Thoughts Of a Child with ADHD

Kayla Tackett
2 min readJul 29, 2022

My 11-year-old son Samuel has Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). Today I was sitting and watching him lay on the ground. So, I decided to ask what he was thinking.

Here’s what he said.

Sam: How I’m gonna do on the weekend.

Me: How you’re gonna do on the weekend?

Sam: Good.

Me: Okay, what else?

Sam: Nothing.

Me: Why nothing?

Sam: Because I don’t wanna fill up my brain or my thoughts.

Me: Why don’t you wanna do that.

Sam: Because every time I fill up my thoughts, I forget something.

Me: Why do you think that is?

Sam: I don’t know. I never thought of it.

Me: Okay, give it a try.

Sam: Is it because, too many thoughts can make one thought leave? Kind of like a party… when there are too many people…. some leave. Is it kind of like that?

Me: Ummm, I don’t know. Do you dislike when your thoughts leave?

Sam: I don’t like thinking hard.

Me: Why not?

Sam: It hurts. It hurts to think hard.



Kayla Tackett

Blogging Wife and Mother with a passion for humor. Remember: Shine Bright 🧡