30 Days Writing Challenge

Kayla Tackett
2 min readJun 25, 2022

I have been seeing a lot of these writing challenges here and there and everywhere. Thought I’d give it a whirl and see what comes up.

For anyone wanting to join in on the fun. I got this idea from welkins who wrote about this very thing.

Photo gained from Medium Author Welkins

Day 1: Describe your personality.

I am an outgoing and obnoxious individual some days, while other days I can be a structured realist. I suppose it just depends on the day.

I like to create art in all different forms in hopes to spark thought in others around me.

I hate to dress in what would be considered female attire but will do so when the occasion calls for it.

I have never found myself questioning my gender but have family and friends I adore that have/do.

I am a writer through and through. Been that way since I was 16 and will probably be that way until I die…. I’m okay with this.

I sometimes wonder if what I have done throughout my life makes me a good person or makes me someone pretending to be a good person. I can assume the answer to that will elude me for the entirety of my life.

I have children... but I don’t like children. What I mean is… I will spend countless hours spending time laughing, loving and playing with my kids… but if someone else’s…



Kayla Tackett

Blogging Wife and Mother with a passion for humor. Remember: Shine Bright 🧡https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mommomentsI