Mastering Affinity Diagramming: A Complete Guide to UX Data Organization

Mohsin Ali
3 min readOct 30, 2023

If you don’t know the basics of affinity diagrams and where to use them then first read this

1. Preparation: Setting the Stage for Collaboration:

  • Room Selection: Opt for a spacious room that fosters a collaborative atmosphere. The room should be quiet enough to facilitate discussions and large enough to accommodate all participants comfortably.
  • Wall Preparation: Walls should be able to hold numerous sticky notes. If they aren’t adhesive-friendly, consider taping flip-chart papers or using portable whiteboards. This ensures notes can be easily moved around during the sorting process.
  • Materials: Apart from sticky notes, have a sufficient number of markers, pens, and blank pads. Different colored sticky notes can be useful to represent different types of data or different team members’ inputs.

2. Initial Sorting: Laying the Groundwork:

  • Brainstorming Session: Before diving into sorting, allow team members to brainstorm and jot down their thoughts, observations, or findings on individual sticky notes.
  • Categorization: Team members collaboratively sift through the notes, grouping them into broad, top-level categories. This phase is intuitive, relying on the team’s collective understanding of the data.

3. Deep Dive into Subcategories: Fine-Tuning the Data

  • Subcategorization: Within each

top-level category, notes are further dissected and sorted into more specific subcategories. This helps in breaking down broad themes into more actionable insights.

  • Collaborative Effort: Encourage team members to discuss and debate as they sort. While the initial sorting phase is more intuitive, this phase might require more discussion to ensure notes are placed accurately.
  • Labeling: As subcategories emerge, label them clearly. This not only aids in understanding but also serves as a guidepost for later discussions.

4. Presentation and Discussion: Sharing and Collaborating

  • Designated Presenters: Assign team members to present specific categories. This ensures that each category gets its due attention and is thoroughly discussed.
  • Summarization: The presenter summarizes the main insights from their category, providing a concise overview before delving into specifics.
  • Open Floor: After presenting, the floor is opened for discussions. Team members can ask questions, provide additional insights, or suggest re-sorting if they feel a note might fit better elsewhere.

5. Prioritization: Identifying Key Takeaways

  • Voting System: Introduce a voting system where team members can vote on the importance or relevance of specific findings. This democratic approach ensures that the most critical insights are highlighted.
  • Value Assignment: Depending on the workshop’s objective, assign a value or weightage to each note or category. This can be based on its impact, feasibility, or any other relevant metric.

6. Documentation: Capturing the Organized Insights

  • Photographic Record: Take clear photographs of the sorted notes, ensuring that each note is legible. This serves as a quick reference for future discussions.
  • Written Summaries: Designate a scribe to jot down the key takeaways from each category and subcategory. This detailed record is invaluable for those who couldn’t attend the workshop and for future reference.
  • Digital Tools: Consider using digital tools or software that replicate the affinity diagramming process. This can be especially useful for remote teams or for creating a more permanent record.

7. Conclusion: Wrapping Up with Clear Next Steps

  • Assigning Tasks: Based on the insights gathered, assign follow-up tasks to relevant team members. This ensures that the insights from the workshop are acted upon.
  • Feedback Loop: Encourage team members to provide feedback on the workshop. This can help in refining the process for future sessions.
  • Scheduling Follow-ups: Set up dates for follow-up meetings or workshops. This keeps the momentum going and ensures that the insights from the affinity diagramming process are integrated into the project.

By following this comprehensive guide, teams can harness the power of affinity diagramming to organize their data, foster collaboration, and drive actionable insights.

‘Your time is precious don’t waste it’



Mohsin Ali

Passionate UX/UI Designer | UX Research and UX psychology| Investing in Stocks | Python Enthusiast 🎨📈🐍