Kayla’s Positive Affirmations: Talking About Our Depression, Chocolate, Leggings, and Weight

Kayla Tackett
4 min readOct 4, 2022

Each week, I brighten your feed with humorous and relatable positive affirmations. Reminding you that not everything you’re stressing about is singled out for you and you’re not alone.

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I have fallen in love with doing this piece each week. It seems to connect with many other individuals on this platform, which is kind of the idea here on Medium. Isn’t it?

Warning: Do not attempt to read this article while drinking any liquid — you could ruin your phone or computer.

  1. Oh, your child listens to his/her videos at a sound volume only dogs can hear too? Yeah, I’m with you there. My little one acts like he has no hearing and the only way he can get the full effect of his Blippi video is to have it blaring sound. I hate it too, you’re not alone.
  2. Just because you didn’t do a load of laundry today, doesn’t make you a failure as a wife and mother. Everyone has down days. Snuggle up on that couch in your PJs guys… the laundry will still be there tomorrow.
  3. You never fail, you just find another way that doesn’t work.
  4. Feeling old happens when you least expect it. It can happen on your birthday, your child’s birthday, your kids first day of school, the day that bending down to…



Kayla Tackett

Blogging Wife and Mother with a passion for humor. Remember: Shine Bright 🧡https://www.buymeacoffee.com/mommomentsI