Top 10 Best Plugins On Roblox

8 min readJul 2, 2019


Exactly as the title says, in this post I will be going through some of my favorite plugins to use on Roblox, not in any specific order of best to worst, simply the 10 I use the most, and consider to be the most useful, keep in mind these are my opinions as thus you are very much welcome to disagree with me.

Again there is no specific order to these plugins, and I will be linking them all at the end of this article, and it is fine to disagree with me. With that all being said lets start with the first plugin in this list.

The first plugin on my list is a fairly special one and the most “controversial” one due to a fair few “Professionals” thinking it is a waste of time and useless and there are better plugins on Roblox the plugin being the almighty F3X Plugin by GigsD4X.

Pictures of F3X taken inside of Roblox Studio

I personally find F3X to be incredibly accessible and simple to use, having almost all of the functionality of Roblox Studio put into one plugin that is easy to use, simple to get the hang of, and accurate in regards to increments. Overall I simply find F3X to be one of the most useful and simple plugins on the entire list, and every single build I have ever made I have used F3X to make them. Of course that is not to say that it is flawless as it does not have everything that it COULD have, but it gets the job done.

The next plugin I want to talk about is again one of my most used plugins Archimedes Two by Scriptos.

The main reason why I love Archimedes Two is akin to why I love F3X, namely Arc is an incredibly simple and accessible to use tool without having to do any extra, simply pick what vector you want to create pieces in and then create them. I find this too incredibly useful for making things such as roads, paths, small detail, shapes, patterns, so on and so forth and if you see any kind of small curvy details in my places, then I most likely used this tool to make them.

My 8th pick is the Brushtool 2.1 made by XAXA.

Credits to XAXA for the trees.

The Brushtool 2.1 is a little bit more “sophisticated” in regards to using it, but that is easily due to the many functions and utilities that the plugin gives you. One of the main functions of this tool is to allow you to input models into the plugin and then save those models as groups that you can spam across the map, you can change the radius of the how far the individual models spawn, how big they are, and so on, this plugin makes creating nature related areas as easy as breathing, but that is only the surface of what the plugin is capable of.

Now my 7th pick is an incredibly basic, self explanatory tool, but incredibly useful Model Resize by DaMrNelson.

What you see is what you get. This plugin can resize any model you wish for it to resize, you can also be a bit more mathematical and set specifically how much you want the model to be resized to keep everything accurate and smooth. There is not much to say about this plugin as its incredibly basic, but an insanely useful plugin.

Wow, already at the 6th plugin, okay well my 6th plugin would be the oozledraw toolbar: draw curve/rope plugin by Oozlebachrf or otherwise summarized “The Curve Tool” it does exactly what you expect.

As you can see from the picture above you can make curves with the tool. You can also change the width, length of the individual parts that make up these curves, you can also change the gravity for the curves which basically decides how long or wide the curve is / how straight it is. I would highly suggest using this plugin to make ropes, wines, hanging lights, the ropes on a bridge or anything of that sort as it is incredibly useful for those kinds of things.

Well my 5th choice would probably be the Low Poly Terrain Creator by KinqAndi.

Once again with this plugin you pretty much get what the name of the plugin says. The Low Poly Terrain Creator plugin allows you to easily make low poly terrain in a quick and efficient way which you can also very easily customize with other plugins such as F3X or tools alike F3X. If you want to make a Low Poly terrain map then this plugin is probably one of the easiest ways to do it so I do recommend it if you ever want to make a Low Poly map.

Have you ever had issues with gaps in your building? Well this tool has you covered. Gapfill by stravant.

Gapfill again does exactly what you would expect it to do. Do you have an impossible gap you cant fill? Well here comes Gapfill ready to fix and fill all any gaps that might be in your way to building heaven. This single plugin has saved my life a few thousand times over during building as I tend to get fairly messy when I do big projects, so this tool has truly made my life a few hundred times easier, and made my building that much more efficient.

Finally here we are down to the last 3. My next plugin that I find incredibly helpful is the 3D Text Maker made by KinqAndi(Once again)

This plugin allows you to create text instantly by selecting a part, and then typing whatever you want then generating said text from the part you selected. This plugin can be incredibly useful when doing very specific builds, and petty much any build that involves a city or a town as a lot of buildings have some kind of text or letters on them.

The next plugin I will name might not seem like the most useful plugin out there to some of you, but for me specifically every single time I have made a build where I have put people into the build I have used this plugin. Load Character by AlreadyPro.

Not much to say here pretty self explanatory. Type in the name of the person whose avatar you want to spawn, and then pick if you want to spawn it in R6 or R15, that’s about it.

Don’t really have a plugin for this spot, because honestly I think majority of the plugins from the Roblox Studio Plugins library could go into here, because all of them are fairly useful, but if you really want me to think up one I guess it would have to be the Brick Cutter 🔪 plugin by Ozzypig.

I think you get the idea. This plugin can cut your brick into as many parts as you want into as thin parts as you possibly could ever desire. Kind of like making kebab.


But that’s about it I am done with the list, so here are the links for each individual plugin:

F3X by GigsD4X

Archimedes Two (v2.4) by Scriptos

Brushtool 2.1 by XAXA

Model Resize Plugin 2.1 by DaMrNelson

Curve Tool by Oozlebachr

Low Poly Terrain Creator by KinqAndi

GapFill by stravant

3D Text Maker by KinqAndi

Load Character by AlreadyPro

Brick Cutter 🔪 by Ozzypig

Honorable Mentions:

Studio Build Suite by Fractality
Studio Build Suite is a more “professional” variation of F3X with more mathematical functionality, with a few added possibilities.

Build v4.1 by Simbuilder
Build v4 contains a lot of the plugins in one way or another that have been pointed out in this article, it also acts similarly to F3X.

ThreeDText 2 by XAXA
Similar functionality to 3D Text plugin, but some added utilities.

ResizeAlign by stravant
Functions somewhat similarly to GapFill with slightly different functionality.

And that’s that thanks for reading, and have a nice day.

