Denkwerk x Global Service Jam 2019

2 min readMay 21, 2019


A month ago we denkwerkers participated in the Global Service Jam 2019 in Cologne, Germany. Over the course of a weekend, we worked intensively to design service solutions out of problems, using the framework of Service Design. We took some time afterwards to reflect on how to apply what we’ve learned to our daily business as a digital design agency. Here’s what we’ve got to share with you ♥

Momentum > Perfection

Many designers get “stuck” in the research phase. But in a short weekend of work, there is no time for this!

Hot tip: Combine prototyping with research to leverage that energy of discovery. The same things that can keep you moving in a jam, can keep you moving on client work as well. Instead of feeling stuck, recognize that you’ve got a passion for discovery. Even if you feel lost in the research, use that passion to move forward. Find a cool insight, and let that lead you out of the research tunnel.

Image courtesy of Avatar the Last Airbender

Prototype it. We draw lines between “Research” and “Prototyping,” but when time is short, everything happens at once. “Research” and “Prototyping” don’t need such distinction, as prototyping is a continuation of research. Quickly making research tangible — with role play, prototypes, or sketches, brings life to the mental work you’ve been doing, and opens the door to new ideas or reflections. Combing through research for actionable insights, can get you unstuck. You’ll find yourself in a better place as long as you keep moving.

Image courtesy of Avatar the Last Airbender

If that doesn’t work, and you find that you still want to look up 101 market-analysis reports in order to make the decisions on the ramifications of the futureforecastingscopeprognostica — stop. Just say yes. Don’t slow your team with aspirations for perfection. It’s not about making the right decision, it’s about making a decision, and making it right. You’re only increasing your (already sizeable) obstacles to a successful jam experience if you are obsessed with trying to find the perfect idea. You will learn more from failure. In fact, you’ll learn more from literally anything that you do, other than trying to find the *perfect* problem, or the perfect solution. Take any idea, and run with it. You will learn from it. Keep saying yes.


This was written as part of a collective reflection of denkwerkers who participated in the Global Service Jam 2019 in Cologne, Germany. You can view the rest here.

