Worms In Stomach — Reasons, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatments And Home Safety Measure For Intestine Parasites

Mom's Cuddle
2 min readFeb 9, 2018

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It is very unfortunate that every second child is affected with this problem known as worms in stomach. The could be several reasons to blame for this health issue, but the major one is poor hygiene. Despite of countless parents’ efforts, kids get affected with this health issue. No matter, how safe and hygienic environment they have in the house, once they are out (at school, day care, or park), they are at a higher risk of getting affected with this infection. Through this article, we will be discussing about reasons, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments and home safety measures for intestine parasites.

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The most prominent and common causes of this disease are:

  • By getting infected with insects or their eggs, water or directly from the ground.
  • Being infected with infected hands exposed to the mouth.
  • Coming in contact with dirty swimming pools, ponds, waterfalls etc.
  • Raw or half-cooked meals, especially meat.
  • By consuming infected fruits or vegetables.
  • By coming into direct contact with an affected person.
  • Living at a filthy, unhygienic, and contaminated place.
  • From frequent travel to places with poor sanitation and cleanliness problems.

Signs of intestine parasites or stomach worms and the potential risks depend greatly on the species of insects. In fact, there are 6 types of these insects and they all have different signs and potential threats. In many cases, these signs may go unnoticed. However, be it any case, there are still some signs that can be seen in every case, such as –

  • Abdominal pains, usually around the navel
  • Problem with growth and development
  • Affected immune system
  • Malnutrition
  • Abdominal pain/ Stomach Ache
  • Weight loss
  • Irritability
  • Nausea and / or vomiting –
  • Sleep problems due to itching
  • Cough (the baby can cough until a worm is vomited)
  • Itching or pain around the anus

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The problem of worms in the stomach should not be ignored at all because it can take a very serious form when left untreated and there may be problems like bleeding in the intestines. Babies are more likely to have this type of infection because their immune system is not fully developed.



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