Absolute Success is Luck. Relative Success is Hard Work.

2 min readJun 22, 2023


The statement "Absolute success is luck. Relative success is hard work" reflects a common perspective on the relationship between luck and hard work in achieving success. Here's an explanation of the statement:

Absolute success and luck: Absolute success refers to achieving a high level of success or reaching a specific goal. This perspective suggests that absolute success is primarily influenced by factors beyond an individual's control, often attributed to luck or external circumstances. It acknowledges that uncontrollable elements, such as fortunate opportunities, favorable timing, or unexpected events, can play a significant role in achieving extraordinary success.

Relative success and hard work: Relative success, on the other hand, refers to achieving success in comparison to others or relative to one's own starting point. This perspective emphasizes that hard work, determination, and effort are essential contributors to achieving success. It implies that individuals who consistently apply themselves, persevere through challenges, and make continuous efforts are more likely to attain a level of success relative to their peers or their own previous achievements.

The statement highlights a dichotomy between luck and hard work, suggesting that while luck may have a stronger influence on absolute success, relative success is more strongly correlated with diligent effort and persistence.
However, it's important to note that the relationship between luck and hard work is more complex and multifaceted. Success often results from a combination of factors, including both luck and hard work:

Luck and opportunity: Luck can manifest as being in the right place at the right time or encountering favorable circumstances that present unique opportunities. However, it is often the result of being prepared and receptive to seizing those opportunities. Hard work plays a role in positioning oneself to capitalize on fortunate situations.

Hard work and skill development: Diligent effort and continuous improvement through hard work are necessary to develop the skills, knowledge, and expertise that contribute to success. Even with luck, sustained success requires ongoing dedication and the ability to capitalize on opportunities through competence and preparedness.

Adaptability and resilience: Luck may present unexpected challenges or setbacks, and it is hard work combined with resilience that allows individuals to overcome adversity and continue progressing toward their goals.

While luck and hard work can both influence success, the extent to which each factor plays a role can vary in different situations. Recognizing the interplay between luck and hard work can help individuals maintain a balanced perspective, take advantage of opportunities, and persevere through challenges on their path to success.




Professional writer since 2018. Ex-newsman. Now I write about art, tech, mental health, politics, and the human condition.