I Want My Freedom, and Here’s Why.

Full time corporate jobs can feel like traps so I chose a different route.

Olivia M. 🤎
4 min readMar 26, 2024
Photo by Nina Uhlikova: Pexel

When I was in college, I wanted to be an entrepreneur but I thought it’d be a bad idea to skip the corporate world because there was too much knowledge and money to be left on the table.

As a result, I chose a career in Product Management because I like challenging problem-solving situations, being part of a full product lifecycle, and collaborating with others.

Even though I appreciate everything it taught me, “corporate” can feel like a trap because of the rigid schedule, politics and fast pace.

And maybe I say this because I have a different perspective on life since I became a mother in 2022. My time is so much more valuable and it’s easier for me to spot nonesenses.

There’s nothing wrong with corporate jobs but I think Corporations would be better places if employees were empowered to share their honest opinions and ideas rather than being so afraid of HR and leadership.

There’s a weird paradox where companies say they want critical thinkers with fresh ideas but keep rewarding the most gullible and shallow people because they help “push the agenda”.

I understand the politics, and the fact that some people have more power than others but stop recruiting data-driven decision makers and critical thinkers if you aren’t going to nourish their talent.

There are many people out there who just need a paycheck and will be willing to do anything corporations want without questioning it. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

Nowadays job descriptions are stuffed with a bunch of buzzwords and are getting longer because they want people to wear more hats than their title entails. That’s totally fine, when you can afford it and actually value employee’s time.

Here’s why it’s time to close the chapter with corporations:

  • I can’t compete with people who constantly need leadership’s attention and can’t show any competence. I am not a very strong and assertive person hence why I rely on data to speak loud and clear for me but the truth doesn’t always triumph.
  • Working with shallow people. I am a genuine person who likes to build long term relationships. However, I understand that unless I sign their paychecks they have no interests in knowing me. When I got laid off after a restructuring, I expected my closest coworkers to reach out but they never did. Isn’t it weird that we interact with each other everyday and open up about certain things and all of a sudden nothing? That’s brutal.
  • Unnecessary rigid schedule. 8 hours of work is unrealistic for our attention span, stop pretending! I am a mother now, so every minutes of my time is put to the best use and when I don't have anything to do at work, I want to spend time with my loved ones or build my side hustle without feeling guilty.
  • Poor parental support. America could do a better job at supporting parents and mothers but if I am not going to get paid while delivering my child then I might as well work for myself if the opportunity cost is to have a guaranteed job afterwards. I can handle that one.
  • I feel like time goes so fast when you are a corporate employee, especially if your day-to-day is somewhat the same. It’s easy to be trapped into the comfort of a guaranteed paycheck. It’s a great thing don’t get me wrong but if you want to start something of your own one day, maybe it’s worth taking a risk now for a greater reward?

Anyway, all of that to say that I decided to pursue a different route and try the world of freelancing for the first time. I am excited about this new adventure even though I am sure it has its own issues. For now it works for me based on my new priorities as a new mother and aspiring entrepreneur.

I love to surround myself of like-minded people so we can grow and win together and since I am new to this I’d appreciate your blog and community suggestions.

Lastly, if you or someone you know need a freelance product manager who can wear many hats and has experience with mobile apps, subscriptions, web, newsletters, e-commerce and working with various team sizes and stakeholders drop a comment.

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A couple of months ago I started a sticker shop with words of encouragement for mothers and extended it to the people I love. You will find cute stickers for Mother’s Day, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Gender reveal, Baby shower, etc.



Olivia M. 🤎

I use my voice to serve and empower mothers who value being at home with their kids while earning an income doing the things that they love the most.