Candace Pert, PhD

Molly Orloff
2 min readMar 6, 2018


I’ve always been fascinated by neuroscience and holistic wellness, so Dr. Candace Pert, also known as “The Goddess of Neuroscience” is a true inspiration to me. Dr. Pert (1946–2013) was a revolutionary scientist who discovered the opiate receptor during graduate school, made huge advancements in the treatment of HIV/AIDS, and trail blazed the mind-body approach within the western medical model.

Dr. Pert’s book, The Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine, tells the story of her incredible career that encompasses countless groundbreaking discoveries and a theory that changes the way we think about wellness. Her Theory of Emotion says that emotions are stored in our body — not just in our brain. Dr. Pert discovered the neuropeptides that bind to receptor sites within our major body systems that are the molecular underpinnings of the human experience of emotion. She coined the term “BodyMind” symbolizing the notion that the two can never be separated when we talk about health and disease. Historically, the medical field has left emotion out of the equation because there was no way to explain it scientifically. Thanks to the discoveries of Dr. Pert, we can incorporate emotion into our scientific understanding of health, and in turn our lifestyle choices and approaches to treating illness.

Dr. Pert was not only a trailblazer for mind-body medicine, but she was a trailblazer for female scientists as well. In her book, Dr. Pert highlights the challenges she faced throughout her decades as a female scientist operating in a male dominated field characterized by cutthroat politics and overt gender bias. She had to fight for funds to back research that would save lives while undermining her esteemed and tenured male colleagues whose research was never before challenged.

Dr. Pert is an inspiration to me because she embodied what it means to push boundaries, break down barriers, and succeed amongst peers and predecessors that don’t believe in your ability. She’s an inspiration for young female scientists who still have to fight for their research to be accepted in the scientific and medical community. Although she’s no longer with us, her important discoveries will continue to shape the way we approach health and wellness.

I’m honored to celebrate Dr. Pert’s legacy this Women’s History Month.

