Psychological Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Dr. Mohit Bhandari
2 min readMar 28, 2020


Although the main benefit of bariatric surgery lies in the fact that it results in weight-loss, the benefits can be extended to improved mental health and quality of life. We can only see the physical changes after surgery, psychological and behavioural changes are less noticeable and less predictable.

Enhanced mood-
Obese people generally suffer from mood disorders, as they feel less confident in themselves. Most of the people who come for bariatric surgery said they have experienced depression and some kind of mood disorder due to obesity. They suffer from anxiety disorders as people around them make fun of their irregular shape. They feel anxious while going to a party, or any public gathering. After bariatric surgery, it has been observed that it helped in improving their mood disorders and keeping them happy.

Eating disorders-
Most of the people considering bariatric surgery have been observed with binge eating disorders, and they experience night cravings. Obese people also suffer from sugar cravings and irregular eating patterns. After bariatric surgery, the capacity of a person to eat more becomes less. It restricts a person’s capacity to binge eat and a person feels full in a lesser period of time.

Lifestyle changes-
After bariatric surgery, the lifestyle of an obese person greatly improves. He starts feeling confident in himself and motivated towards a healthier lifestyle. After surgery, a person is required to follow some kind of exercise routine and a healthy diet in order to maintain a healthy weight. It brings about great changes in his lifestyle and eating patterns, which ultimately has a psychological effect on his mind.

Your body changes after the surgery, and so do your behaviour and attitude towards life. A person experiences peace of life, happiness, and confidence after the surgery. If you are an obese patient, and diet is not working for you then bariatric surgery is the only option for you. There are psychological benefits of it which don’t appear suddenly but are noticeable over the period of time. If you too are ready to make a change in your life, overcome shame, and avoid judgment; book an appointment soon — 6232012342



Dr. Mohit Bhandari

Bariatric and Metabolic surgeon in India, performed 10000+ bariatric surgeries & 500+ robotic surgeries.