Avoid these 6 things so that writing doesn’t bother you

Sometimes I wander for hours until an idea comes to my mind and then I start writing.I think if we pay attention to these 6 points that I have listed below, there is a strong possibility that writing and not writing will bother us less.

Mona Alba🌷
4 min readAug 6, 2023

1.Don’t wait for ideas and start

Build the idea as you write. If you want to become a professional and prolific writer, you can’t wait.Waiting for an idea poisons your life. You can’t focus properly on anything else.

Trust the writing. Explore the topic as you write.Start with some freewriting and ask the writing itself to give you the right idea.Do not fantasize about the outcome

2.Do not fantasize about the outcome

When you write, think only about the text. Many of us constantly think about the results of work before, during and after writing:

“How many likes does this post get?”

“If I post it on the Internet, won’t someone steal my idea?”

“How do I print this book?”

“If my book is published, I will launch it in a certain hall”

“What if I publish my book and no one reads it?”

“What if I later regret publishing this article?”

And a thousand other positive and negative ruminations.

Do not fantasize about failure and success. You are a writer. So it’s better to just think about your writing and spend time improving it.

Thinking about the result will distract you from the work itself.

Use your imagination to write, not the results of writing.

3.Do not overdo research and preparation

Writing any good text requires research and study and preparation. But don’t kill yourself at this stage. No matter how hard you try, you cannot read all sources and research everything. So you have to consider a certain limit and pull the brakes from somewhere and get down to business. Steven Pressfield has an interesting rule that I really like:

Only 3 books. You are allowed to read only 3 sources about your topic, after that you have to start your work.

Of course, depending on your work, the amount of resources will vary. But in any case, don’t let the source become your obstacle.

4.Ignore the speed of typing and the beauty of the line!

We have thousands of professional typewriters and first-class calligraphers who can write quickly and beautifully. But did this skill make them professional and prolific writers?

So don’t hinder yourself because of marginal issues.

It doesn’t matter if you type with one finger or a hundred fingers, it doesn’t matter if you write crab frog or not, the important thing is to write and turn your ideas into tangible and visible words.

Whenever you feel that something worries you about the writing process, quickly cross it and keep writing.

Writing is more valuable than avoiding it with fake excuses.

5.Do not look for favorable conditions

Headache, heartache, backache and other disasters are always there.

The juniper from the neighbor, the buzz of the TV and the clatter of the washing machine are always there.

Add to this: hunger, lack of sleep, heat, cold, the smell of hot onions and the sound of a grinding stone and a thousand other things.

If you wait until these distractions are over and then start writing. You will probably only have time to write once or twice a month.

So let’s not look at the issue idealistically and romantically. It is not always possible to write in silence and without interruption.

Embrace being messy, both in writing and in the writing environment.

Commit to writing. Work hard and constantly. Maybe the time came when you were able to create your own ideal environment with the money from your work.

6.The guilt of falling away from training and the shame of starting again

You get stuck, you decide to write a thousand words a day starting tomorrow, you write for two or three days, or even two or three months. It happens, you get away from writing for two or three days, or even two or three months. And then the punishment begins.

Do you remember when we were kids and we used to do vandalism, we were embarrassed to be in public and we would hide in our room.

The same thing happens here. We are ashamed to go back to writing again. We feel that we have broken the heart of writing and we have violated our promise.

Many writing enthusiasts have given up writing forever because of this shame. But you are not one of them

Of course, writing is kind. Even if you are unkind to him a thousand times, he will open his warm arms to you again!

