I Asked ChatGPT to Make an Image of “Jesus Second Coming” and it Just Reconfirmed My Faith.

My mind is once again officially blown away by just how big and powerful my God is. I love how He haunts me. 🥰

Molly Skye Brown
5 min readFeb 25, 2024

Original screenshot of ChatGPT Visual Chat prompt with response.

By 2015, I was at my lowest point, spiritually.

I felt like I’d lost almost everything by then, including my impassioned will to live, due to the constant recall of all my unresolved sexual abuse. Recall that I’d worked for decades to not bleed all over the alternate life I had to create around me. The constant reminders of all that it robbed of me; blissful intimacy, a singing career, TRUST in ANYTHING or ANYONE, including even God Himself.

Begging for peace from a lifetime of suffering,

I demanded to know from my Creator, face to face, why this was my sentence. Why the wicked were ALLOWED TO STILL run/ruin earth for the rest of us. It didn’t make any sense unless Jesus truly WAS due back at any minute to fix it all, once and for all. But my faith had been deeply threatened by a friend’s father that had taking a liking to me at age six and then by the monsters that came after him.

So I tried to confront God, twice. But, He has a bigger ending to my story. One I needed to wait out just a skosh longer to begin to see unfold.

Enter the MeToo Movement & the Four Horses of the Apocalypse.

As a child at the mercy of the 1980’s I used to ask “who are the meek?” when I’d hear about “them” inheriting God’s legendary goodness (insert little Molly’s eye roll) from the cold nuns that ran my school. And I’d hear Him say inside of me, “you.” “You are part of the meek.” Then I’d curse Him out thinking my head was messing with me and who was REALLY going to destroy this hellscape of sexual predators… WHERE WAS JESUS AND WHAT TRULY WAS TAKING HIM SO FREAKING LONG?! Especially when kids are being raped. How could God watch all this and do nothing? How could He watch it destroy my precious innocence and do nothing? Why wasn’t my God big enough in that moment? And why wasn’t I important enough to protect? After that, I pushed Jesus and His voyeuristic psychopathic Father far, far, away until His conversation with me in the fall of 2015. (E1A&B of my podcast ‘Let’s Be FRANK! With Molly Skye Brown’ on Apple Podcast and YouTube tells this whole story). A few months after my last failed in person appointment with Our/His Dad, Jesus appeared to me under a tree. He was floating in meditation with His eyes closed and I said to Him in grand annoyance, “where the hell have YOU been”, clearly thinking my mind was just messing with me once again. Insert another ‘little Molly’ eye roll. Only, He responded. Accurately. With one eye open, winking, He replied, “I have been here the whole time, YOU turned around.” Staring straight into my soul. Accusatory. And also 100% accurate. I had locked Him out and He, like His/Our Crazy Seeming Sky Daddy does, They allow it. They, unlike EVIL, respect our free will decisions. All of them. Our personal decisions are ours to make, with consequences of course, both good and correctable, “bad”. And He hasn’t left, since. No matter if I feel abandoned, He consoles me and empowers me immediately. Even when I’m mad and frustrated, He gets it. In my One on One time in earnest prayer, I have been able to learn so much about our prophecies and how God can’t wait to fulfill it all. He’s just waiting for our attention. God and Jesus are angry for us and long to get on with the show.

Then one fateful day in 2017, my husband and I were in Manhattan, we were learning, networking and developing a musical idea for a Second Coming themed show when suddenly we were surrounded by the MeToo Women’s March. I burst into tears that my prayers had been heard by God Himself and that accountability and justice was coming for His sexually abused children. A promise He made and has been keeping. Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were exposed shortly after, unraveling even MORE of my horrific life story! More dots connected to an even bigger redemption! My hope sprung alive that the Book of Revelation WAS truly unfolding as God showed both myself and my husband the 4 horses in the sky, led by the One White Horse back in May of 2016, making a GIANT unmissable cross in the otherwise empty night sky. God was and is very much making the effort I’d been begging Him to make since childhood and I appreciated the restoration of my faith. Bigly.

Unforgivable Sin according to Jesus in the Bible, is any sin that causes one to HATE GOD. Therefore SEXUAL ABUSE/RAPE is an UNFORGIVABLE SIN.

Repentance is REQUIRED.

Unforgivable sins are ALSO men and their enablers making it law that females have to be forced breeders. HIJACKING our free will! Even if impregnated by our uncles/fathers/brothers/grandfathers. Even if we are ELEMENTARY SCHOOL AGE! And we don’t even make them cite their condemnation from God Himself in OUR Bible. Condemnation that DOESN’T EXIST. However if you actually READ the Bible you see God is constantly destroying these types of wicked men and their enablers. So where was God and His smiting NOW?

You can see that by 2015, I was beyond my rope in gaslighting and victim blaming for the sake of our planet’s soul and didn’t know how I fit here when I believed God hated sexual abusers THE MOST. And I was right. If you actually READ the Bible, God is CONSTANTLY delivering sexual slaves OUT of captive hands. So I was of the small minority that KNEW God HATED these types of abusers as much as my child soul knew when it was happening to me repeatedly throughout my childhood and young adult life. All because I trusted people HE created and a singing voice HE gave me. He owed it to me now since hurting the meek was supposedly never His plan. And boy does God like to show off His making of points. So I enjoy egging Him on in doing so. “Show off, God!”, I taunt!

And He replies with a winking Jesus when I vaguely asked ChatGPT earlier today to make an image of Jesus’s Second Coming.

Well played, my Lord. Well played. 😉❤️‍🔥

Screenshot of one of the pieces of A.I. art the author asked ChatGPT Visual Chat to render of Jesus’s Second Coming.



Molly Skye Brown

Survivor & whistleblower of TOO MANY predators. Telling on them ALL. Naming names. Not my shame. Never was. God promised me. Hello again 👋🖕🗣️❤️‍🔥 #MeTooMuch