Top 5 SEO Trends To Improve Your Google Ranking In 2022 and Beyond

Baba Nadeem
4 min readNov 8, 2021


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most effective ways to attract potential customers to your website. But the problem is — you need to use it properly. Statistically, the daily search volume on Google is estimated at 3.5B. However, although only 0.78% of Google searchers clicked on the second results page, the average click-through rate for Google's organic search results was 31.7%.

Want to know what progress your SEO strategy has made in 2022? With Google focusing more on early mobile traffic and website speed, the SEO work in 2022 is likely to go this way. You need to understand and improve the app in order for future trends to be successful. Let's take a look at the top 5 SEO trends for 2022:

1. Mobile-first Indexing

In short, the mobile-first index means that Google uses the mobile version of your page to index and rank. Your search console may have informed you that since March 2018, Google has begun the process of moving the site to its original mobile directory.

There is still only one mobile and desktop version indicator, so cell phone identification doesn't mean "mobile only." However, once the site has been moved, Google will use the mobile version to measure. This means there is no reason to delay mobile friendships, because your mobile version will become the main version of the standard.

Action Plan:

If you were thinking of changing sites but not moving, you need to do it now.

Google Trends analyst John Mueller said: "If you want to respond, you'd better do it before the first mobile launch." In addition, Google strongly recommends that you do not use m-dot and respond to the same page as it will confuse crawlers.

2. Page Speed

Mobile page speed has recently become a standard feature of websites. Here, you need to understand what metrics are important to Google in terms of page speed checks. It earns points based on two different metrics and speed, and is suitable for desktop and mobile devices. You can control your development score by fixing all the problems that prevent your website from loading quickly, but the way the speed result is generated is what changes the real game.

Action Plan:

Development school is very important in experimentation. Website preparation and tracking results are entirely in your hands, and Google has provided an appropriate list of recommendations.

3. Brand as a Ranking signal

Google can use brands as standard signals in two ways.

Speaking of product offline, search engines treat your product as a business. Google analyzes all the features mentioned in order to better understand your authority in a particular field.

The emotion and context of each component is important, which includes credibility, advertising, resolution of grievances, etc. Google understands right and wrong in context. For example, according to Google's search quality guidelines, reputation is important for ranks, so the surrounding impression of the product may affect the quality of the website.

Action Plan:

Backlinks are still a powerful signal, but establishing links quickly is not a white hat business. You can choose to use the power of offline backlinks. Whenever you have the opportunity, mention your brand name online.


It's annoying to get GDPR and privacy policy emails. The GDPR is a General Data Protection Regulation approved by the European Union. It clarifies an important issue, namely, who owns the data generated by the user’s online interaction. Now it is not the company that collects it, but the user who owns it. Users may request to view the personal data the company manages for them, and may request modification and export of this data. If the company refuses to comply with the regulations, it can be fined. This regulation applies to EU companies and customers, but international companies must comply with the GDPR.

Action Plan:

If you do not have a European customer, you can switch to the "Don't Expire Automatically" option in Google Analytics. In this way, Google frees you from the obligation to protect user data. If you have European customers, then:

Check all user data sources collected on your website and make sure certain confidential data is not sent to Google Analytics;

Review your privacy policy documents in accordance with GDPR requirements;

Modify your cookie authorization form to ensure that it contains the information you collect, why you did so, where you stored it, and to ensure that the information is secure;

If you are using Google Tag Manager, please enable IP anonymity. It will be a little more accurate, but you will still have a broad understanding of where your traffic is coming from.

5. Amazon Search

Amazon has an algorithm similar to Google, but it is used for internal search within Amazon pages. Amazon is not a typical search engine, but most people go straight to Amazon to buy. If they want to buy, first visit Amazon, then contact Amazon after finding something elsewhere. This shows that Amazon is transforming Google into e-commerce. This means that if you sell non-Amazon products, you will lose potential customers. So, you need to incorporate Amazon optimization into your SEO strategy.

Action Plan:

Do a keyword research. Make the title and product description effective and easy to use. Provide high quality photos. Follow up customer reviews and resolve complaints.

Final Thoughts

There are many things to discuss in 2019. The trend may be small, but the changes are huge. Although much progress has been made in mobile devices, the effects of Amazon and GDPR still need careful consideration.



Baba Nadeem

A versatile writer who specializes in business writing and marketing materials.