TimeKiller guide

4 min readJul 24, 2014


TimeKiller has the same base stats as Ninja.
TimeKiller has the same mana regen as Rogue.


TimeKiller has hybrid class stats and a dodge type mana regen, so it works best if you have full Lucky enhancements or maybe include a Thief or two in there for extra dodge. Since the class doesn't have a great healing skill or dodge enough to avoid damage, using the Health Vamp Blade of Awe enhance will make sure you can safely solo some easy bosses. All of the offensive skills on TimeKiller does a percentage of weapon damage, so you'll want to use a high damage weapon to get the job done faster.

Standard auto attack with a 2 second cooldown.

The auto attack on this class is just like every other typical auto attack you’ve seen on other classes, nothing special here.

Stretch Time (rank 1): costs 15 mana to use and has a fast cooldown of just 4 seconds.

Deals 140% weapon damage to an enemy in melee range. Applies a haste debuff each time, stacks up to 4 times.

Relive The Past (rank 2): costs 20 mana to use and has a 8 second cooldown.

Deals 140% weapon damage to an enemy in far range. Applies Relive The Past, a weak damage over time effect lasting 10 seconds.

Compress Time (rank 3): costs 30 mana to use and has a 20 second cooldown.

Buff yourself or an ally, increasing haste slightly, grants a low heal over time and restores 50 MP over 10 seconds.

Speed Perception (rank 4): Passive Ability

Increases your dodge chance by just 10%.

Quick Reactions (rank 4): Passive Ability

Reduces damage taken by 10%.

Stop Time (rank 5): costs 45 mana to use and has a 20 second cooldown.

Deals 422% weapon damage to an enemy in far range and applies a 4 second stun.

Ancestor’s Favor (rank 10): Passive Ability

Rarely applies a haste debuff to 3 enemies nearby and boost your own haste for a short time.


After using it for awhile, you'll realize TimeKiller does not live up to the exclusive value of a calendar class. This class is different — but not in a way that players will love. It doesn't have the special nuke power on classes like ChronoCommander, nor can it heal itself for high amounts of HP after taking lots of damage. The rank 4 passives on this class are just 10% each, in contrast to some of other calendar classes which gives a nice 15% each of passive buffs.

The class artwork itself and the accessories that comes with it looks really nice, and is so far the nicest looking one out of all the calendar classes. But is the tradeoff of having a cool skin instead of a fun skillset really worth it?

The answer is no. The haste debuff of Stretch Time is actually bad for TimeKiller because it’s a class that relies on dodge. Since you gain mana and HP back each time you dodge an attack, making the enemy attack slower means you'll gain mana back slower. The damage over time of Relive The Past is too low compared to today’s standards. And Stop Time doesn't do enough damage to make up for the high mana cost of using it. All of these skills have recycled animations used by older classes.

The only thing neat about this class is the skill called Compress Time, it plays a cool bubble animation and it’s the first support ability in the game that allows you to heal an ally’s mana, give them a low heal over time and slightly increase their haste. Overall, TimeKiller is a mediocre class with simple skills to deliver simple results. It has no problem with soloing easy bosses but most of the time you'll find yourself running out of mana or having too much mana. In the end, you're better off using a fun class like Dragonlord for your day-to-day needs and putting this outdated calendar class where it belongs — in the bank.

