Forever In Blue Jeans

Mohit Gopaldas
2 min readSep 2, 2022


A song that has made recent inroads into my playlist is an oldie — Neil Diamond’s- ‘Forever In Blue Jeans’. Admittedly, it’s not so much the melody that resonates, but more an instinctive attraction to the title of the song- Forever In Blue Jeans.

My first impulses to the title lean toward an essence that suggests an unpretentious, real, honest outlook on life- something that jeans represent to me. An emotional signature that testifies to the basics of life and a reminder to be true to yourself. Or, as Neil Diamond, himself, says of the message -‘the simple things are really the important things.’

Jeans, over its 170-year history, has been a story of resilience, true to its fabric. From its beginnings as work pants of the miners and farmers to now a wardrobe staple. Through this journey and despite sporting varied attributes of rebellion, freedom, a cowboy flair; having different styles and cuts; idols from James Dean to Bruce Springsteen, From Monroe to the Kardashians, From Levis to Dolce& Gabbana it owns an earthy existence. A common currency that is above trend into something that never goes out of style and embeds itself as an idea of permanence.

The more I think about it, it’s not just about the spirit of freedom, rebellion, honesty, informality or individualism that it represents. I believe it’s more about its ‘Foreverness’. Its biggest attribute is possibly ‘loyalty’. The denim has a way of ‘being with you.’ It leaves imprints on the way you wear your jeans, the way you sit, where you go, and the work you do. The creases and greases serve almost like the lines on the palms of one’s hand that reflect time. Even the fade marks, the patches or the knee tear tells a story about one’s life. It’s like a canvas of time that never judges you but walks with you with an air of self-assurance. You can cut it, fold it, and reconfigure it to fit any part of it you may outgrow. It even looks better as it matures with age. The same pair of jeans, like an adaptable friend and faithful companion, can be worn to work, play, or party. The fact that it bears its roots in the sweat and hard work of farmers and miners and has carried that resilience through every avatar it grew up into, suggests a mastery over whatever life throws at you.

It walks with you through life.

There may the dress pant or shirt that may be wardrobe royalty. It’s jeans that are wardrobe loyalty. I suppose many would have at least said once ‘I live in my jeans’.

Much like the closing line of Neil Diamond’s song says ‘I’d much rather be forever in blue jeans.’

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Mohit Gopaldas — Brand Strategist, Identity Counsel Branding Group, Singapore

