Grandpa’s Stories

Kayla Tackett
2 min readMay 20, 2022

At dinner, when I was young, my grandfather used to say…

Put that on your head, your tongue will beat your brains out trying to get that food.

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I still don’t get it. Why would I ever, put my food on top of my head? It really made no sense. For those still scratching their heads [[ or any other body part]] The sentence means that the food is amazing.

My grandfather used to say all kinds of things like that. As a child, you laugh and go on coloring in your coloring book. As an adult, you’re googling the information. It’s just a thing. Like….

Kiss my Nash you son of a Buick I don’t give a Chevrolet.

I loved that one, because even as I kid… I knew what he meant.

Cuss words are funny when you’re little.

He used to call my brother a Pantywaist. Which apparently is a real word.

Pantywaist: a feeble or cowardly person.

Yup, it’s real. I googled it.

I wonder if, when I am older, I will tell my grandchildren odd things such as these. Will they google the terms I use like Yeet and MySpace? Probably.

🧡 Shine Bright, Kayla

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Kayla Tackett

Blogging Wife and Mother with a passion for humor. Remember: Shine Bright 🧡