What do 20 lbs of fat look like?

Mohamed Thabet
11 min readDec 27, 2021


What does losing 20 pounds do for your body?

Weight loss goals are difficult because they set up the possibility of disappointment more often than not. You work and work and work to reduce the weight, but the goal seems so far away that you eventually give up, and the weight you lost will come right back on.

However, a 20-pound goal sounds doable. You begin with more confidence that you can do it. You see progress and make progress faster, and that is highly motivating. It’s easier to stick with the healthy habits that got you to where you are when you’re feeling positive and motivated.

Moreover, losing 20 pounds has some serious health benefits. Research consistently shows that losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight can significantly improve your blood pressure, blood sugar, or cholesterol numbers if you have high blood pressure, high blood sugar, or high cholesterol.

It is important not to fall for the latest diet, no matter how tempting it may seem to promise you quick results if you want to shed 20 pounds and keep them off. Most diets are so ruthless and depriving that they only result in regaining the weight once you can no longer tolerate them.

Weight loss that lasts comes from making changes in your life you can live with. Here are some ways to make sure you succeed:

Plan ahead for food decisions:

More than 200 food decisions need to be made every day. With that kind of number, you cannot rely on willpower to make healthy choices every time. So it’s wise to make as many choices in advance as possible.

At every meal and snack, eat fruit or vegetables:

The more fruits and vegetables a person consumes, the more successful they are at losing and maintaining their weight. At a minimum, five a day, but more is better.

The good in diets outweighs the bad:

Even though I strongly discourage dieting, most of them have at least one positive aspect. So ditch the diet and focus on the positive aspect instead. Try eating lean protein in your meals and snacks if your diet promotes protein to feel full and satisfied. Just don’t go overboard.

Limit eating out to twice a week:

In addition to restaurants, takeout, pizza, drive-thrus, and “breakfasts” at coffee shops, grocery stores sell many premade foods that can sneak in more calories than you realize. It’s better to choose meals that feature mostly vegetables with a little lean protein, such as chicken or tofu, or entrées that are mostly fish (not fried) with vegetables if that’s too limiting. Be aware that eating half a cup of rice or noodles can help keep calories down. However, these options are still likely to have higher sodium levels than home cooking.

Be aware of what you drink:

Because our bodies are made up mostly of water, they are happiest when we drink mostly water. Calories from alcohol, soda, coffee, and sports drinks are high in calories.

Decide what rules you want to follow:

While everyone wants to provide weight-loss advice, what works for us is better. Some of the suggestions above may resonate with you; others might not. Consider a few things and adopt your own rules based on your lifestyle, exercise routine, health, and energy needs. If it feels right, looks good, and fits into your life — that’s a good rule.

It is a big deal to congratulate yourself after you lose the first 20 pounds. You have not only become healthier but also stopped adding a few pounds every year — an amazing feat in itself. It isn’t that you have completed a long-term diet now; it is that you have formed new habits that you can keep up with as long as possible. If you stumble, you know how to correct it. In addition to this, if you decide to set another goal down the line, you’ll have already proven that a foundation for success works for you.

Can you see a 20-pound weight loss?

In reality, it depends on your BMI and body type. Your height and weight are important here. However, on average, you would need to lose between 14 and 19 pounds to see a difference in your weight.
Consider it as a percentage. You will begin to see a difference as soon as you’ve lost 2% to 5% of your body weight. Choose a weight loss regime that works slowly but steadily rather than those that are flashier but not sustainably effective.

How long does it take to lose 20 pounds of fat?

Even losing 20 pounds can have a dramatic effect on your health. If you’re overweight, you may lower your risk of chronic diseases that are related to weight, such as heart disease. It will also affect how you look. While you might want rapid results, don’t expect to lose 20 pounds in a couple of weeks. It could take between 10 and 20 weeks to lose 20 pounds, depending on your weight, gender, and activity level.

Laying Out Your Timeline:

The safe rate of weight loss is up to 1 to 2 pounds per week. This is achieved by reducing your calorie intake by 500 to 1,000 calories per day and burning an additional 3,500 to 7,000 calories per week, equal to one to two pounds of fat per week.

It depends, however, on how much time you can devote to exercise, how well you control your diet, and how many calories you burn.

The more active you are, the more calories you naturally burn throughout the day. Therefore, you can lose 2 pounds per week and achieve your 20-pound loss in about 10 weeks by cutting 1,000 calories each week.

In general, if you’re older, female, and live a sedentary lifestyle, your daily calorie needs are lower. If so, you’ll want to lose 0.5 to 1 pound per week by cutting 250 to 500 calories each day. Using that rate, you’d reach your goal within 20 to 40 weeks.

Weight Loss Too Quickly Risks:

Taking it slow, even if you don’t want to wait a few months to lose 20 pounds, will help you remain slim in the long run. Meeting your minimum calorie needs and sticking to a slow-but-steady weight-loss plan enable you to lose fat as much as possible. By cutting calories to lose weight too quickly, or starving yourself, you will lose muscle and fat. You will see a difference on the scale, but your metabolism will be slowed.

Because your body burns fewer calories while you’re losing weight, you’ll have to diet more often to maintain that weight loss. You will also look “flabby” instead of fit when you reach your goal, healthy and toned.

Losing weight involves peaks and valleys:

It’s normal to experience some highs and lows as you lose weight after you lose 20 pounds. Your body doesn’t always lose one pound or two a week like clockwork. Weight loss might be faster than you expect as your body adjusts to your new diet, but you may lose more weight one week and no weight the next. Take an average of your weight a few times a week, and compare it to your weight over the past several weeks to assess your weight loss.

If you reach a “plateau” and don’t lose weight for a few weeks, recalculate your calorie needs, taking into account your new, lighter, weight. By trying new exercise classes, cardio machines, or healthy recipes, you might “shock” your body back into losing weight.

Maintaining your weight loss:

Ideally, it will take 10 to 40 weeks to lose 20 pounds, but once you’ve accomplished your goal weight, you’ll have to keep it off by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For maintaining your new trimmer figure, you require fewer calories than you did before you lost weight, so calculate how much food you require each day using the adult energy calculator.

Maintaining an active lifestyle not only keeps you slim but also promotes good cardiovascular health and reduces your risk of osteoporosis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, to maintain a healthy weight, experts recommend engaging in vigorous-intensity cardiovascular exercise or moderate-intensity exercise for at least 150 minutes a week.

Is losing 20 pounds in 2 months realistic?

To lose weight, people often have a specific goal within a particular period. If you want to lose 20 pounds in two months, you will need a combination of a strict diet and exercise program.

What Weight Loss Is?

Losing weight is primarily a mathematical equation: You lose weight when your total energy intake (calories consumed) is less than your total energy expenditure (calories burned).

The total energy expenditure (TEE) includes resting energy expenditure (REE, what your body needs to function), energy used for physical activity, and energy used for digestion. Diet and exercise can be adjusted to affect the number of calories consumed and/or expended to help maintain a calorie deficit that results in weight loss.

Lose 20 Pounds:

The CDC recommends that healthy weight loss is between 1–2 pounds per week since you are more likely to keep the weight off if you lose it gradually. If you lose 20 pounds in two months, you will have lost approximately 2.5 pounds per week.

It is possible to lose 2.5 pounds per week by eating smart and increasing physical activity. Talk to your doctor if you have questions about what is a healthy amount of weight loss for you.

There is a widely held belief that 3,500 calories equal 1 pound of weight. However, an article in the International Journal of Obesity found that the 3,500 calorie rule overestimates weight loss. Weight loss is not linear because variables such as body composition, gender, age, height, and amount of calorie restriction vary.

Rather than relying on a simple weight loss calculator, researchers recommend using a weight loss calculator that takes numerous factors into account. In the course of a two-month weight loss challenge, dynamic weight loss calculators can assist you in estimating how many calories you’ll need to reach your goal.

Does losing 20 pounds change your face?

Genetics and particular physiology contribute to where on your body you gain weight the most, whether it is around your middle or more on your hips and thighs. Regardless of whether the rest of you is an apple or pear shape, the more weight you gain will show on your face.

Weight loss may not show up in your face immediately after losing weight, but over time, you will appear less full, and you will also look more familiar to yourself and to others around you.

In research, researchers report that losing or gaining 8 or 9 pounds is necessary for people to see a difference in their faces.

Weight-Loss Face Change:

The face is a robust indicator of a person’s health. Adiposity increases the risk of respiratory infections, high blood pressure, and mortality as well as compromising their immune system and cardiovascular function. Consequently, losing a few pounds from a person’s face can have a positive effect on their health.

Normally, the human face resembles a heart when we’re young, but as we gain weight and age, the shape can invert as the skin sags and you gain weight around the jowls. Although losing weight can reduce some of the roundness of the cheeks and jawline, aging is still likely to change the face’s shape unless plastic surgeons intervene.

Will I have saggy skin after losing 20 pounds?

Often, weight loss results in improved energy levels, smaller pants, and a more defined body. But tightening your skin after losing a lot of weight is an unexpected challenge. It can be challenging, frustrating, and confusing to deal with this unwanted change.

Loose skin is usually caused by rapid weight loss.
Most often seen in people who undergo bariatric surgery for massive weight loss (more than 100 pounds), some studies find that approximately 70 percent of people who undergo the procedure are left with excess skin. Losing weight rapidly does not give our skin enough time to contract gradually, resulting in loose, hanging skin.

Generally speaking, mild weight loss (think: 20 pounds or less) does not result in excess skin. As massive as a weight loss of 100 pounds or more can seem, a loss of 40 to 50 pounds can also seem as massive. Having loose skin afterward can be a consequence of weight gain.

How much do I have to walk to lose 20 pounds?

The best way to lose weight is to walk, and knowing how to do it effectively will help you reach your target weight. Walking is enjoyable for most people, easy on the joints, and one of the safest forms of exercise. Most people find that sticking to a walking program is essential for weight maintenance. Setting appropriate goals and understanding the basics of weight loss are important to losing 20 pounds by walking.

What Are Some Ways to Stay Toned and Lose Weight?

Even when you lose weight through walking alone, you can keep your muscles toned and tight during your weight loss with resistance exercise.

For losing 20 pounds while staying toned, walk some days with arm or ankle weights or add some intervals to your week (alternate power walks and moderately paced walks). On the days you don’t walk, lift weights, do Pilates, or use strength bands to keep your body toned.

How often do I have to walk?

To begin, walk at least three days per week for 15–20 minutes. Increase your walking frequency and duration by gradually increasing your time spent walking until you walk for 30–60 minutes most days of the week. To make your walks more enjoyable, you can alternate walking inside and outside, watch television while walking (on a treadmill), or listen to music or a book on tape.

In most cases, it’s not walking itself that people dislike, but becoming bored during it. Make walking part of your routine and before long, it will become second nature to you.

What is the calorie burn rate for walking?

As a result of your body weight, walking pace, and walking rate you burn calories per minute. If you walk at 4 miles per hour (a normal pace) you burn the following number of calories per minute:

  • 120 lb. Person = 4.7 calories.
  • 140 lb. Person = 5.5 calories.
  • 160 lb. Person = 6.3 calories.
  • 180 lb. Person = 7.1 calories.
  • 200 lb. Person = 7.8 calories.
  • 220 lb. Person = 8.6 calories.

To lose 20 pounds by walking alone, you should strive to burn at least 250 extra calories every day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you would need to walk at least 40 minutes a day for four miles an hour to lose 12 pounds a week. Walk on a treadmill to get a better idea of your pace if you are unsure.

Originally published at https://stepbyfitness.com on December 27, 2021.

