I have found my peace.

Möhsin Khawas
2 min readDec 4, 2016


Among the zillion lafdas happened in my 2016, a particular thing caught my attention. That is, I have found my peace.

As a Muslim, as a Human, as a Son, as a Brother, as a Friend, as a Developer, as a Car guy, as a Traveler, as a Gamer.

I am better. Better version of myself.

It’s not the age, nor the mid life crisis. It’s not even the money (as I will get pointed out over the $ and job). This is something else.

May be it’s the number of flights I took. Number of iMessages sent. Number of concerts attended. Number of Starbucks Latte consumed. Number of Calories burned. Number of people I met.

Kala chasma ? But not a gora mukhda.

With time I realized how some people are good, some are shit. How for some people it’s just the ego rather than things that matter.

I opened up myself to a few, I completely shut myself from few. I added few friends in group, removed few from my life. There is a difference in having people who motivates than who demotivates.

I remember, a Manager of mine saying not to be “too nice”. I laughed. I couldn’t realize what he was talking. Then things hit me hard. Later I realized, what he was saying and learned I need to be a bit selfish as well.

It may be even the BMW, as I know the Mohsin before and after the BMW. Before BMW even the thought of buying one was so terrifying. Can I afford it ? What if something goes wrong ?

After the BMW, I am confident. It pushed me out of my comfort. The lifestyle changed, the thought process. With every mile driven, I changed.

Confidence is knowing your limits, what you can do, what you can’t do. How you can overcome it. How you can get strong.

May be it’s Arsenal as it’s a major part of my life now. With Arsenal, I learned how to pick things up when lost, how anything can happen once you show up. Win or lose, you got to “move forward”. As that’s the only way.

I am excited over what’s next. Not gonna settle down with this, as now I know where I stand. I still got a lot of things to do, work on real things. As Arsene Wenger once said, “one step at a time”. So be it.

Thanks guys. I know, you are happy for me. \m/. I got this. Just like all the time.



Möhsin Khawas

iOS & OS X Engineer @ Bay Area. Arsene Wenger. Gooner. PS4. Metal n Petrol Head. BMW. Sunset Chaser. In pursuit of next, trying to make a dent. الحَمْد لله‎