6 signs you need a new visual identity for your business-brand:

4 min readFeb 6, 2020


A brand identity is not just a visual identity

A brand identity consists of three essential elements: brand visuals, brand verbals, and brand behaviorals. However, most people refer to the visual alone as a brand identity, and some branding which is wrong, instead of brand’s visual identity. So just keep that in mind!

Now let’s get to our main topic here (my specialty).

What is visual identity?

It’s how you communicate visually your brand’s values to your customers. Starting from your logo, which needs to be simple, distinctive and of course appropriate. Because it’s what encompasses the entire brand’s identity in people’s minds. Then it comes to every other visual aspect of the brand such as images, packaging, website, app, print materials… which needs to be all consistent and cohesive.

1. Your logo is complicated, generic, inappropriate:

When a logo is not simple enough, it’s hard to make it flexible to work across all mediums and sizes, and it’s hard for your customers to memorize it, which is a big deal for a logo to work perfectly. If they can’t remember you, how do you want them to come back to you?

If it’s not unique, it’s not helping you stand out from all your competitors.

And if it’s not appropriate, then you are losing potential customers, for not communicating the right message.

The best example I give to my clients, look how simple it became!

Make sure your logo is simple, distinctive and appropriate.

Why you shouldn’t use design contest websites for your designs… more here

2. Your brand’s visual identity is inconsistent:

Be in your customer’s shoes and go take a look at your brand from every angle (Instagram, Facebook, website, print materials…). Is it a cohesive experience? Does it all portray the same message? Same feeling? Same language? Same colors?… If you are just doubting it, you may consider changing some things to make it a better experience.

(For example, Reason 3)

Make sure you are conveying the same values on every medium.

Take a quick look at this example!

3. Not having font and color palettes:

One of the ways to make your visual identity consistent is to have a color and font palette. Which means to have the same appropriate colors and fonts for everything you put out there for your customers to interact with. If you are using whatever color or font you like every time, you’re confusing your customers, and ruining your brand’s visual identity.

My own brand’s font and color palette at molt

Make sure to use just 2 appropriate fonts (3 at max), one for the heading and one for the body. And the same color palette, and always respect the hierarchy.

4. Your brand is not standing out:

That’s one of the major problems for businesses, not standing out from their competitors. So by just having a great visual identity that portrays your message clearly, helps your customers look at you in a different way than your competitors, they’ll see a brand that’s professional, that knows what it’s doing…

Make sure you have a unique clear message that’s different from the crowd.

5. Your brand has a bad reputation:

In this case, normally big companies do the whole re-branding, which means they change everything about their brands (values, maybe the name, imagery, design,…).

And as I said earlier, the logo is what encompasses the entire brand’s identity in people’s minds. So by just changing at least your visual identity (logo, colors, fonts, imagery…), the image of your brand is going to change in people’s minds.

Make sure, then, to work on your reputation again. Study what led you to that reputation and change that.

6: Design is not important to you:

Steve Jobs’s awareness of how good design can drive customers to interact and convert is one of the secrets for Apple to get to this point today. I know, you are not Apple! but Apple was your size once.

Beware! Nobody wants to interact with bad design, and people nowadays are buying lifestyles more than products, because everyone is selling products but not the lifestyle they are looking for.

Make sure you take care of the way you communicate with your audience, try to make it their lifestyle to buy from you.

I tried to make it as short as possible, even though there is more.

If this is overwhelming, shoot me a note at hello@molt.design or at molt and we will figure it out together.

Anybody in mind you think this would be useful to? SHARE!


