Benefits of Bamboo Sheets

Molly Emery
3 min readSep 8, 2017


Hi, my name is Molly. I’ve been reviewing bamboo sheets and bamboo pillows for several years. I’m currently an author on the best bamboo review site; Bamboo-Comfort. If you enjoyed this article and are considering buying anything related to Bamboo, Join us and check if we have an honest review before you buy.

First and foremost, sheets made from 100% bamboo viscose usually have more durability. Bamboo is one of the most resilient raw materials, thus, you won’t have to worry too much about the bed linen being easily ripped or torn. Why not try using sheets made from cotton for tug of war, and then, follow that with natural bamboo sheets. You will realize that the ones made from bamboo are stronger.

Benefits of Bamboo Sheets; Https://

Benefits of Bamboo Sheets vs Cotton Sheets

Bamboo sheets are produced from bamboo fabric, which exhibits superior benefits not found in cotton or silk. It’s said that bamboo is two to three times more absorbent than cotton. Moisture wicking tests have shown that bamboo fibers can wick moisture at a much faster rate than many synthetic fibers. Which is why it is the Ideal fabric for use in athletic clothing. Another area where this wonderful organic fabric sets itself apart from traditional bedding is its antibacterial properties. It is well known that bamboo — in its natural state — doesn’t need pesticides or herbicides. The reason for this is that it has natural antibacterial properties, which protects it from insects and pathogens.

Read the Full Article: Benefits of Bamboo Sheets vs Cotton Sheets

Another perk of using bed sheets made from pure bamboo is that bamboo material is breathable. This means that whether the climate is hot or cold, you won’t have to worry about feeling too hot during warmer months, nor too cold during winter months. In whatever season, e.g. summer, fall, spring, winter, you’ll feel comfortable when you have real bamboo sheets on the bed.

Bamboo Sheets are anti-bacterial

Benefits of Bamboo Sheets; Https://

As mentioned earlier, bamboo is also a natural antibacterial plant. It is even known to reduce odor causing bacteria as fabric. If you want bed sheets that smell fresher and are kept cleaner than most, go for those that have this material: 100% Bamboo Viscose.

Most sheets fashioned from natural bamboo viscose also have unbelievable softness and smoothness. Don’t think that bamboo bed sheets are rough and scratchy — they are not. In fact, bamboo sheets, the real ones, have texture that is fit for royalty. Bamboo sheets are often compared to the softness of silk and cashmere.


Bed sheets fashioned from natural bamboo viscose also have moisture wicking qualities. This means that your bed will remain dry even if you sweat in the night, or during the humid summer nights. Gone are the days when you wake up each day seeing the sheets soaked in you or your partner’s body sweat. Your bed remains clean, who wouldn’t enjoy waking up to dry bamboo sheets?

Its advantage over material such as cotton is gaining momentum. Cotton use is often criticized because of the extensive use of pesticides during the farming process.

Read the full article: Top 3 Reasons to Avoid Bamboo Rayon Sheets

When it comes to affordability, you’ll be glad to know that bamboo bed sheets come in a variety of prices. There are cheap ones; ones with mid-range prices; of course, there are also pricier ones. Careful of the sheets made from bamboo rayon! Some bamboo sheets can be fake! No matter which price tag you go for, you’ll always get value for money. The Best Bamboo sheets, after all, have a myriad of advantages, which means that the extra money you spend, will pay off in the long run.

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