Reverse hack squat: Benefits, How To Do It & Recommendations

Mohamed Thabet
13 min readMar 28, 2022


The reverse hack squat is one of the best quad-dominant squat variations out there. An exercise that is easy to learn and safe to perform. While this exercise may look intimidating, you’ll have it mastered in no time with detailed instruction tips. Yet few gym-goers know about it. This article will teach you how to perform it, and help you to discover the benefits of doing so.

Table of Contents

What is A Reverse Hack Squat?

Reverse hack squats can be performed with your body facing a hack machine, and are an effective lower body exercise that works all of the major leg muscles.

Machine hack squats are different from traditional hack squats. The traditional hack squat is a barbell exercise that is best described as a reverse deadlift.
Germany developed the Hacke exercise as a way of strengthening soldiers’ lower-body muscles. Hacke is the German term for (heel).

George Hackenschmidt, an Estonian bodybuilder and wrestler, popularized the movement. The exercise he performed is meant as a compound leg movement, which isolates the quads and reduces the engagement of the hamstrings, gluteus maximus, erector spinae muscles, trapezius, and posterior deltoids.

The traditional way to perform reverse hack squats is by using barbells placed at arm’s length behind the body and feet positioned at shoulder width.

Despite its popularity among wrestlers and bodybuilders, it is extremely difficult to perform. There is no way to reverse hack squat with a barbell; it will just end up being a traditional deadlift.

It is possible to perform hack squats with a Smith machine, but the dedicated hack squat machine is by far the best option.

The reverse hack squat exercise performed today is a modified version of that exercise in which the chest is placed against the pads instead of the back. Newer hack squat machines have been designed with the reverse hack squat in mind, making it much easier to perform.

About Exercise:

Alternative Names: Hack squat machine backwards, front hack squat
Type: Strength
Experience Level: Intermediate
Equipment: Hack squat machine
Mechanics: Compound
Average Number of Sets: 3–4 sets each of 10–12 reps

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Benefits of The Reverse Hack Squat

There are many benefits to learning how to perform a reverse hack squat. Here are some of them:

  • Will be “Less Stress On Your Back”

When compared with the barbell back squat, the reverse hack squat is an excellent choice for those with weaker lower backs or those returning from injury. Because the weight is placed on the shoulder and follows a fixed path, the movement is less stressful on the back.
As a result, there will be a larger load than with a hack squat as the back is supported. However, if you can brace properly and have the core strength to lift safely there shouldn’t be a problem. Sometimes, every one of us has certain conditions or circumstances where a little support can be helpful. If you find yourself in a position where you need back support while squatting, try the reverse hack squat.

  • That Can Be Used For Strength As Well As Hypertrophy

The reverse hack squat is extremely versatile as it can be used for just about any training variable. It is a big and compound movement which makes it great for handling heavy loads. The fact that it runs on a fixed path makes it easy for people to use a heavier load than usual since it is a machine.
As an alternative to dropping the weight, you could run some 20+ rep. You could also use EMOMs for some amazing anaerobic conditioning.

Whatever your goals may be, strength or hypertrophy, the reverse hack squat will help you to achieve them.

  • Allows More Volume

The reverse hack squat allows us to continue to place a large amount of weight on our legs while relieving the stress from the lower back. This is very important, as studies demonstrate that volume drives strength and hypertrophy.

  • Trains All Of Your Lower Body

Using the reverse hack squat, you will train your lower body in its entirety, including quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings. Due to the added hip flexion, the reverse hack squat will activate more muscles in the posterior area, making it an excellent exercise choice for training the entire lower body.

  • Work with a fixed path (Perfect for training with injuries)

The reverse hack squat uses a machine that runs on a fixed path. This eliminates any issues with stability. It is perfect for people recovering from an injury who may need some assistance with stability. There are many benefits to using the reverse hack squat besides treating lower back pain. For example, even those with knee issues could benefit from the added assistance.

1- Reduces lower back stress
2- It allows you to lift more weight because the movement plane is controlled
3- An excellent alternative to front squats, since it requires less coordination and is easier to learn
4- Compound Strength Movement - Builds Mass and Power

How To Do A Reverse Hack Squat

The reverse hack squat has multiple variations. Below is how to execute it on the hack squat machine.

  1. You should load the Hack Machine with a weight that you are comfortable with.
  2. As you stand on the footpads of the squat machine, ensure that your feet are shoulder-width apart, facing outwards.
  3. Place your shoulders under the pads, your chest flush against the front pads, and grasp the side handles.
  4. Push towards the top to detach weight off the rack.
  5. Sit down until your legs are parallel to the ground and hold that position for one count.
  6. Push back upwards to raise the weight and stop before your knees lock out.
  7. Go back to your squat position and repeat as many times has desired.
  • To finish the workout if your ankles are not flexible enough, you can elevate your heels throughout the workout. Doing this reduces the amount of time you spend bending your ankles during the squat.

You can reposition your feet to target multiple muscles of the legs.

With toes jutting outward, the outer side of the quads are engaged and required to do most of the work. If, on the other hand, the toes are pointed further out, more focus is on the inner thighs.

Recommendations when performing reverse hack squat

Don’t lock your knees

You need to keep your knees secure while performing this exercise movement. One way to keep your knees safe is to stop when they are almost locked.

You will put less pressure on your knees thus avoiding any knee problem.

Avoid rebounding weights
If you bounce the weights, , your knees will take more abuse than any other part of your body.

The whole idea of performing this exercise movement is to develop strong and large lower body muscles while maintaining their integrity.

Once you reach the lowest point in the squat position, pause for a second. Also pause for a second once you reach the top position.

This will ensure that you do not bounce the bar and weights if you are using a front squat. or weights on the machine.

Start lighting with low weights
The reverse hack squat machine allows you to train your lower body muscles with two or three times your body weight. Lifting such huge weights leads to impeccable results.

But when starting your lifts, you want to warm up your muscles first by lifting the lower weights. You will then work your way up until reach your weight limit.

Have Steady Toes And A Straight Head

The whole idea of keeping your head straight is to avoid rounding your back. This may cause back pain. As such, keep your head straight in a neutral position.

Don’t look down. Also, you want to keep your toes stable especially during the passive phase of the reverse hack squat.

Decide how you want to position your feet
The position of your foot defines the muscles of your thighs for exercise. As such, make your decision on the muscles you want to train before you step on the platform foot.

Once you’ve made the decision, you’ll be ready to start the reverse hack squat exercise.

Some foot positions involve placing the feet under your chin. You can also put it behind you or keep it facing outward. It all depends on the muscles you are trying to exercise.

Muscles Worked

In a reverse hack squat, you will be targeting all major leg muscles, although the primary focus will be quadriceps and glutes.

Reverse hack squats work every muscle in your lower body, including:

  • Quadriceps

There are hundreds of exercises you can do to target your quads specifically, but none of them can isolate them like the reverse hack squat. It engages the Vastus Lateralis with the efficiency of a lunge and traditional squat.

  • Glutes

The first exercise that comes to mind when you think glutes is hip thrusters. However, the reverse hack squat is an equally efficient workout for your glutes and for gaining that much desired bulge.

As long as you place your legs slightly behind what is normal, the weight will shift to your hamstrings and glutes rather than your quads. Your lower back will also be safe since you will be moving in a controlled, fixed plane.


The hamstrings work additionally through the powerful leg extension motion that these muscles must perform in order to get you into position for each rep of the exercise.


The calves are among the muscles that you exercise with the reverse hack squat. As a result, you will have not only huge calves, but also calves full of tremendous energy.

Reverse Hack Squat Alternatives

Having more tools makes a better mechanic. In this case, you are a mechanic and the tools are exercises. Here are the best reverse squat alternatives to include in your training. Reverse hack squat variants will have similar training principles and movement patterns to the original movement.

1.barbell hack squat

barbell hack squat

The barbell hack squat is a close variation to the machine-based hack squat workout, which makes it a great alternative.

With this movement, you will apply the load by holding a rod behind your legs. Having a barbell requires your knees to bend more to stay balanced, while still allowing you to stay more straight. In turn, your quads do more work.

The barbell hack squat has the same benefits as the hack squat. However, it will be more difficult to perform because it is a free weight exercise. With this in mind, you will likely have to lighten weight on the barbell, and spend a few extra workouts to simply get used to the range of motion.

How to do it:

  1. Load the barbell as you would a deadlift.
  2. Step in front of the bar.
  3. Bend over and hold the penis.
  4. Push the floor away to stand.
  5. As you stand, the bar slides along the back of your legs.
  6. Get down by bending at the knees and hips simultaneously.

2.Leg Press

The leg press is an excellent alternative to the hack squat as there is no pressure in the spine, and the quadriceps and glutes are the main muscle groups targeted.

Like the hack squat, the leg press is a machine-based exercise. Not only does it work the same muscle groups as the squat, but the leg press also doesn’t put any axial load on the spine.

How to do it:

  1. Lie on the machine and put your feet on the platform.
  2. Your posture is more likely to mirror your back squat.
  3. When you’re ready, fully extend your legs and separate the safety latch.
  4. Begin bending at your knees until your thighs are at or below parallel.
  5. Push the platform away from you to return to the starting position.

3.Landmine Squat

Landmine squats are a great alternative to the hack squat, as they allow you to stay fairly straight and load your quads effectively.

Landmine squats are often used when lifters find the dumbbells they use for squatting have become too cumbersome to hold. in position the landmine squat, the bar itself carries a portion of the weight on the barbell, making loading it a more manageable exercise.

How to do it:

  1. Put a barbell in the landmine attachment (or put a tip in the corner).
  2. Add weight to the other end of the iron.
  3. In general, it’s best to use planks of no more than 25 pounds because anything larger than that will limit your range of motion.
  4. In one smooth motion, raise the bar from the floor to a position in front of your chest.
  5. Bend your feet at a slightly back angle so that your torso is slightly bent forward, then begin to go down.
  6. Once you reach the correct depth, stand back up.

4.Front Squat

The front squat is a variation of the free weight squat that places a greater emphasis on the quads, making it a powerful alternative to the hach squat.

In the front of the squat, a barbell is placed on the front of the shoulders. Having the bar in this position requires the lifter to push his knees forward more in order to stay upright, causing the hack squat to be repeated.

While the front squat places a lot of demand on the quads and glutes, it will definitely work more on the abdominals and back than the hack squat.

How to do it:

  1. Position the safety stops on the rack at waist height.
  2. Place the barbell below your shoulder height on the rack.
  3. Position your hands so they are slightly apart from shoulder width.
  4. Step forward under the tape and pat it over your shoulders.
  5. Hold the bar with your elbows raised in front of your body.
  6. Take a deep breath and open the bar. You can push your hips forward and extend your knees during this move.
  7. Take 3 steps back and keep your feet shoulder width apart.
  8. Bend your knees at the same time and push your hips back. Do this step until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  9. Reverse the movement with your abs straightening and your feet on the ground. You should exhale as soon as your hips and knees are fully extended.
  10. Repeat these movements as often as you can.


If you are looking forward to working out your lower body and letting your upper body rest while doing a reverse hack squat, then this is the right choice. Mastering the exercise early on can be a little tricky, but you’ll master it quickly. You will be able to perform the exercise easily within minutes.

Be sure to perfect your form before deciding to lift more weights. Many lifters make the mistake of ruining their shape when lifting heavy weights. A good posture that uses less weight is more efficient and safe than using a heavy weight, but it is a bad posture. Learn this leg exercise, then enjoy your beautiful leg gains.

The squat with the reverse hack can be a great and effective exercise as well as an effective cardiovascular exercise.It is also a machine-based exercise that requires minimals or any skill to perform.

You position yourself at the top of the exercise machine and then pull yourself back using the lever arm, then squeeze your muscles at the end of each rep to bring yourself back.

keep a good form throughout each session to help avoid injuries and help you focus on your goal.

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Reverse hack squat Vs Hack Squat

Reverse hack squat Vs Hack Squat

Whereas a hack squat depends on flexing the knee until the weight comes down, a reverse hack squat depends relies on hip flexion. Because of this hip flexion, the reverse hack squat will rely on hip extension to drive the weight up meaning your hip extensors will be getting hammered.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are reverse hack squats good?

Reduces pressure on the lower back. Movement level is controlled allowing you to lift more weight. An excellent alternative to the front squat because it is easy to learn and requires less coordination. Compound force movement. Build mass and strength.

Are reverse hack squats easier?

The reverse hack squat is a good option for those who may have lower back weakness or are coming back from an injury. Since the load is placed on the shoulder and follows a steady path, the movement is easier on the back muscles than on the back of a squat.

Is the hack squat better than squat?

While the hack squat removes some stabilization aspects of regular squats, it still asks for near-full-body involvement. Putting someone under a load through a constant range of motion with knee problems or lower spine problems can be a recipe for chronic pain. If you have lower back or knee problems, go ahead.

Is hack squat same as V squat?

The V Squat, or as it’s more commonly called, Hack Squat, is a great way to mix up your legs training day. This movement is also good for those wanting to practice getting into a good squat position before transitioning to an unassisted back squat.

Originally published at on 28 March 2022

