Natural Bodybuilding and its myths

Mohit Gupta
4 min readJul 25, 2019


Natural Bodybuilding as the name suggests is the bodybuilding which is natural. But you might be thinking hey, bodybuilding is always natural. “How can building your body be artificial??” Indeed, I also used to think the same when I enrolled myself in fitness during those college days. Slowly and slowly the complete world of bodybuilders came into existence which was hiding at a place called nowhere. Yes it is nowhere.

People who are away from fitness and are living a so called tightly scheduled life consider bodybuilding as “TAKING WHEY PROTEIN AND BUILDING MUSCLE”. Yes you heard that right. Most of the people who are not related to fitness in any way are having this perception. They think that they are just short of time and once they start taking Whey, with a little amount of exercise they will be able to build muscles in few days. I like this spirit a lot. And then they realise they need personal trainers which may/may not show them the path to the hell.

Fitness enthusiasts or call them teenagers nowadays are very much influenced by the bodybuilders. They follow these muscular people on social networking websites and accept them as their role models. They want to grow their muscles to a level which cannot be achieved by their body instantly since your body grows with a certain rate and you must respect that standard. Otherwise, babies could have been born with 18 inch biceps.

Muscular babies

To develop such muscles, teenagers start taking steroids which results in increasing their muscle size. But is it safe? “NOT AT ALL” . Improper guidance and improper ideology pushes them to take these harmful steroids which does not only affects their body structure but cause long term impacts to their body. These steroids once injected does not leave the body. Many folks think that it is easily flushed out after cleaning them through a cycle, but it is not. You become addicted to it and suddenly a small baby becomes a big beast. You start noticing change around you (positive/negative). But a big negative change from within.

Now there are different categories of these steroids. You can google them and go through the list of banned steroids. There are certain natural bodybuilding organisations too which have started fooling people in the name of natural bodybuiliding. But are these really natural??. The answer is still no . These organisations just remove the banned steroids from their list but still allows the Growth Hormones injection. GH injections are taken to increase the muscular mass and then it cannot be caught in any test after a certain period of time. Does that mean there is no natural bodybuilding organisation? The answer is yes and thats why people have started enrolling themselves in core fitness. These people don’t need any role models. Since they are their role models themselves.

This post is now going to focus on “ME” and you may find the use of word “I”.

I am indulged into natural bodybuilding since last 6 years. I started doing experiments on my body and those experiments were far away from steroids. I can be described at that time as one of the thinnest teenagers we meet whose metabolism is very slow and they keep on playing sports. I needed to gain weight and I started gaining it following a strict diet and exercise pattern. It was then when I came across certain people who were injecting drugs. They tried to enroll me but I went ahead since that was not my cup of tea. I started feeling the change and it has now been six fruitful years where I have gone through different fruitful experiences with my body. Be it shredded, bulked or lean, I can easily turn myself with good set of exercises and diet.

This is my first post and I’m sure I will be getting good support from you so that I can spread my learnings and this beautiful natural bodybuilding world.

