Big Data Analytics in Healthcare

4 min readApr 27, 2020


Hadoop Developers

Big data analytics has had a massive role to play in the domain of healthcare. It has changed the domain like no other, to the extent that we can indeed say that in the years to come, it may even help find a cure for cancer.

The healthcare sector is multifaceted, and there are so many aspects to it we cannot even count. So much goes behind the diagnosis and treatment of health issues as well as its prevention. Even healthcare professionals are part of various health sectors, such as cardiology, pulmonology, psychology, and many others. The different health professionals and the variety of information they have to work with regularly requires proper management. While previously, all medical records were either typed or handwritten, those methods are now outdated. All of this has been possible because of Big Data analytics in healthcare.

Most medical records are now digitized, and so we have electronic health records. Hospitals and healthcare centers maintain a digital record of every patient, and this record contains information such as the patient’s medical history, tests, allergies, and health issues. The records also have a modifiable file that doctors can implement or take the help of Hadoop developers to analyse & maintain records. The data stored is safe and does not involve the risk of replication. Not only that, but these health records can also analyze each patient’s information, and predict when they should get a new lab test. It can also keep track of their prescription to ensure that the patient is following his or her doctor’s instructions accurately.

Big data, today, also helps patients and other individuals monitor their health at the comfort of their homes and help them lead a healthy lifestyle. Today, we can track our steps, heart rate, and even sleeping habits from our smart devices. This data, when tracked over time, can predict the possibility or existence of severe health conditions that need to be taken care of by an individual. It can even predict the risk of a heart attack and help prevent it before it happens. It can also help patients take care of their health without having to visit the doctor too often.

Real-time alerting is another significant impact of Big Data analytics in healthcare. Patients and doctors can’t be near each other at all times. Even for serious illnesses, many patients are treated from their homes because of the high cost of hospitalized treatments. So hospitals today have CDS or Clinical Decision Support, which helps analyze data for doctors to prescribe medication. There is also the possibility of wearables for patients that will collect data from them and send it directly to the doctor. In this way, even when the doctor is away from the patient, they can act immediately when notified about a sudden health problem. Doctors can receive real-time alerts for patients with high-risks and reach out to them whenever necessary.

Big Data analytics can help to solve a severe problem in the US today- that of opioid misuse. Misuse of opioids has caused many accidental deaths in the US in recent years. It is a serious issue that requires immediate attention. Big Data analytics can help to reduce the risks of such deaths. It can predict risk factors for opioid use and can even analyze when the usage is likely to be a threat to one’s health. Although predicting such risks may not eradicate drug abuse entirely, it can help to spread awareness and alert more people against such habits.

The most significant advancement in the healthcare sector and the best use of Big Data analytics may be in finding a cure for cancer. The Cancer Moonshot program that aims to find new treatment options for cancer patients is one such example. The use of analytics from Big Data can help to accomplish their goals in much less time. By analyzing the data of multiple patients, it is also possible to determine which treatment or medicine has worked best on the majority of patients. Researchers can improve on these treatments so they can cure cancer without posing much health risks. They can work toward better patient outcomes. Creating proper, well-documented cancer databases with the help of Big Data may even help to find a cure for cancers that are now considered as incurable.

The healthcare industry has experienced some significant shifts over the years. The increase in the amount of data and the rise in the cost of healthcare, it now focuses on consumerism. These are some challenges that the industry now encounters. With proper management, it can turn them into opportunities for growth and development of the domain. Patients can receive more quality service, and personalized patient journeys may improve life expectancy.

So in this way Big Data analytics can play a larger role in healthcare sector.




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