just completing them but also learning and improving along the way. Choose a project that excites you, break it down into manageable steps, and have fun while you code your way to success!



Mohini Saxena

I am Mohini Saxena, a lifelong learner specializing in giving CS-related information to enhance everyone's knowledge.