Slack just wiped out our data!

محسن ارجمندی
2 min readDec 20, 2018


Yes, you read it right! They just decided to wipe out our whole history and close our access overnight.

Received email after closing our access

One of our teams was using Slack widely and there was a lot of team discussions, links, and documentation there and they just decided to close our access without prompting us beforehand! We even were on a paid plan for a while but they didn’t care about their customers.

This is not the first time that we’re facing sanctions for developing tech inside Iran or even for being Iranian! (here) but this is the first time that we lose this amount of critical information without even being noticed.

If Slack has to comply with the export control law, they also need to comply with GDPR. Based on GDPR (not human right or freedom of speech!) that data belongs to us not Slack to close access to!

They’re not just complying to the export control, they had a very bad style implementing this law and I’m sure if Slack continues to such behavior with its customers there’s going to be no trust using Slack or any other SaaS for business and enterprises around the world when you don’t respect your customer and just wipe out lots of important information that were generated during long nights of development and endeavor.

Update: Today Slack gave back our access and I thank them deeply for their understanding and let us access our data:

The email for giving us back the access

We here thank the Slack team and their care for their users. We also hope they do this for all of their users and many other teams that lost access to their information. I’m sure that there are lots of ways to comply with the export law more gently and minimize the harm it will cause upon users.

Many thanks to you Slack!

