Best Practices for Debugging and Troubleshooting Code

Mohit Kumar
3 min readFeb 16, 2023


Debugging and troubleshooting code is an important part of the software development process. It’s a time-consuming task, but by following the right practices, you can reduce the time and effort required to fix bugs and improve your code’s reliability. Here are some of the best practices for debugging and troubleshooting code.

Reproduce the problem

The first step in debugging code is to reproduce the problem. This aids in understanding the precise behavior that needs fixing and makes it easier to spot the problematic areas of your code.

Use the browser’s developer tools

Browser’s developer tools offer a range of features that can help you debug your code. You can use the JavaScript console to log messages and check the values of variables, you can use the debugger statement to stop the execution of your code and inspect its state, and you can use the network panel to inspect network requests and responses.

Use logging and debugging statements

Using logging and debugging statements can help you understand what’s happening in your code. You can use console.log to log messages, and you can use the debugger to stop the execution of your code and inspect its state.

Use breakpoints

Breakpoints allow you to stop the execution of your code at specific points, so you can inspect its state and see what’s happening. You can use breakpoints in combination with logging and debugging statements to better understand what’s happening in your code.

Isolate the problem

Isolate the problem by removing parts of your code that are not relevant to the problem you’re trying to solve. This shortens the time and effort needed to debug your code by allowing you to concentrate on the precise sections of it that are causing the issue.

Use version control

Using version control can help you track changes to your code and make it easier to revert to a previous version if necessary. This can be especially useful if you need to revert to a previous version because you accidentally introduced a bug.

Test early and often

Testing early and often is an important part of the debugging process. By testing early, you can identify and fix bugs before they become major problems, and you can ensure that your code is working as expected.

Use a linter

A linter is a tool that analyzes your code and identifies potential problems, such as syntax errors, unused variables, and poor code quality. By using a linter, you can identify and fix problems early and improve the quality of your code.

Ask for help

If you’re stuck, don’t be afraid to ask for help. You can ask your colleagues, mentors, or members of the development community for help, and they may be able to provide insights and suggestions that can help you solve the problem.

Keep learning

Finally, keep learning. Debugging and troubleshooting code is a skill that can be improved with practice and experience, so make sure to continue learning and exploring new tools and techniques.

In conclusion, debugging and troubleshooting code is an important part of the software development process. By following these, you can reduce the time and effort required to fix bugs, improve the reliability of your code, and become a more effective software developer in the industry.

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Mohit Kumar

Software Developer in Canada | Sharing knowledge, tips, and learning platform about programming.