8 Best Tableau Data Visualizations : Charting Excellence

8 min readDec 29, 2023


Data visualization isn’t just confined to the realm of analytical professionals in suits; it’s a vibrant and creative field that is constantly evolving. Its applications are diverse, ranging from business dashboards to public health representations and dissecting trends in pop culture to trending tv shows. Creating exceptional and visually appealing data visualizations requires not only analytical prowess but also a blend of graphic design and storytelling skills.

The need for accessible ways to understand and interpret data has increased in today’s data-centric world. Every year, there is an increasing need for employees to have competence in data-related fields. Professionals and entrepreneurs at all levels of the organization must understand data and its effects.

This is the point at which data visualization becomes important. Data visualization — especially when it comes to dashboards — is the go-to tool for many firms because it makes data easier to access and understand.

This article aims to present some of the most impactful, intriguing, and insightful visualizations available.

Table of Contents

What is Data Visualization?

Presenting information and data using graphical representations like charts, graphs, and maps is known as data visualization. These tools provide an easy-to-use method for identifying and understanding patterns, outliers, and trends in data. They also provide an efficient way for anybody, including non-technical audiences, to understand and comprehend data in a straightforward manner.

The importance of data visualization tools and technology is critical in the context of big data. They are essential in the analysis of large amounts of data, which makes data-driven, well-informed decision-making processes easier.

8 Best Data Visualization Examples

Witnessing data visualization in action proves to be one of the most effective approaches to comprehend its essence. Tableau is a powerful data visualization tool that allows users to create interactive and shareable dashboards, enabling easy analysis of complex data sets through intuitive drag-and-drop features.

The vast array of public data visualization galleries and the multitude of data online can be overwhelming when figuring out where to begin.

Tableau Public serves as a treasure trove of inspiration and learning for aspiring data enthusiasts. Its extensive gallery showcases a diverse range of visualizations created by users worldwide, offering a starting point to explore, learn from, and even replicate or adapt existing designs.

By providing access to real-world examples and templates, Tableau Public empowers individuals to dive into data visualization with practical, hands-on experience.

The “Viz of the Day” feature showcases exceptional and interactive tableau visualizations created by the Tableau community. This collection serves as a display of creative and outstanding data visualizations, providing daily inspiration and knowledge about various data storytelling approaches.

Moreover, we’ve curated a selection of the top eight exemplary instances across various types of data visualization.

1. What is Playing on Spotify? By Arshi Saleh

This dashboard draws inspiration from Kamil Tirkey’s “Spotify Dashboard” on Tableau Public, offering insights into Spotify’s popular tracks, artists, and more. It allows users to use filters to explore top tracks and albums spanning from 1957 to 2020.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) include total tracks, playlists, new album releases, and the average duration of songs. A bar chart showcases the top ten tracks, albums, artists, and genres based on track counts within specific years or ranges.

The “What’s Playing on Spotify?” dashboard offers four distinct views:

  • Trend Analysis: Highlights trending tracks and albums for specific years.
  • Recommendations: Suggests songs based on energy, danceability, and valence.
  • Attributes: Showcases specific song characteristics via a drop-down menu.
  • Glossary: Summarizes key terms used across the dashboard.

It offers important details such as the top releases bar chart, and four views diving into trends, song suggestions, attributes, and a glossary. Together, these make data exploration engaging and thorough for users.

2. James Bond Movie Franchise By Mateusz Karmalski

The “James Bond Movie Franchise by Mateusz Karmalski” dashboard offers an overview of the iconic James Bond film series spanning from 1962 to 2021. It features interactive components showcasing the movie budgets from 2005 onwards, the assortment of cars featured in the films, and the different actors who portrayed Bond across these years, along with character analyses for each portrayal.

Additionally, it delves into the start of the James Bond series, listing the films released during specific periods. It also presents insights into famous dialogues spoken by various actors and the frequency of their occurrence in the movies. Furthermore, users can explore movie ratings based on IMDB scores and more through this comprehensive dashboard.

In summary, the “James Bond Movie Franchise” dashboard by Mateusz Karmalski offers a comprehensive overview of the famous film series. It provides interactive insights into movie budgets, featured cars, various Bond actors, character analyses, historical film releases, iconic dialogue occurrences, IMDB ratings, and more. This dashboard serves as a detailed repository, allowing users to explore and gain comprehensive insights into the extensive world of James Bond films spanning several decades.

3. Everything Everywhere All at Once: Cast’s Movie Legacy By Kevin Wee

Kevin Wee’s “Everything Everywhere All at Once: Cast’s Movie Legacy” data visualization dashboard showcases a polar unit chart presenting insights into movies featuring the cast members of “Everything Everywhere All At Once.” It covers details about top cast members, directors, movie ratings, and more. The users can gain insights by hovering over the circles.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) spotlight the total count of films involving individual or multiple members of the “Everything Everywhere All At Once” movie, James Hang’s movie appearances, Oscar nominations, and the number of films with IMDB ratings of 7 or higher.

4. Super Bowl LIII By Justin Davis

Justin Daves’ Super Bowl LIII dashboard offers detailed insights into the AFC championship, NFC championship, and divisional round quarters featuring matchups like New England Patriots versus Los Angeles Rams, New Orleans Saints versus Philadelphia Eagles, and others.

Through area charts and inverted area charts, the dashboard compares these teams, showcasing win probabilities, match start times, and a brief overview of the event’s commencement.

5. The Failing New York Times By Ken Flerlage

Ken Flerlage’s “The Failing New York Times” dashboard employs a straightforward yet inventive area chart to analyze stock price fluctuations and the percentage change in values post the November 2016 election, where the stock value stood at $11.12.

6. Pink Floyd — The Great Gig In The Sky By Priya Padham

Inspired by Sam Epley’s “Through the Fire and Flames — DragonForce,” this dashboard analyzes Pink Floyd’s song “The Great Gig In the Sky.” It visualizes the song’s high and low notes, the specific musical instruments used, and the varying intensity of vocals and music.

The dashboard provides a comprehensive breakdown of song components, using smaller circles to depict musical instruments and larger circles to represent vocals in the song.

In conclusion, this dashboard offers a detailed data analysis of Pink Floyd’s “The Great Gig In the Sky.” It visually breaks down elements such as high and low notes, musical instrument usage, and vocal intensity, providing a thorough overview of the song’s composition through intuitive visual representations.

7. The one with data : Friends TV Show Viz By Isha Garg

The dashboard draws inspiration from Pradeep Kumar G.’s “The Show That Brings Me Joy | IronViz 2021,” showcasing a distinctive approach to data storytelling. Focused on the renowned series “Friends,” it offers an overview highlighting the show’s iconic elements.

Users can delve into the vast insights, including:

  • Air dates, seasons, and episodes of the show.
  • Average views and IMDB ratings per season and episode.
  • Analysis of the main characters.
  • Detailed information on the series’ writers, directors, and more.

To conclude, the dashboard offers detailed insights into its airing history, character analysis, ratings, and creative contributors, it provides a comprehensive and engaging exploration of the show’s key elements.

8. Gotham TV Show Analysis By Ghafar Shah

“Gotham TV Show Analysis By Ghafar Shah” delves deeply into the TV series “Gotham,” offering comprehensive insights into viewership metrics, ratings, critical reviews, and other relevant aspects.

This analysis offers a thorough and complete summary by providing a detailed and in-depth examination of various aspects of the show’s performance and feedback.

Final Thoughts

The dashboards utilize unique and innovative methods to represent huge data sets, ensuring it’s easily understandable even for non-technical individuals while catering to the analytical needs of data scientists and experts.

Each visualization caters to different preferences: some focus on intuitive charts and graphs such as, pie charts, column charts, line graphs, bar graphs, heat maps, scatter plots, etc., for simplified understanding, while others offer complex yet insightful representations for data analysts seeking in-depth insights.

The benefits of data visualization lie in its ability to transform intricate data points into visually digestible formats, enabling swift comprehension and analysis. Such representations are crucial as they highlight trends, patterns, and outliers, allowing for informed decision-making processes. For data analysts, these dashboards serve as powerful tools, streamlining the interpretation of complex datasets and significantly enhancing the efficiency of extracting meaningful insights.

Ultimately, these diverse approaches highlight why data visualization remains paramount in simplifying complex information, making it easy to understand, and empowering individuals at all levels to harness the power of data for informed decision-making.

The perfect start to your data visualization journey begins with wireframing on a tool like Mokkup.ai, which simplifies and accelerates the process with its ready-made, tailored templates, making achieving desired outcomes easier and faster.


In a world overwhelmed with data, the art of data visualization creates a transformative force. This blog highlights the dynamic and multidimensional nature of data visualization, showcasing its role in simplifying complex information. From breaking down TV show analytics to song compositions or movie legacies, these diverse visualizations not only cater to varied preferences but also bridge the gap between complexity and clarity.

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Mokkup.ai is a dashboard wireframing tool that helps you create mock dashboard wireframes in less than 30 minutes.