The Ottermode Body: Things You Should Know

Mohamed Thabet
8 min readMay 18, 2022


If you asked a group of men what type of body they would most like to have, it is likely they would say an ottermode physique, or an athlete’s physique, or bodybuilding.

Body types with low body fat, toned muscles, and six-pack abs are aesthetically pleasing and highly functional. Almost all male Olympic swimmers have a v-shape form with broad shoulders and a lot of muscle definition.

We are going to explore what constitutes an ottermode body and how you can achieve it yourself (excuse the pun).

Table of Contents

What is Ottermode?

Low body fat is one of the main characteristics of the ottermode body type. Not only does this result in a more muscular body, but it also helps give the muscles a more defined appearance. A V-shaped figure also has broad shoulders, well-defined abdominal muscles, and a relatively thin waist, which is what gives Ottermode its shape.

Although there is significant muscle tone in the ottermode body, it is not packed with massive amounts of muscle. Despite this, there are still prominent levels of muscle throughout the entire body, especially around the shoulders.

Generally speaking, it is a very athletic type of body that can help carry out a variety of exercises, sports, and tasks. In addition to promoting overall health, ottermode reduces the risk of certain health issues such as heart disease and osteoporosis.

Imagining a competitive swimmer would be the easiest way to get an idea of what ottermode looks like, or take a look at some of the examples below.

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Examples Of Ottermode


There is no doubt that Michael Phelps is one of the most famous Olympic athletes with the ottermode body type. You will notice that Phelps’ body has very little fat and increased muscle tone when you look at photos of him.

Underwear Models

In the male underwear world, it is quite common for male underwear models to have low body fat and muscular appearance. In the industry, the ottermode body type is very desirable because it is considered an ideal male body type.

Aesthetic Bodybuilders

Many bodybuilders have very bulky muscles. Many aesthetic bodybuilders have the ottermode physique, which is very common in the industry. In the bodybuilding community, Aziz Shavershian (Zyzz) is well known for having no unnecessary fat on his body and for having a defined, but not bulky physique.

Composition Of Ottermode Body

A BMI (body mass index) is a measurement that is calculated by comparing the height of the individual with the weight. You can probably expect your BMI to fall into what is termed a normal range if you use Ottermode. For example, Michael Phelps has a BMI of roughly 24.1.

It’s important to note, however, that the BMI index is extremely rudimentary, and it doesn’t take into consideration factors like body fat or muscle mass; anything above 24.9 on the BMI index is considered overweight.

So, when defining ottermode it is best to look beyond this limitation. Body fat percentage is a useful metric to measure a person’s fitness level, and individuals with an ottermode physique will typically have between 5 and 11 percent fat on their bodies.

In addition to this, there will be some muscle mass, particularly in the upper body area. While this body type is more difficult to measure scientifically, it will have well-toned muscles, particularly around the arms, shoulders, and abs.

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How Can I Achieve Ottermode?

A resistance training program

To develop the strong muscles that you see in those with an ottermode physique, you will need to lift weights regularly to create the same physique. This doesn’t mean you should start lifting heavy weights and get into bodybuilding, but instead, you should focus on high repetition counts with slightly lighter weights.

As a general rule, weight training should become a weekly event for you, and each muscle group should be worked at least twice a week to see more definition and growth.

You can achieve the ottermode physique by performing exercises such as bench press, pull-ups, curls, and rows that define the muscles in your upper body.

Include cardio training

Additionally, you should also include plenty of cardiovascular exercises in your exercise program, as this will help you burn more calories and keep your body fat levels low. It is ideal to perform interval training, such as HIIT (high-intensity interval training), where you are exercising intensely for a short time, then tapering off for a rest period, and repeating this cycle continuously.

You can do these intervals using any type of cardio training, such as sprints, bodyweight exercises, or swimming. As long as your heart rate is elevated and you work as hard as you can during those short periods, you’ll be able to burn calories quickly.


To achieve an Ottermode body, this is the most important factor. You must eat a balanced diet consisting almost exclusively of clean, muscle-building food such as lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and fruits and vegetables.

Depending on your current body type, you should consume calories in a calorie deficit if you want to lose body fat, which means you consume fewer calories per day than you burn.

Ottermode Workout

There are plenty of exercises that you can do to achieve the ottermode body type. We have included some of the most common exercises you’ll see in ottermode programs such as Push-ups, Incline press, Lat pull-downs, T-bar rows, Laterals, Front raises, EZ curls cable, Hammer curls, and many others.





Biceps & TricepsFriday & Saturday


3 sets of 25 reps


3 sets to fatigue

Arnold press

3 sets at 55
Preacher curls

3 sets at 60, 80, and 95 lbsTreadmill

1 hour at 80–90% of maximum heart rateBench press

25, 15, and 8 reps at 165, 195, 225 lbsSeated rows

3 sets at 50, 65, and 80 lbsLaterals

3 sets at 30 lbsEZ curls cable

3 sets at 50, 65, and 80 lbs
Nautilus press

15 reps at 80, 100, and 130 lbsLat pull-downs

3 sets at 135, 150, and 165 lbsFront raises

3 sets at 25 lbsHammer curls

3 sets at 30, 45, and 55 lbs
Incline press

15 reps at 80, 100, and 130 lbsT-bar rows

3 sets at 80, 95, and 100 lbs

3 sets at 70, 85, and 100 lbs
Pec deck

15 reps at 60, 70, and 80 lbs

This is a very low set range with typically 15 reps per set. There is nothing better than doing low sets and high reps, those high reps can help you build real definition and give you that well-developed ottermode look.


Although the term Ottermode might still be new to you, you’re likely familiar with the type of body the term describes; broad shoulders, toned muscles, and six-pack abs. There are a variety of reasons why people strive to achieve such a physique, whether it be for aesthetic or performance reasons.

A great deal of training and diet can lead to an ottermode body, but it will take a lot of time, dedication, and patience to get there.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an athletic physique?

Ottermode and the term ‘athletic physique’ are often used interchangeably as they are very similar. The muscles of an athletic body type have a high degree of definition and low levels of body fat. There is not much bulk in this physique, so there are no huge muscles, but they are toned and functional.

What is a swimmer’s body?

Is a swimmer’s body toned, but without too much bulky muscle?” Swimmers usually have toned bodies without too many bulky muscles. Swimmers’ frequent time in the pool has earned them broad shoulders, defined abs, lats, and triceps which are the physical features they display.

Do you look bigger when you’re lean?

90% of an aesthetic physique is an illusion. As the fat melts away, the hard-earned muscles are exposed, as well as an increase in vascularity. There is no wonder you look bigger at a lean 180 than you did at a sloppy 215.

Is it better to be big or lean?

For the following reasons, a lean body is better than a bulky body: Is more flexible, and gives you a natural-looking toned figure. In this procedure, the externally fat layer is removed to reveal the underlying muscle layer.

Originally published at on 18 Mayo 2022

