Molecular Future, and why it matters to you

Molecular Future
5 min readDec 4, 2017


Currency, a brief history

From prehistoric times to the present,thecurrency has been a necessity as a means of attaining desired goods and services. Before currencies and other mediums of exchange existed, individuals had to barter one good or service in exchange for another, fundamentally leading to a subjective measure of value. This often led to inefficient transactions and a lack of accessibility, as users could only receive the item they desired if they themselves had a desired item. Without the eventual progression to gold, and then fiat currency as a medium of exchange, the worlds’ economy and the average standard of living wouldn’t have been able to develop so rapidly.

Currency has allowed the world as we know it to become so prosperous. However, even with all the positives that currency provides, the global monetary system has its downsides, and in the financial crisis of 2008, those negatives became present in what was considered to be the worst financial crisis since the great depression. It was at this time that an anonymous software developer, only known by the alias ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ proposed Bitcoin, an electronic payment system. The idea was to produce a currency independent of central authority, with near instant transferability and low transaction fees. Since its inception and main stream coverage, its price has risen over 130,000%, with a market cap just over $1,300,000,000 (24/11/2017). This meteoritic rise hasn’t only benefitted Bitcoin however. Since 2009 over 1000 additional currencies have been created, the best of which are trying to improve on Bitcoins underlying Blockchain technology.

Blockchain and its importance

Before continuing in this article, it’s important to understand what Blockchain technology is. So, for the layman, essentially, a Blockchain is a distributed database that preserves a list of transactional data that forms a block, and each block has a history of every block before it, thus creating a chain of blocks (Blockchain). These blockchains are stored on thousands of computers which run the Bitcoin network, each of who verify the authenticity of the information within the blocks. Additionally, Blockchain information storage is conducted with the use of end-to-end encryption. Ultimately this provides for a tamper, hack and misappropriation proof method of storing information online. During its seven years of operation, no hacker has managed to compromise the Blockchain network.

The current state and the future prediction of the industry

With the development of blockchain technology, a pathway of investment came into being. CTD (Crypto Token Distribution) has become a popular way for investors and startups to invest or access funds. Investors can place digital currency (such as Bitcoins) in a project in exchange for the firms newly created currency tokens. These tokens can then be used in the company’s marketplace for a specified good or service, or they can be sold on a digital currency exchange.

Now small-scale and inexperienced investors can access projects which previously wouldn’t have been accessible, and on the opposite side, business owners and entrepreneurs are able to receive large-scale funding without having to conform to traditional financing requirements, which are often costly and restrictive. To demonstrate the size of the current market, in 2014, the scale of CTD financing was less than US $26 million, whereas in the first half of 2017 alone it reached over $1.26 billion.

At present, a large number of digital currency investors are speculators, often with limited funds, while the vast majority of large financial institutions are still waiting to see how the market settles. These institutions are likely to enter the market in the future, but this will mostly depend on regulations and risk tolerance.

Molecular Future (MF) and why it matters

The digital asset industry has clearly peaked the interests of investors, however, large price swings, limited regulation and a lack of understanding in the underlying technology are preventing many retail and institutional investors from entering the market.

To help investors bridge this gap and enter the marketplace, MF have decided to create a ‘comprehensive one-stop digital asset investment platform’ which they will be releasing in 2018. This new platform will provide its users with related investment products, agency level trading software, relevant media information, a decentralized incubation application ecosystem, project files and community service systems that will correctly guide users around the use and application of digital assets.

MF will utilize Blockchain technology on its platform as a method of data storage. Blockchain technology provides numerous additional benefits specific to this project. One benefit attained from transparency is that individuals will be able to clearly see their balance, fee, deposit, withdrawal, payout and transaction history — leading to (among other things), easier accounting methods, and profit and loss tracking. Another benefit attained is the removal of intermediaries which reduces friction and greatly improves efficiency, when comparing to the centralized way. Blockchain technology also allows MF to use both multi-signature and cold storage wallets. These wallets require either multiple parties to sign off on a transaction before it can be sent or involves the process of storing digital assets offline. This further prevents against failures and potential threats. Essentially, MF will be able to utilize a transparent and encrypted network that is hack, tamper and misappropriation proof.

Use of the Molecular Token (MOT)

Like many other projects in this sphere, MF will utilize its own token which will be named the Molecular Future Token (MOT). This token will be used to incentivize and reward users, enable investors to invest in new CTDs launched on its platform, allow fund managers the ability to list their crypto related investment funds (whereby investors can then invest in that fund) on the platform, and to pay for fees incurred.

There will be three ways which tokens will be used to incentivize and reward users:

  • The first way is through ownership incentivization, where large token holders will be rewarded with lower management fees.
  • The second way is through investment incentivization, where users will be rewarded with additional tokens when MF targets are met.
  • Lastly, the MF group will reward users for promotions, recommendations and other programs that will be implemented on an ad-hoc basis.

Why do I need Molecular future?

As previously stated, the price of Bitcoins (and other cryptocurrencies) have increased vastly over the last few years, and as many financial analysts will emphasize — high returns cannot exist without high risk. Investment professionals or enthusiasts that care about their long-term wealth should accommodate for risk by utilizing the appropriate investment software, and this is exactly what MF provides.

In conclusion, MF is releasing a free, institutional grade investment services platform that will provide a simplified and comprehensive solution to the complexities involved in trading, monitoring, reviewing, and managing digital assets.

