Md Moizuddin
1 min readJul 17, 2023

To run the `espeak` command in a Docker container on your local virtual machine, follow these steps:

1. Set up Docker:
— Install Docker on your local virtual machine. Visit the Docker website ( and download Docker for your specific operating system.
— Follow the installation instructions provided by Docker for your operating system.

2. Pull the Docker image:
— Open a terminal or command prompt on your local virtual machine.
— Run the following command to pull the Docker image that contains the `espeak` command:

docker pull jess/espeak

— This command will download the Docker image from the Docker Hub registry.

3. Run the Docker container:
— Once the image is downloaded, run the following command to start a Docker container:

docker run — rm -it jess/espeak

— This command creates and runs a Docker container based on the `jess/espeak` image. The ` — rm` flag removes the container after it exits, and the `-it` flag enables an interactive terminal session.

4. Execute the `espeak` command:
— Within the running Docker container, you can execute the `espeak` command as desired.
— For example, you can run the following command to make the container say “Hello, world!”:

espeak “Hello, world!”

— The `espeak` command will generate speech output within the Docker container.

That’s it! You have successfully run the `espeak` command in a Docker container on your local virtual machine. Docker provides a portable and isolated environment for running applications, allowing you to utilize various tools and services without directly installing them on your host system.

Thank you