Top 10 Kotlin Questions 2024

Mohit Dubey
7 min readFeb 12, 2024


Kotlin, a versatile programming language developed by JetBrains, has rapidly gained popularity among Android developers due to its modern features and seamless interoperability with Java.

  1. What is a lambda expression in Kotlin?

A lambda expression is a concise way to define a function-like construct without explicitly declaring a function. It enables you to create a block of code that can be passed around as an argument or stored in a variable.

val sum = { a: Int, b: Int -> a + b } // Lambda expression

val result = sum(3, 4) // Invoking the lambda expression

println(result) // Output: 7

In the example, we define a lambda expression called sum that takes two Int parameters and returns their sum. The lambda expression is then invoked by passing arguments 3 and 4, resulting in a value of 7. Lambda expressions are concise and useful for providing inline function behavior.

2. Explain the concept of higher-order functions in Kotlin.

A higher-order functions are functions capable of accepting other functions as parameters or returning functions as results. They treat functions as first-class citizens, enabling functional programming paradigms.

fun calculate(x: Int, y: Int, operation: (Int, Int) -> Int): Int {
return operation(x, y)

val result = calculate(5, 3) { a, b -> a + b } // Using a higher-order function

println(result) // Output: 8

In this example, the calculate function is a higher-order function that accepts two Int parameters and a function named operation as its third parameter. The operation parameter is a lambda expression that performs a specific operation on the input parameters (e.g., a + b). The higher-order function then invokes the operation function with the provided arguments 5 and 3, resulting in a value of 8. Higher-order functions facilitate flexible and concise code, particularly when combined with lambda expressions.

3. Explain the concept of extension functions in Kotlin.

Extension functions in Kotlin offer the ability to add new functions to existing classes without altering their source code. They provide a means to extend the capabilities of a class without resorting to inheritance or modifying the original class directly.

fun String.addExclamation(): String {
return "$this!"

val message = "Hello"
val modifiedMessage = message.addExclamation() // Using an extension function

println(modifiedMessage) // Output: Hello!

In this example, we define an extension function named addExclamation() for the String class. This function appends an exclamation mark to the string it's called on. The extension function can be utilized on any instance of the String class, such as the message variable. It enhances the string by appending an exclamation mark, resulting in "Hello!". Extension functions are a powerful mechanism for adding utility methods or enriching existing classes with custom functionality.

4.What is a sealed class in Kotlin?

A sealed class in Kotlin is a class that restricts the inheritance hierarchy to a limited set of subclasses defined within it. This allows you to define a closed set of possible subclasses.

Sealed classes are particularly useful when you want to represent a restricted type hierarchy, where all possible subclasses are known in advance and should be handled exhaustively in when expressions.

sealed class Result {
data class Success(val data: String) : Result()
data class Error(val message: String) : Result()
object Loading : Result()

fun processResult(result: Result) {
when (result) {
is Result.Success -> {
println("Success: ${}")
is Result.Error -> {
println("Error: ${result.message}")
Result.Loading -> {

In the example, the `Result` class is a sealed class with three subclasses: `Success`, `Error`, and `Loading`. The `processResult` function demonstrates exhaustive handling of all possible subclasses using a when expression.

Sealed classes provide a safe way to handle restricted hierarchies and enable exhaustive pattern matching, making code more robust and less error-prone.

5. Explain the concept of object expressions in Kotlin.

Object expressions in Kotlin enable the creation of anonymous objects with customized behavior and properties. They are particularly useful when you need to create a one-time object without explicitly declaring a new named class.

Similar to anonymous inner classes in Java, object expressions in Kotlin provide a more concise syntax and support for functional programming features.

interface OnClickListener {
fun onClick()

fun setOnClickListener(listener: OnClickListener) {
// Implementation

fun main() {
setOnClickListener(object : OnClickListener {
override fun onClick() {
println("Button clicked")

In this example, we define an interface OnClickListener with a single method onClick(). The setOnClickListener function expects an instance of this interface. Utilizing an object expression, we create an anonymous object that implements the OnClickListener interface and provides the implementation for the onClick() method.

Object expressions allow us to create one-time objects on the fly, enhancing code conciseness and expressiveness. They’re particularly handy for scenarios where a temporary object with specific behavior is required.

6.What is the use of the reified modifier in Kotlin?

The reified modifier in Kotlin, when combined with the inline modifier, allows the type information of a generic parameter to be accessible at runtime. Typically, due to type erasure, generic type information isn't available during runtime.

By applying the reified modifier to a generic type parameter, you can access the actual type at runtime within the body of an inline function. This enables operations on the type, such as checking its properties or calling its functions.

The reified modifier is commonly used when dealing with functions that need to perform operations based on the runtime type of a generic parameter, such as reflection or type-specific behavior.

inline fun <reified T> getTypeName(): String {
return T::class.simpleName ?: "Unknown"

val typeName = getTypeName<Int>()
println(typeName) // Prints "Int"

In this example, the getTypeName function uses the reified modifier on the generic type parameter T. Within the function, T::class is employed to access the runtime class object of T. Then, the simpleName property is used to retrieve the name of the type as a string.

The reified modifier is a powerful feature in Kotlin, enabling more advanced operations based on the runtime type of generic parameters. It's especially useful for scenarios requiring runtime type information within inline functions.

7.Explain the concept of delegates in Kotlin.

Delegates in Kotlin offer a mechanism to delegate the implementation of properties or functions to another object, facilitating the reuse of common behavior or the addition of extra functionality to existing objects without resorting to inheritance.

Kotlin supports two types of delegates: property delegates and function delegates.

Property Delegates:

Property delegates allow you to define the behavior of property access and modification by delegating the storage and retrieval of property values to another object. They enable features like lazy initialization, observable properties, and delegated properties. Kotlin provides built-in delegates such as lazy, observable, and vetoable. Additionally, you can create custom delegates to meet specific requirements. Function Delegates:

Function delegates enable the delegation of function invocation to another object. They enable the modification or extension of function behavior without altering its original implementation. Kotlin provides the invoke operator function for delegating function invocation. Delegates offer a flexible approach to adding behavior or reusing functionality in Kotlin classes and functions, promoting code reusability and separation of concerns.

8.Explain the concept of operator overloading in Kotlin.

Operator overloading in Kotlin empowers you to define custom behaviors for operators when applied to instances of your own classes. This feature enables you to provide specialized implementations for operators such as +, -, *, /, and more. Here’s an

data class Vector(val x: Int, val y: Int) {
operator fun plus(other: Vector): Vector {
return Vector(x + other.x, y + other.y)

fun main() {
val v1 = Vector(1, 2)
val v2 = Vector(3, 4)
val sum = v1 + v2

println(sum) // Output: Vector(x=4, y=6)

In this example, we have a Vector data class with properties x and y. We overload the + operator by defining the plus function within the Vector class. This function takes another Vector instance as a parameter and returns a new Vector instance representing the sum of the two vectors.

By overloading the + operator, we can now use the + operator to add two Vector instances together, as demonstrated in the main function. This custom behavior makes our code more expressive and intuitive.

9.Explain the concept of tail recursion in Kotlin.

Tail recursion in Kotlin is a technique where a recursive function calls itself as its final operation. This approach enables the compiler to optimize the recursion into an efficient loop, thereby preventing stack overflow errors. To trigger tail recursion optimization, the recursive function must be declared with the tailrec modifier.

tailrec fun factorial(n: Int, acc: Int = 1): Int {
return if (n == 0) {
} else {
factorial(n - 1, acc * n)

fun main() {
val result = factorial(5)
println(result) // Output: 120

In this example, the factorial function calculates the factorial of a given number n. It's declared with the tailrec modifier, indicating that it's a tail-recursive function. The base case checks if n is equal to 0, in which case it returns the accumulated value acc. Otherwise, it makes a recursive call to factorial with n - 1 and the updated accumulator acc * n.

By employing tail recursion, Kotlin’s compiler can optimize the recursive calls into an iterative loop, thereby eliminating the risk of stack overflow for large inputs.

10.What is a closure in Kotlin?

A closure in programming refers to a function that retains access to variables and parameters from its enclosing scope, even after that scope has finished execution. It captures the necessary variables, stores them, and can access them later when the function is invoked. The captured variables maintain their state, and any modifications made to them within the closure are preserved.

fun createIncrementFunction(incrementBy: Int): () -> Int {
var count = 0

return {
count += incrementBy

fun main() {
val incrementByTwo = createIncrementFunction(2)
println(incrementByTwo()) // Output: 2
println(incrementByTwo()) // Output: 4

In this example, createIncrementFunction returns a lambda function that increments count by the specified incrementBy value each time it's invoked. The variable count is captured by the lambda and retains its state between invocations. Thus, each time incrementByTwo() is called, it increments count by 2 and returns the updated value. This demonstrates the concept of closures, where the lambda retains access to the count variable from its surrounding scope.



Mohit Dubey

Experienced Android Developer with 3 years of Java and Kotlin expertise. Specialized in designing, developing, and deploying high-quality Android applications.