Gaining 10K Followers Fast

Kayla Tackett
3 min readJun 4, 2023
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Today I read a story by Kristina God about how to gain 10K followers fast.

I chuckled when I got midway through. Once I realized that technically she did not lie, she was showing her readers a way to gain 10K followers quickly.

That article got me thinking though. If there was such an easy way to obtain 10K followers, many of us daily writers would have hopped upon that bandwagon long ago and rode it until the wheels fell off.

Everyone is always looking for ways to earn more followers, more reads and more income earnings on this platform.

I am not immune to that. I would like more income. (Who wouldn’t?)

I would like it if my work was seen by more eyes and possibly the eyes of a location that would be interested enough in my work to have me write a piece for them regularly.

**It’s happened here and there but only for one piece at a time**

The keys to growth on Medium haven’t changed. The process of growth depends on how much you use those…



Kayla Tackett

Blogging Wife and Mother with a passion for humor. Remember: Shine Bright 🧡