Operation Management in Lahan Sikam

Mohammad Mostaf
20 min readMar 13, 2024


Lahan Sikam Logo



1.1 Background

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending is a transaction system provided by platform companies where debtors (borrowers) and creditors (lenders) can interact. Usually, when someone wants to borrow money conventionally, they have to visit a financial institution such as a bank, cooperative, or similar entity. There, they are required to fulfill certain requirements, including the provision of documents and collateral, in order to apply for a loan. However, in P2P Lending, borrowers have the convenience of applying for a loan through a fintech platform online, without the need to meet the lender in person. The process is simpler, faster, and less complicated, allowing individuals to apply for loans more easily.

In addition, as business activities increase, the need for capital or funds for business actors is also increasing. Therefore, it is necessary to expand the means of providing funds needed by businesses or the community. The process of borrowing through banking institutions tends to be complex, and it is not uncommon for credit applications to be rejected after credit analysis, especially if the business potential is considered small. Today, the practice of borrowing and lending has evolved rapidly. It is no longer limited to conventional banking processes but has been adapted to the advancement of information technology. The internet, as part of information technology, has changed the world by bringing innovation, increasing productivity, connecting individuals and communities, and creating business opportunities. Based on these trends, lending and borrowing practices have been adapted to information technology, resulting in new innovations in the financial sector, including various digital-based financing or lending models, known as financial technology (fintech).

Fintech, also known as online lending, has been growing in Indonesia since 2016. They bring innovation in online financing and funding. In 2016, there were 24 online lending platforms or fintech companies registered as members of Aftech. However, by the end of 2021, the number of registered online lending platforms had reached 147. This rapid growth in the financial technology industry in Indonesia needs to be balanced with a better level of public financial literacy and a deeper understanding of the utilization of existing technology.

Starting from the ideals of building the Indonesian economy from the Regions and taking advantage of the opportunities that exist, Lahan Sikam tries to answer these challenges with an approach through technology, but it is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, with various colors of local communities, socialization and education are very important things to optimize the use of technology in the regions. The founder of Lahan Sikam took the initiative to open this fintech in order to help umkm and farmers in Lampung province and become the first fintech to be present on the island of Sumatra.

1.2 Formulation of The Problem

1. How does Lahan Sikam maintain goods and service design?

2. How does Lahan Sikam maximize quality?

3. What are process and capacity design in Lahan Sikam?

4. What are the considerations for lahan sikam when doing location selection?

5. What is the layout design in Lahan Sikam?

6. How Lahan Sikam manage the human resources and job design?

7. How Lahan Sikam carry out the supply chain management?

8. How Lahan Sikam maximize the inventory?

9. How Lahan Sikam do Scheduling?

10. What is the maintenance that Lahan Sikam?

1.3 Objectives

1. Describe how Lahan Sikam maintain its service quality.

2. Identify and explain how Lahan Sikam do quality of their product.

3. Identify and explain how Lahan Sikam process and capacity design.

4. Describes the considerations that make a company choose a location.

5. Identify the layout design in Lahan Sikam.

6. Define how Lahan Sikam manage the human resources and job design.

7. Describe Lahan Sikam carry out the supply chain management.

8. Define how Lahan Sikam maximizes the inventory.

9. Explain Scheduling that Lahan Sikam do.

10. Analyze the maintenance that conduct by Lahan Sikam.



2.1 Good and Service Design

The design of goods and services encompasses various activities such as product development, user research, marketing, and branding. It involves the creation and development of tangible and intangible products that fulfill consumers’ needs and wants. The goal of goods and services design is to create products that are not only functional and useful but also aesthetically pleasing and emotionally resonant with consumers. In order to achieve this, designers must carefully consider the needs, wants, and expectations of their target audience. Goods and services design is a complex and multifaceted field that draws on a variety of disciplines, including engineering, psychology, design thinking, and business (Motagna et al, 2023).

The goods and services design process typically involves several stages. First, the ideation stage focuses on identifying customer needs and opportunities for new products or services. This is followed by the research stage, where market research is conducted to understand customer preferences and behavior. Next, the concepts stage involves developing a range of product or service concepts to explore. The prototyping stage comes next, where physical or digital prototypes are created to test and refine the design. Feedback from users is gathered during the testing stage to improve the product or service. Once the design is refined, the launch stage involves introducing the product or service to the market. Finally, the iterate stage focuses on continuously improving the product or service based on user feedback (Rivera-Gil et al, 2023).

2.2 Quality

Quality is a critical factor in business success as it can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and market share. High-quality products and services can also help to reduce costs, improve productivity, and enhance the brand image of a company (Turcan, 2023). In operational management, quality refers to the degree to which a product or service meets or exceeds customer expectations. It is important for companies to understand customer needs and preferences in order to deliver products and services that meet those expectations. By focusing on quality management and continuously improving quality, businesses can achieve increased competitiveness and growth. Additionally, quality management practices can provide sustainable quality results for service organizations, although further research is needed in this area. Overall, quality plays a crucial role in ensuring customer satisfaction, reducing costs, and driving business success.

2.3 Process & Capacity Design

Process design and capacity design are two interconnected areas in operational management that are crucial for efficient and effective production of goods and services. Process design focuses on the steps and activities involved in transforming inputs into outputs, while capacity design determines the organization’s ability to meet customer demand (Prayag, 2023).

Effective process design and capacity design are closely linked and have a significant impact on an organization’s ability to produce high-quality goods and services efficiently. By optimizing the production processes through effective process design, operational managers can reduce waste, improve productivity, and ensure customer satisfaction. This, in turn, affects capacity utilization and the need for capacity expansion. By carefully considering both process and capacity design, organizations can achieve their goals and objectives while meeting customer demands (Baladeh & Taghipour, 2023).

2.4 Location Selection

Location selection is a crucial decision in operational management as it significantly impacts a company’s operational efficiency, costs, and overall success. Companies need to anticipate future developments at potential locations and consider both company-internal and -external development measures in their decision-making process (Kik, 2023).

When selecting a location, operational managers must carefully consider various factors. Proximity to markets is important as it reduces transportation costs, improves delivery times, and enhances customer responsiveness (Ahmet & Vayuz, 2023). A well-developed infrastructure, including roads, ports, and transportation networks, facilitates efficient movement of goods and materials (Zhao & Yang, 2022). Cost factors, such as land, labor, utilities, and taxes, play a significant role in determining the overall cost of operating at a particular location (Terme et al, 2022). A high quality of life attracts and retains skilled labor, contributing to a productive workforce. Lastly, the ability to expand the facility or operations in the future is essential for long-term growth.

2.5 Layout Design

Layout design is an important aspect of operational management. It involves the physical arrangement of all resources that consume space within a facility, such as machines, equipment, and workstations. The layout of an operation or process refers to how its transformed resources are positioned relative to each other and how various tasks are allocated to these transforming resources.

There are different types of layouts in operational management, including product layout, process layout, fixed position layout, and combination layout. Product layout is used when machines and equipment are arranged in one line depending on the sequence of operations required for the product. Process layout, on the other hand, groups machines of a similar type together at one place. Fixed position layout is used when the product is too large or heavy to move, and the equipment must be brought to the product. Combination layout is a mix of two or more of the above layouts.

2.6 Human Resources and Job Design

Human resources (HR) play a crucial role in operational management, ensuring the effective utilization of the organization’s most valuable asset: its people. HR professionals are responsible for managing the entire employee lifecycle, from recruitment and onboarding to training and development, performance management, and employee retention (Jain, 2023).

The key functions of HR in operational management include staff procurement, staff development, managing compensation, maintaining occupational safety and health, and managing the relationship between workers and their employers (Hasibuan & Rahmani, 2022). These functions are contingent on organizational variables such as the CSR structure, scope, and application, as well as the nature of the HR functions. Overall, HR in operational management plays a crucial role in various aspects of organizational functioning, contributing to the achievement of organizational goals (Machado, 2016).

2.7 Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management (SCM) is a critical component of operational management, encompassing the planning, organization, and control of the flow of goods and information from suppliers to customers. Effective SCM ensures the efficient and timely delivery of products and services, meeting customer demand while minimizing costs and maximizing profits (Paopongchuang & Yenradee, 2023).

The key functions of supply chain management in operational management include planning, control, and execution of logistics related to the supply chain, as well as integration of supply, production, and distribution operations (Liu et al, 2022). Supply chain management aims to optimize the flow of goods from raw materials to production through distribution to the end customer, in a streamlined and cost-effective manner (Sawik & Sawik, 2020). Additionally, supply chain management involves the coordination and scheduling of supply, production, and distribution operations to achieve high performance (Wannenwetsch, H., & Thomé, F. 2021). The management of the supply chain is essential for running any business, and it requires addressing challenges and inefficiencies in supply chain management. Overall, supply chain management encompasses the holistic organization and control of material and information flows within a company and across the entire supply chain.

2.8 Inventory

Inventory management is a crucial aspect of operational management. It involves the control and tracking of sales, purchases, and available goods in order to optimize the flow of inventory and meet customer demands. Effective inventory management can lead to improved operational performance and organizational success. Various factors, such as demand forecasting, vendor managed inventory, and just-in-time practices, play a significant role in inventory management. These practices help in ensuring the right level of inventory, reducing costs, and improving operational efficiency. Studies have shown that purchasing strategies and inventory management practices have a direct positive effect on operational performance, and inventory management mediates the effect of purchasing strategies on operational performance (Munyaka & Yadavalli, 2022).

2.9 Scheduling

Scheduling in operational management is a crucial task for manufacturing enterprises to ensure competitiveness in the market. It involves the elaboration of schedules based on workload and coordination with all activities (Vasilev, P. 2022). Effective scheduling in operating systems is essential for system efficiency and resource optimization, leading to enhanced productivity (Velingkar et al, 2022). In the context of supply chain management, mathematical models are developed for hierarchical scheduling of operations in multi-stage networks (Albrecht, W., & Albrecht, W., 2021). Workforce management scheduling, particularly in marketing, can be optimized using genetic metaheuristic methods to maximize operational time and meet customer service targets (Rahadja, 2020).

2.10 Maintenance

Maintenance is a crucial aspect of operational management, encompassing activities aimed at preventing breakdowns, detecting and correcting defects, and improving the condition of assets to ensure optimal performance. A good maintenance management system, coupled with knowledgeable and capable maintenance staff, can prevent health and safety problems, extend the life of equipment, and result in lower operating costs and a higher quality of life (Khider & Hamza, 2023).

Evaluating maintenance policies’ effectiveness and planning them is essential for long-term overall equipment effectiveness. Maintenance effectiveness indicators can be classified based on system maintainability, failure consequences, economic assessment, and temporary mode of system use. Maintenance models can be classified based on system structure, type of inspection, degree of unit restoration, and external manifestations of failure. Condition-based maintenance significantly increases availability and reduces the number of inspections compared to corrective maintenance (Ulansky, V & Raza, A. (2023).



3.1 Operational Management Lahan Sikam

In managing the operations of lahan Sikam Company, co-founder Ade Sumaryadi, who serves as director, is directly involved in designing, coordinating and leading all company activities. From planning to mobilization, Ade Sumaryadi proactively intervenes, overseeing every aspect of operations, from finding MSMEs in need of funding to connecting them with potentially supportive investors. Ade Sumaryadi’s critical role includes team management, effective MSME sourcing strategies, and the ability to align investor expectations with MSME needs. With this direct involvement, Ade Sumaryadi is not only a director, but also a catalyst in creating an ecosystem that supports sustainable growth in lahan Sikam. The 10 Operational Management decisions made by Lahan Sikam are:

3.1.1 Service Design

Market reasearch

Market research is the process of collecting information from the target market about the feasibility of new products or services and evaluating old products for development. Market research allows brands to find target markets and get feedback or opinions about their interests regarding the products or services you offer. On this case, the founders of lahan sikam conduct Market Research by using Data (Total data of Farmers in Lampung) and using their experience when working at the previous bank where they worked.


Lahan sikam only exists in Lampung and has its own products, different from other banks. In 5 years, this Lahan sikam product is still unique even though many other competitors have opened branches with the same goods.

Product life cycle

Product Life Cycle (PLC) is a term used to describe the four stages that a product goes through during its development. This cycle can be used to predict the likelihood of success of a new product, as well as the length of time the product will remain profitable. Lahan sikam for now is still in the Growth stage, the company is also still developing its products and validating again whether this product can be introduced raw or needs to be developed or modified again.


Lahan Sikam has 2 main products, namely, Agriculture and MSMEs. If the 2 main products are not in demand, then there are derivative products that can be improved in order to maintain public interest.

Target market

For the first 3 years it was still done with a door to door system, but now it has started to focus on Farmer groups, Association groups, etc. Now Lahan Sikam is more focused on the mass market. Since its inception, Lahan Sikam is different from other fintechs. Most of these fintechs are in the city of Jakarta and their targets are in big cities, while Lahan Sikam is in Sumatra, Lampung and because of the geographical conditions and background of the population are farmers and MSMEs. Therefore, Lahan Sikam adapts to the region it occupies.

3.1.2 Quality

Profit Maximisation

Profit maximization is the ability of a business or company to obtain maximum profits at low costs which is considered the main goal of every business and is also considered one of the goals of financial management. Profit maximization is a company’s short-term goal and is necessary for the company’s survival and growth.

Lahan sikam maximizes profits by reducing costs and increasing sales. If both do not work, what is planned by Lahan sikam to get the maximum review will be difficult to achieve. The first is certainly Lahan Sikam to increase sales. The second is to reduce costs such as costs for collection. Well that’s what we emphasize, but if for Costs that are overheard or Fixed Costs such as Costs for buildings or for employees. we usually measure Lahan Sikam from the beginning so that it can be more efficient.


This certificate is a valuable asset, it not only demonstrates our continued achievement and commitment to conducting our business in a fully professional and consistent manner, but it is recognized as a symbol of excellence worldwide.

To achieve ISO certification, we first measure the overall risk in the financial technology industry, then we measure the risks that we are able to face and finally we measure what risks we cannot fulfill so that it becomes an evaluation material to immediately make improvements in the future to meet certification requirements.

Maintaining Service Quality

To maintain customer satisfaction with the service quality of Lahan Sikam, the company must provide ease of transactions, offer competitive interest rates and provide customer service that is easy to contact and feedback is fast and responsive to the problems faced by our customers. So we must often ask our customers for feedback on the needs they need.

In addition, Lahan sikam is supervised by the Financial Services Authority, so every move we make must refer to the regulations of the Financial Services Authority or ojk and then we have what is called the Indonesian joint funding fintech association which serves to be a middle ground on problems that arise in the technology finance sector. The existence of a supervisory body makes customers feel safer when investing their money.

3.1.3 Process & Capacity Design


For short-term plans there is a plan for the next year and the second is a mid-year plan to review or revise whether future plans can be fulfilled at the end of the year. Then, this business plan is to measure or calculate resources such as human resources, funds / capital capable of covering operational targets for one year. The second is whether the sales target is able to meet the target or the will of stakeholders.

Lahan sikam was established in 2018. At that time the long-term plan was to get a Registered Mark, in 2020 get an Official License from the OJK and due to the pandemic, the process became long in 2021 and the target in 2021 was to get and from new Investors with OJK approval.

Maximize Loan Effectiveness.

The target of Sikam Farm is a business that is productive and not consumptive, which means that the proceeds from the loan must be repaid and not spent, and the borrowing capacity is also measured first. Every loan given must have a purpose.

How to be customer

First you can login to website lahan sikam lahansikam.com, then you can click register on the top right side of the webpage and then you will see this page:

Fill the coloum about your identity, after that you can submit it and now you are the customer of lahan sikam.

3.1.4 Location Selection

Location Selection Factors

The selection of the Tanjung Senang area is because it is close to plantations, such as palm rubber and then coffee, which is not too complex because it is already well known to the public. Another reason to stand in the Tanjung Senang area is because of the road access that can reach other areas outside Lampung such as Metro, South Lampung, Pringsewu, ETC. If they stand in the city, then there are already sea areas.

3.1.5 Layout Design

Office Layout

Since its inception, Lahan Sikam only had 1 shophouse and in the first year only 9–11 people. In the second year it reached 19 people and now it has reached 34 people. Therefore, Lahan Sikam added its offices to 2 shophouses.

The ground floor is used for customer service, then the second floor is used for workers and there is a lounge to welcome guests or people who want to collaborate with us. Meanwhile, the 3rd floor is used as a meeting room and there is also a rooftop which can be a place to work.

layout design on consumer satisfaction

Because our services are fully online, starting from data entry to signature, basically customers don’t have to come to the office so the office layout doesn’t have a significant impact on customer satisfaction.

Layoput Design Improvements

There is a need for other improvements because it is possible that we will increase the number of employees. If we increase the number of employees, it is possible that the layout will change. Apart from that, when there is a server on the first floor to run the Lahan Sikam service, therefore, when it is first placed, adequate technology is needed to place the server.

3.1.6 Human Resource & Job Design

The Lahan Sikam Company has already prepared a work plan running so far, with 1 Director, 1 Commissioner, 1 Head of Business, 1 Head of Marketing, 1 Head of Financial, 1 Head of Human Resources, 1 Head of Technology, and 1 Head of Operations and 28 Employees. The following is a work plan from the Lahan Sikam Company:

1 Director

- Oversee and Guide The Business (Such as Strategy, Operation and Overall Management)

1 Commisioner

- Supervise the Board of Directors in carrying out company activities and provide advice to the Board of Directors.

- Supervise the implementation of the Company’s Long-Term Plan (RJPP) and Work Plan.

- Supervise and evaluate the performance of the Board of Directors.

1 Head of Business

- Developing And Implementing Business Strategy

- Ensuring Effective Communication

- Fostering Partnership and Collaboration

1 Head of Marketing

- Promoting The Company Service

- Advertising

- Branding Initiative

- Doing Market Research

1 Head of Financial

- Managing Financial Planning

- Managing Funds

- Maintaning Financial Stability

- Budgeting

- Making Strategic Financial Decicions

- Providing Insight

- Assessing Transaction

1 Head of Human Resource

- Creating & Implementing Policies

- Ensuring Complience

- Managing Performance Management

1 Head Of IT

- System Development & Maintenance

- Ensuring Data Security

- Managing and Mitigating Potential Risks Related to Technology

1 Head of Operations

- Managing Operational Process

- Optimizing Efficiency

- Ensuring The Company Platform Operates Effectively

28 Employes

- Helping Each of The Head Of Department

3.1.7 Supply Chain Management

The supply chain for Lahan Sikam Companies comes from farmers or plantation companies in the Metro area, South Lampung, Pringsewu, and so on who borrow funds from Lahan Sikam through the official Lahan Sikam Website that has been provided.

The following Example is the supply flow of the Lahan Sikam Company:

From this picture we can conclude that the borrower will access the website platform provided by the Sikam Land Company to apply for a loan, then the company will receive the request and analyze whether the request can be approved or not. Then, in the final stage, Sikam Land and the Borrower will come to an agreement on the request submitted.

3.1.8 Inventory

Lahan Sikam is an innovative service company that provides a platform connecting investors and borrowers, thereby operating without the need for physical inventory, unlike traditional product-based enterprises.

3.1.9 Scheduling

Scheduling is one of the important activities in determining time and sequence of activities in a company. The following is the production schedule for the Sikam Land Company:

Working Hour



Preparation for Opening the Office




Checking Website Server Readiness


Start doing work for each division


Lunch Break


Back to Doing Work


Preparation for Office Closing


Time For the Employess to Go Home


Time limit determined for employees who are still working overtime at the office

3.1.10 Maintenance

The Sikam Land Company always carries out maintenance to maintain the smooth use and security of their platform such as Updating Their Software, Security Audits & Enhancement, Database Maintenance, Regulatory Complience Checks, Custumer Support Update, Website/Platform Performance Optimization, etc. The Maintenance are being done to keep the Platform running smoothly without any kinds of errors or problems.




In conclusion, Lahan Sikam, under the proactive direction of co-founder Ade Sumaryadi, employs a hands-on operational management strategy. Ade Sumaryadi’s direct involvement spans the entire spectrum of company activities, emphasizing his dual role as a director and catalyst for fostering an ecosystem conducive to sustainable growth. From comprehensive market research and differentiation strategies, underscored by unique products exclusive to Lampung, to a focus on profit maximization through cost reduction and sales increase, Lahan Sikam demonstrates a commitment to financial success. Notably, the company’s ISO 27001:2013 certification highlights its dedication to information security management. The selection of Tanjung Senang reflects a strategic choice based on geographical advantages, while evolving office layouts and a well-structured human resource framework showcase adaptability and organizational planning. The supply chain involving farmers and plantation companies, a detailed scheduling approach, and continuous maintenance activities further reinforce Lahan Sikam’s commitment to customer satisfaction, financial stability, and long-term sustainability.


To enhance Lahan Sikam’s operational effectiveness, consider intensifying marketing efforts to spotlight the uniqueness of products in Lampung and explore opportunities for targeted campaigns to the mass market. Diversify product offerings, developing derivatives to maintain interest during market fluctuations. Strategically expand into neighboring regions with similar demographics to broaden the customer base. Strengthen customer engagement through regular feedback channels. Invest in scalable technology infrastructure to accommodate potential growth in employees and server requirements. Prioritize employee training for an efficient and aligned workforce. Optimize the supply chain, streamlining loan application processes for improved operational efficiency. Integrate sustainability initiatives, supporting environmentally friendly practices within the supply chain. Implement enhanced maintenance protocols, focusing not only on technical aspects but also on improving the user experience through regular updates and optimizations. These measures will fortify Lahan Sikam’s market position, sustain growth, and ensure adaptability in the evolving financial technology landscape.


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