10 Easy Steps To Creating The Perfect Financial Report

8 min readJan 9, 2024


10 Easy Steps To Creating The Perfect Financial Report

Financial reports reveal how well a company is performing financially over a specific time frame. Reports are important for investors, creditors, management, and others to assess a company’s health and make informed choices.

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What is the Importance of a Financial Report?

What is the Importance of a Financial Report?

Financial reports are organized records that summarize an entity’s financial status and actions. Different financial statements, like the cash flow statement, balance sheet, and income statement, are typically in these reports. Organizations provide a thorough accounting of their earnings, outlays, assets, liabilities, and overall financial performance through these records.

Understanding Financial Dashboards

Financial dashboards are visual representations of a company’s financial data and key performance indicators (KPIs) presented in a concise and easily understandable format. These dashboards use pictures to display current financial information, helping users easily understand a company’s financial status and performance. Financial dashboards show important financial information like revenue, expenses, profits, cash flow, and other indicators. They help executives, managers, and stakeholders make decisions.

Understanding Financial Dashboards

1. Target Audience and Considerations

Customization is key, tailoring the dashboard to meet the specific needs and preferences of each user. To effectively communicate complex financial data, it is important to have user-friendly interfaces. Additionally, intuitive dashboard design is crucial for users with different levels of financial expertise.

2. Real-Time vs. Periodical Reporting

Financial dashboards can show real-time information or periodic updates, depending on what users need. Real-time reporting allows for immediate decision-making with current data. Periodic reporting, on the other hand, is beneficial for monitoring trends and performance over specific periods.

3. Relevant Metrics and KPIs

Understanding the specific goals and priorities of the organization helps determine which financial indicators are most critical for monitoring and decision-making. Whether it’s revenue, expenses, profit margins, or other financial metrics, the dashboard should focus on the metrics that align with organizational objectives.

4. Continuous Improvement Process

Financial dashboards are not static; they should evolve to meet changing business needs. Regular assessment and feedback from users, coupled with advancements in technology, should drive continuous improvement. Keeping up with industry trends and new financial practices helps the dashboard stay useful for making decisions.

Types of Financial Statements

Types of Financial Statements

1. Balance Sheet

  • Presents a snapshot of a company’s financial position at a specific point in time.
  • Details assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity.

2. Income Statement

  • Provides a summary of revenues, costs, and expenses over a specific period.
  • Calculates net income by subtracting expenses from revenues.

3. Cash Flow Statement

  • Tracks the movement of cash into and out of the business.
  • Categorized into operating, investing, and financing activities.

10 Steps to Create the Perfect Financial Reports

10 Steps to Create the Perfect Financial Reports

Step 1: Selecting the Appropriate Financial Report Template

Begin by choosing the types of financial reports that align with your reporting needs. Templates like income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements offer structured formats, ensuring a clear presentation.

Step 2: Gathering Essential Data

Accurate and up-to-date data is the backbone of any financial report. Ensure you have comprehensive financial information, including revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities. Access to precise data is critical for informed decision-making.

Step 3: Constructing the Financial Report

Enter the gathered data into the chosen template, performing the necessary calculations accurately. Utilize financial software for efficiency and follow template instructions to maintain consistency and compliance with reporting standards.

Step 4: Reviewing and Analyzing the Report

Once the financial report is generated, conduct a thorough review. Identify trends and potential issues within the data. This step is crucial for making informed business decisions and addressing financial challenges.

Step 5: Making Business Adjustments

Based on the analysis, implement strategic adjustments to enhance financial performance. This may involve modifying budgets, reallocating resources, or making other operational activities to align with identified trends and challenges.

Step 6: Communicating and Sharing the Report

Engage stakeholders by sharing the financial report. Utilize clear, concise language and consider incorporating interactive data visualizations for enhanced understanding.

Step 7: Stakeholder Engagement

Involve key stakeholders in the financial reporting process. Collaborate with internal and external parties to ensure alignment with organizational goals and objectives.

Step 8: Transparent Communication Practices

Practice openness regarding the financial state of the organization. Maintain transparent communication to build trust and confidence among stakeholders, showcasing a commitment to ethical business practices.

Step 9: Utilizing Interactive Data Visualizations

Enhance the presentation of financial data by incorporating interactive data visualizations. Visual aids like graphs and charts simplify complex financial information, making it easier for more people to understand.

Step 10: TBD — Transform, Build, Iterate for Dynamic Data Visualization

Establish an ongoing feedback loop to enhance processes, evaluating templates, data gathering, and visualization techniques regularly. Adapt to changing needs and standards, ensuring perpetual accuracy and relevance in financial reports. This iterative strategy fosters a dynamic, responsive system, supporting informed decision-making organization-wide.

Tools and Resources for Financial Reporting

Tools and Resources for Financial Reporting

Financial information is usually displayed as percentages in important statements like the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. This is done globally. These detailed statements expose all items for peer group analysis, both internally and externally, in percentage form.

1. Common Size Statements

This involves expressing each line item as a percentage of a base item, typically total revenue or total assets. This way of showing financial data helps stakeholders compare the sizes of different parts in the financial statements. Common size statements show trends, strengths, and weaknesses, and give a better understanding of the overall financial structure.

2. Comparative Financial Statement

It shows financial data for multiple periods, like income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. This tool enables stakeholders to analyze how a company’s financial performance and position have changed over time.

Users can compare financial data from different periods. This allows them to identify patterns, evaluate strategic decisions, and measure the effectiveness of financial management methods. For trend research and forecasting, comparative financial statements are vital.

3. Ratio Analysis

This approach involves calculating and understanding many financial ratios, which give information on various characteristics of a firm, such as profitability, solvency, and productivity. The current ratio, return on investment, debt-to-equity ratio, and gross margin are common financial ratios in reports. Stakeholders can reach educated judgments regarding a company’s financial health and operational effectiveness by studying these ratios.

4. Benchmarking

It is the process of comparing a company’s financial performance and procedures to the industry. This tool helps firms in identifying areas for development, set realistic performance targets, and remain market competitive. Benchmarking can be used to measure a variety of financial measures, including revenue growth, profit margins, and operational efficiency. Understanding how a firm compares to industry benchmarks allows managers to make strategic changes to improve overall financial performance.

Mokkup.ai Financial Report Templates

A financial report is the one backbone that decides the present and future of any business infrastructure. And with Mokkup it’s literally cherry on top, how? With superior customizability, customers can quickly develop extensive dashboards that meet their specific requirements for financial data display.

The easy interface of Mokkup.ai enables users to easily generate dynamic and visually interesting financial presentations, making it a vital tool for professionals navigating the complexity of financial reporting.

1. Financial Components Analytics

The Dashboard analyzes finance reports in the freight industry. It monitors important factors such as FM scan quantities, billed scans, and debt collections. Offering a holistic view of a company’s financial report example, it empowers users with insights for cost analysis and forecasting.

The dashboard simplifies monitoring and analysis, enhancing corporate productivity by providing clear, structured data. Achievements include comprehensive data overview, key metric display, and customizable filtering options for efficient decision-making in freight, logistics, and financial analysis.

2. Financial Overview

The financial review screen gives a quick overview of an organization’s financial status, including assets, debts, earnings, expenses, and profits. With a customizable wireframe featuring three pages, the dashboard enables location-based analysis for identifying operational strengths and areas requiring attention.

This tool assists organizations in making informed financial decisions. It can be used for both a quick overview or a thorough analysis of unit performance by location. Its purpose is to ensure that organizations maintain a strong financial position.

3. Financial Ratio Report

Financial ratios are essential for swiftly assessing a company’s health, aiding investors in recognizing strengths and weaknesses. The Liquidity Ratios segment focuses on key measures, while the Working Capital Ratios assess operational efficiency. Risk Ratios examine factors like Operating and Financial Leverage, Debt-to-Equity Ratio, and Interest Cover Ratio, with customizable filters.

Profitability Ratios, including Earnings Margin and Return on Investment, are tracked over time. The dashboard assists users in comparing real and desired ratios. It provides instant insights for smart decision-making, helping to avoid problems and improve long-term profits.

4. Freight Financial Analytics

The Freight Financial Analytics dashboard assists companies in monitoring and improving key metrics in freight finance. This ultimately leads to higher profits and the identification of cost-saving opportunities.

The dashboard examples include dynamic filters for quick financial data analysis, emphasizing contributions from specific sales activity, and recognizing top clients, agents, and executives. This tool is helpful for quickly evaluating performance and making improvements. It displays monthly turnover, contribution, and PBT data. The insights help find future markets and growth opportunities, making the dashboard useful for business decisions and financial planning.

Final Thoughts

Creating dynamic financial reports does not have to be a difficult process. Create accurate financial reports easily with customizable dashboard templates, collecting data, and following the tips in this article. These reports are excellent resources for making educated business decisions. Use different financial reports as references to improve the quality and effectiveness of your financial reporting.

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Mokkup.ai is a dashboard wireframing tool that helps you create mock dashboard wireframes in less than 30 minutes.