To the new beginnings…

Mohit Raj Purohit
4 min readApr 29, 2020


Yes, As the title of the blog says, It is completely a new experience for me. The last time I remember writing something on my own is when I ditched Adam Smith’s definitions of Economics. Since my graduation, I always wanted to start blogging. But sometimes I didn’t have enough content to start with and on the days when I had content I was not confident about my writing. But this time a book helped me to start with my long left thought of blogging. It is “Who moved my Cheese by Dr Spencer Johnson” and in this post I will be sharing the insights from this book with you (This is not a book a review), Which I believe is felicitous considering the current situation we are in.

In the story, The author speaks about two mice. One is named Sniff, the other Scurry. It also includes “Little people” who go by the names of Haw and Hem. All four are on the lookout for cheese that is somewhere in a maze and is necessary for their survival. Cheese for the “Little people” has a metaphysical meaning in that it is needed for their happiness, and in regard to them, the first letter in Cheese is spelled with a capital letter. All have enough cheese for a while after finding the Cheese Station, but once the cheese is depleted, the two mice realize their situation is no longer the same and go in search for more; while the two “Little people” hope cheese will reappear so they stay where they are. While these two argue, belaboring their current cheese — less position, Sniff and Scurry go off in search of more cheese and find another cheese station.

Image courtesy — Madsoulofficial

Although scared of the unknown, Haw leaves his friend Hem and goes looking for more cheese. Although the search is long, he finds that searching for something new is exhilarating. He thinks about how he has adapted to his new situation and change and writes his thoughts on a wall in the hope it would serve as encouragement to Hem. He finally finds a new, well-stocked Cheese Station, and then realizes that no matter how much he wishes to help Hem, one cannot make another person change unless that person wants to.

So the core concepts of this book are as followed -

  • Change is constant and inevitable.
  • The anticipation of change makes it easier when it occurs
  • When letting go of your old habits and ways, It is easier for you to adapt to changes while embracing new opportunities.
  • By visualizing your success and happiness, you can more easily focus on what you wish to gain rather than what has been lost .
  • Fear immobilizes one’s ability, thereby stopping you from embracing new opportunities that may arise.
Image courtesy — Jive community
  • It is important for one to keep in touch with what is outside your comfort zone in order to know what is happening so that you are prepared for any changes.

And guess who all are in a Cheese - less situation now ?

Yes, That’s us. 7.59 Billion Homo sapiens filled with too much pressure and waiting to go out and live our lives the same way we were doing a couple of months back. But if that’s your thought then you are no less than behaving like Hem. Because, When we step out this time The world will be completely different from the way we consume information to the way we do business or the way we entertain ourselves. EVERYTHING will change. So prepare yourself for these changes and don’t let these things move your Cheese. Also, Use this opportunity to try things which you always wanted to do. It’s better to fail while trying rather than sitting in a Cheese — less situation : )

To add on, I would like to share a beautiful thought about creating content which I came across recently, Creating something or working on your skills (Let it be anything Singing, Cooking, Dancing, Writing or any sports activity ) is like a breathing process, To produce a good content you need to consume a lot of good content too. Once a wise man said, While trying something new, developing and sticking to a process is more important than thinking about the end results.( It is none other than MSD, Yes I am a die hard MSDian and I cannot conclude my first blog without mentioning about him)

Stay home, Stay safe.

At the end of every post I will ask a question, You can DM me your answers to IG — mohit_ramesh. The best 3 answers will feature in my next post.

What would you do if you weren’t afraid ?

Original book credits — Who moved my Cheese ? by Dr Spencer Johnson Published by G P Putnam’s Sons and overview by Ant Hive Media publications.

