Understanding Ethereum’s Layered Architecture: Layer 1 vs. Layer 2

3 min readNov 25, 2023


Exploring the Two Key Layers of Ethereum’s Blockchain Technology

Ethereum, the leading smart contract platform, is often discussed in terms of its layered architecture. This structure is crucial for understanding Ethereum’s functionality and potential. In this article, we’ll delve into the differences between Layer 1 and Layer 2 in the Ethereum network, providing clarity on these essential components.

Layer 1: The Foundation of Ethereum

Layer 1 refers to the Ethereum blockchain itself. This is the core layer where all transactions are permanently recorded. It’s decentralized, immutable, and secure, serving as the bedrock for all Ethereum-based activities. However, it faces challenges in scalability and transaction speed.

The Ethereum blockchain originally used a Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, but with the advent of Ethereum 2.0, it’s transitioning to Proof of Stake (PoS). This change aims to enhance energy efficiency and scalability.

Layer 2: Enhancing Ethereum

Layer 2 is built atop Layer 1, designed to improve Ethereum’s scalability and efficiency. These solutions, including rollups and state channels, process transactions off the main chain and then record their final state back on Layer 1.

This layer significantly increases transaction speeds and reduces costs. By offloading most of the computational work from the main chain, Layer 2 solutions ensure Ethereum can handle a higher volume of transactions without compromising on security and decentralization.

Let’s use an Ethereum Layer 2 solution, like a zk-Rollup.

  1. Initiating Transactions on Layer 2: Imagine Alice wants to send 1 ETH to Bob. Instead of doing this directly on the Ethereum blockchain (Layer 1), she does it via a zk-Rollup-based Layer 2 platform. She initiates the transaction on this Layer 2, where it is recorded and confirmed almost instantly, thanks to the efficiency of the zk-Rollup technology.
  2. Batching Transactions: The Layer 2 platform doesn’t immediately post this transaction to the Ethereum blockchain. Instead, it aggregates Alice’s transaction with hundreds of others into a single batch. This process happens off-chain, meaning it’s not recorded on the Ethereum mainnet yet.
  3. Generating a Proof: Once enough transactions are batched together, the Layer 2 protocol generates a cryptographic proof, known as a zero-knowledge proof in the case of zk-Rollups. This proof essentially validates all the batched transactions collectively without revealing their individual details.
  4. Submitting the Proof to Layer 1: The Layer 2 protocol then submits this proof to the Ethereum mainnet. This is the only part of the process that actually gets recorded on the blockchain. It’s a single transaction, regardless of how many individual transactions are in the batch.
  5. Finalization on Ethereum: The Ethereum network, upon receiving the proof, verifies it. Once verified, it considers all the batched transactions as finalized and valid. This process significantly reduces the burden on the Ethereum mainnet, as it only needs to handle and store one proof instead of potentially hundreds of individual transactions.

In this example, Alice’s transaction to Bob is executed quickly and cheaply on Layer 2, and later, the final state of this transaction is securely and efficiently anchored onto Ethereum’s main blockchain (Layer 1) in a single batch.


In summary, Layer 1 and Layer 2 are integral parts of Ethereum’s architecture. Layer 1 is the fundamental blockchain, ensuring security and decentralization, while Layer 2 consists of various solutions built on top of Layer 1 to improve scalability and efficiency. Understanding these layers is key to grasping the full potential and operation of the Ethereum network.

